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English 5

Quarter 1
Week 3
Janet S. Cotillas
Macagoco Elementary School
Inopacan , Leyte
Quarter 1, Week 3

Day 1 Identify the elements of the short story listened to

Retell the selection listened to in their own words
Use formal and informal English when appropriate to
task and situation (OL)
Realize the value of one’s family (A)
Show willingness and positive attitude in listening (A)
Oral Language
My favorite Filipino painter is
He has _________________.
He can _____________.
To me, the most beautiful thing
on Earth is ___________________.
It is the most beautiful thing for
me because ________________.
Unlocking of Difficulties
a. Famous Have you been to the most
famous volcano in the
Mayon volcano is well-known for
having its perfect cone shape.

b. appreciate

We should learn to appreciate the wonderful

things God has created for all of us. Thus, we have
to be thankful to Him at all times..
Unlocking of Difficulties
Cooperatio Cooperation has something to
n do with helping one another
to come up with the best

b. confused

The lady was so confused of what to do first since

the directions given were not clear to her.
Unlocking of Difficulties

One should not feel discouraged
every time he fails because it is
only through dismay that we
learn the essence of success.
Standards for Listening
•Listen attentively.
•Pay attention to every detail of
the story listened to. Pick up and
note down the most important
details in the story.
•Avoid chit-chatting with a
•Answer the questions that the
teacher asks once listening activity
is over.
The Most Beautiful Picture
By: Sonia Noquera- Cabalona
(Adapted from a Chinese Legend)

Once upon a time in the Philippines particularly in

Tacloban City, there was a famous painter who wanted to
paint the most beautiful picture on earth however, he
could hardly decide of which among the beautiful things
he could paint since there were a lot of them to choose

*Why could the painter hardly decide what most beautiful thing in the world
to paint?
One day, he saw the sunrise. He indeed
thought it was a wonderful sight to behold so
he decided to start painting it. Sundown came;
he found out that the sunset was deemed to
be more beautiful than the sunrise and he also
realized that every day people saw the sun rise
and set. He told himself that how in the world
would people appreciate his painting when
they saw the actual thing every day.

*What did he decide to paint on and how come he did not continue painting it?
The next day, the painter set
out in search for the most
beautiful thing on earth by
asking the people he met what
to them is the most beautiful
thing in the world.

*Why did the painter set out the next day?

First, the painter met the
newlyweds and asked them.
The newlyweds answered that
love was the most beautiful
thing to them. Then a soldier
who just came from a battle
told him it was peace; the
winning athletes said it was
cooperation; and then a priest
told him it was faith.

*Tell what the most beautiful things are according to the newlyweds, soldier, athletes and priest.
The painter got so tired, confused
and discouraged since the most
beautiful things the people told
him were too many different
things and he could not even
imagine painting them all on a
canvass. He realized that perhaps
the most beautiful thing on earth
cannot be possibly painted on.
With his confusion, devastation
and discouragement, he slowly
went back home.

*What did the painter realize about the most beautiful thing
on earth?
As he approached his house, he
saw the faith which the priest
mentioned, in his children who
ran to meet him.

Then, his wife came to embrace

him warmly. There, he saw and
felt the love that the newlyweds
praised so much. Night time came;
he then observed how each
member of the family worked as a
They had set the table for supper
and washed the dishes when the
meal was over. With the
cooperation he saw in his family,
he became reminded of what the
athletes had said to him.

When everyone was asleep,

the painter felt the deep
peace that the soldier
claimed to be the most
beautiful thing on earth.
It was then that he finally
realized that the most beautiful
things are found in his family so
he decided to paint his very own
family as the most beautiful thing
on Earth.

*What did the painter decide to paint? Why did he choose to paint it?
Character Setting
The Most

Problem Solution
Engagement Activities:
Group 1 .

Dramatize the story about “The Most Beautiful Picture.” One will act as the
Chinese Painter; others will act as the other characters in the story.
Engagement Activities:

Group 2 .

