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Good-News and Neutral

> Organizational Plans for Good News
and Neutral messages
> Explanation with e.g. Favorable Replies
& Request under Good-News & Neutral
> How do we answers Inquiries,
Acknowledge Orders & make
Good-News and Neutral Messages

Good News Message: A message that

will receive favorable response or neutral
reaction from your reader. This is
usually easy to write because such
messages tell your reader something
pleasant or offer usual information.
When you think that your audience will
be interested in what you have to say or
willing to cooperate with you
Good-News and Neutral Messages
Neutral Message: The neutral messages
are unsolicited messages. They are either
announcements or transmittals
1. Announcing Sales and Events: , conference,
celebration, meeting about which you need merely to
inform you reader

2. Announcing Procedure, Policies, and

Responsibilities: Businesses use “directives” to
announce to employees official statements of company
policies, procedures and employees responsibilities
ranging from office hours to policies about salary
increases, retirement benefits, overtime and treatment of
Good-News and Neutral Messages

3. Announcing Honors and

Activities of People: To inform
employees and customers about
promotions, awards, honors, new
appointments, retirements, and other
recognition-deserving activities of
various persons, it is recommended
to send announcements .
Good-News and Neutral Messages

Transmittal: A transmittal is a letter or

a memo that simply sends a document to
the reader.
Transmittals are also called “covering
letters” have many uses.
They range from 5- to 10-line notes to
lengthy official letters that accompany,
explain, or justify documents
Organizational Plan for Good-News
and Neutral Message
General Plan
1. Best news or main idea
2. Explanation
All necessary details
Resale material
> Educational material
> Sales promotion
3. Positive, friendly ending
> Appreciation
 Clear statement of action desired
 Easy action and motivation to action
> Willingness to help further
> Dated action if desirables
Organizational Plan for Good-News
and Neutral Message
Direct-Request Plan Good-News Plan
1. State the request or 1. Best news or main idea.
main idea.
2. Give necessary 2. Explain necessary and
desirable details for easy desirable details with any
reading. helpful material.
3. Close with a cordial 3. End positively and
request for specific friendly stating clearly the
action. desired action and offering
any further help. Give date
of action if necessary.
Explanation with Favorable Replies
& Request! Under Good News and
Neutral Message:

Favorable Replies :

To help build goodwill, a progressive

organization replies to all reasonable
requests courteously, hopefully, and
promptly. The different type of favorable
replies are as follows:

Continued on next pg.

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