Brainstorm and come up with a two- stanza

song about Family.
Engagement Activities:

Group 3 .

In a role-play presentation present a situation

of an ideal Filipino family exhibiting love,
peace, faith and cooperation among the
family members.
Engagement Activities:
Group 4.

Rap these lines which have some words taken from the
(By: Teacher Son)
Love, love, love a gift from heaven above! (dub, dub, dub,
Peace, peace, peace makes a wonderful place. (Gets, gets
gets, yo!)
Faith, faith, faith can move the highest peak. (yes, yes, yo!)
Cooperation can take away illusion! (on and on, go on!

Engagement Activities:

Group 5.

Retell in your own words the story you have

listened to. Each member of the group will
have to retell a summary from the story. All
members of the group should be given the
chance to speak/retell.
Rehearse your
group presentation
tonight and be ready
Q1, Week 3

Day 2
•Use formal and informal English when appropriate to task and
situation (OL)EN5OL-Ic-3.9
•Appreciate God’s wonderful creation around us (A) EN5A-Ic-16
•Express love and appreciation towards family members. (A)
•Exercise and develop the character trait of cooperation (A)
Presentation of
Group Outputs
Group 1
Dramatization of the story “The Most Beautiful Picture”
Rubrics for Dramatization 1 2 3 4 5

Mastery of the story

Fluency of the Language


1. Who is the head character of the story?

2. When and where the story happened?
3. What was the first event that took place in
the story?
4. What happened when the painter search
for the most beautiful thing on earth?
5. Why did he decide to paint his family?
Group 2
Singing of a song about Family
Rubrics for Singing of the song 1 2 3 4 5

Relevance to the topic

Creativity &Resourcefulness

Clarity of the message

Confidence among members

Discipline and Cooperation

1. What is the importance of family to each
of us?
2. Why do we belong to a certain family?
3. What must we do in order to express our
love and appreciation to each family
Group 2
In a role-play presentation present a situation of an ideal
Filipino family exhibiting love, peace,
faith and cooperation among the family members.
Rubrics for Role-Play Presentation 1 2 3 4 5

Mastery of the lines

Fluency and Clarity
Resourcefulness and Creativity
Confidence among members
Discipline and Cooperation
1. Why does a family need to love one
2. How can you contribute peace to your
3. Why is cooperation among members of
the family important?
Group 3
Rapping Time

Rubrics for Rapping 1 2 3 4 5

Relevance to the topic

Creativity &Resourcefulness
Clarity of the message
Confidence among members
Discipline and Cooperation

What will be the result in the end when

all Filipino families exhibit love, peace,
faith and cooperation?
Group 5
Story retelling of “The Most Beautiful Picture”
Rubrics for Story Retelling 1 2 3 4 5

How/Where the story began (Beginning

Who are the main Characters
What is an important Problem in the
story (Problem)

What are the most important things that

happened in the story (Sequence of
major events)

How is the problem resolved and how

does the story end? (Resolution)

Write on your journal notebook what

can you reflect on the activity or lesson
that we had.
Q1, Week 3

Infer the
the meaning
meaning of
given context
context clues
Day 3
of unfamiliar
unfamiliar words
clues (synonyms,
words (affixed)
(synonyms, antonyms,
(affixed) based
antonyms, word
based on
word parts)
parts) and
other strategies
strategies (VD)EN5V-Ic-12
(VD)EN5V-Ic-12 and and 13

Summarize narrative
narrative text
text based
based on
on elements
elements -Theme,
-Setting, -Characters
(Heroes and
and Villains),
Villains), -Plot
-Plot (beginning,
(beginning, middle
middle and
and ending)
by making
making aa story
story grammar/story
grammar/story structure
structure (RC)

Read aloud
aloud grade
grade level
level appropriate
appropriate text
text (The
(The Emperor’s
Seed) with
with an
an accuracy
accuracy rate
rate of
of 95-100%
95-100% (OF)
(OF) EN5F-Ic-1.6

Appreciate the
the virtue
virtue of
of honesty
honesty (A)
Read the sentences again with fluency and accuracy.

1. The king chooses his son to be his successor, the next emperor.
2. A person must do the righteous things for him to be able to
enter the kingdom of God.
3. The teacher instructed us to show our fingernails for inspection.
4. Sunrise is a beautiful sight to behold.
5. My teacher feels amazed when I got perfect in the test for the
third time for the first
6. Jesus Christ will come again to judge the living and the dead.
7. It is only through failure when one is able to appreciate the
essence of success.
8. Mother has bought a variety of fruits for the fruit-salad making.
Pair Unlocking of Difficulties

Infer the meaning/synonyms and antonyms

(antonym to the left arrow and synonym to the right
arrow) of words in the circle based on given context
clues in the above sentences. (Optional; Use your

The king chooses his son to be his successor, the next emperor.

Unlocking of Difficulties
A person must do the righteous things for him to
be able to enter the kingdom of God.


The teacher instructed us to show our fingernails for


Unlocking of Difficulties
Sunrise is a beautiful sight to behold.


My teacher feels amazed when I got perfect in the test for the
third time for the first
Unlocking of Difficulties
Jesus Christ will come again to judge the living and
the dead.

It is only through failure when one is able to appreciate the

essence of success.

Unlocking of Difficulties

Mother has bought a variety of fruits for the fruit-

salad making

“Children, is anyone in here knows what an emperor
is? What does an emperor do? What do we call a place
where there is an emperor that rules? What are the
duties and responsibilities of an emperor?

We are going to read a story about a wise emperor.

In the story find out why he is called a wise emperor.

a. Why did the emperor call all the young people in

the kingdom?
b. Who had been chosen to be the next emperor?
The Emperor’s Seed
(English Expressways Reading 5,pp. 50-52)

Once there was an emperor in the Far East who was growing
old and knew that the time to choose his successor was
coming. Instead of choosing one of his assistants or one of
his children, he decided to do something different.
The Emperor’s Seed
(English Expressways Reading 5,pp. 50-52)

He called all the young people in the kingdom together one

day. He said, “The time has come for me to step down and
choose the next emperor. I have decided to choose one of
you.” The kids were shocked! But the emperor continued, “I am
going to give each one of you a seed today. One seed. It is a
very special seed. I want you to go home, plant the seed, water
it and come back here one year from today with what you have
grown from this one seed. I will then judge the plants that you
bring to me, and the one I choose will be the next emperor of
the kingdom!”
The Emperor’s Seed
(English Expressways Reading 5,pp. 50-52)

There was once a boy named Ling who was there that day and
he, like the others, received a seed. He went home and
excitedly told his mother the whole story. She helped him get a
pot and some planting soil, and he planted the seed and
watered it carefully. Every day he would water it and watch to
see if it had grown. After about three weeks, some of the other
youths began to talk about their seeds and the plants that
were beginning to grow. Ling kept going home and checking his
seed, but nothing ever grew. Three weeks, four weeks, five
weeks went by. Still nothing had grown.
The Emperor’s Seed
(English Expressways Reading 5,pp. 50-52)

By now others were talking about their plants but Ling did not
have any plant, and he felt like a failure. Six months went by;
still nothing had grown in Ling’s pot. He just thought he had
killed his seed. Everyone else had trees and tall plants, but he
had nothing. Ling did not say anything to his friends, however.
He just kept waiting and hoping for his seed to grow.
(5)A year finally went by and all the youths of the kingdom
brought their plants to the emperor for inspection. Ling told his
mother he was not going to take an empty pot. But his mom
encouraged him to go, take his pot and just be honest about
the not growing of the seed. Ling felt very sick in his stomach,
but he knew his mom was right so he went and took the empty
pot to the palace.
The Emperor’s Seed
(English Expressways Reading 5,pp. 50-52)

When Ling arrived, he was amazed at the variety of plants

grown by all the other youths. They were beautiful, in all
shapes and sizes. Ling put his empty pot on the floor and many
of the other kids laughed at him. A few felt sorry for him and
just said, “hey, nice try.”
The Emperor’s Seed
(English Expressways Reading 5,pp. 50-52)

When the emperor arrived, he surveyed the room and greeted

the young people. Ling just tried to hide in the back. “My, what
great plants, trees, and flowers you have grown,” said the
emperor. “Today, one of you will be appointed the next
The Emperor’s Seed
(English Expressways Reading 5,pp. 50-52)

All of a sudden, the emperor spotted Ling at the back of the

room with his empty pot. He ordered his guards to bring him to
the front. Ling was terrified. “The emperor knows I am a
failure! Maybe he will have me killed!”
The Emperor’s Seed
(English Expressways Reading 5,pp. 50-52)

When Ling got to the front, the Emperor asked Ling for his
name. “My name is Ling,” he replied. All the kids were laughing
and making fun of him. The emperor asked everyone to quiet
down. He looked at Ling, and then announced to the crowd,
“Behold your new emperor! His name is Ling!” Ling could not
believe it. He could not even grow his seed. How could he be
the new emperor?
The Emperor’s Seed
(English Expressways Reading 5,pp. 50-52)

Then the emperor said, “One year ago today, I gave everyone
here a seed. I told you to take the seed, plant it, water it, and
bring it back to me today. But I gave you all boiled seeds which
would not grow. All of you except Ling, have brought me trees
and plants and flowers. When you found out that the seed
would not grow, you substituted another seed for the one I
gave you. Ling was the only one with the courage and honesty
to bring me a pot with my seed in it. Therefore, he is the one
who will be the new emperor!”
Talk about it
a. Why did the emperor call all the young people in the
b. Who had been chosen to be the next emperor?
Comprehension Check:
1. Who was about to choose his successor?
2. Who did the emperor call to choose from?
3. Who was the boy in the story who could not make
his seed grow?
4. What had Ling’s seed become?
5. Why did the emperor choose Ling?
6. Do you agree with the choice of the emperor? Why
or why not?
7. If you were Ling, would you tell the truth about your
Go back to the story you have just read. Identify the word being
defined or described. Look for the word in the given number and write it
on your paper. (EER, page 53)
1. (Paragraph 1) a person who inherits
2. (Paragraph 6) a number of different types of things
3. (Paragraph 7) examined or looked at comprehensively
4. (Paragraph 7) selected or designated to fill an office or a position
5. (Paragraph 10) to put a person or thing in the place of another
6. (Paragraph 9) a large number of people gathered together
7. (Paragraph 6) filled with astonishment
8. (Paragraph 3) was given, presented with, or paid
9. (Paragraph 8) containing nothing; not filled or occupied
10. (Paragraph 4) lack of success; someone or something that did not
Cooperative/Differentiated Activities
 Group the class into five (5), same as the previous
grouping. Each group will summarize the story “The
Emperor’s Seed” based on the following story
elements; Make a story grammar of the story “The
Emperor’s Seed” using the template below.
1. Theme
2. Setting
3. Characters (Heroes and Villains)
4. Plot (Beginning, Middle and Ending)
Theme Honesty



Plot Middle


Rubric for Scoring Story Elements 1 2 3

Complete, Detailed



Q1, Week 3

Day 4
Compose clear and coherent
sentences using appropriate
grammatical structures
(Modals). EN5G-Ic-3.6
Read and Learn

Read the following paragraph.

When you study, you should choose a quiet place.
You could study at home or in the library. You might 
set a schedule, so you study at the same time every
day. Forming a study group with other students may 
help you. You must learn effective study strategies if
you want to succeed in college.
a. What have you noticed on the
underline words?
b. Did you spotted any verb aside
from the main verb?
c. What are they?
These are the verbs in the paragraph.


study should
choose could
set might
help may
learn must
succeed want to
A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb that is used to express:
ability, possibility, permission or obligation. Modal phrases (or
semi-modals) are used to express the same things as modals, but
are a combination of auxiliary verbs and the preposition to. The
modals and semi-modals in English are:

can shall am/is/are/was/were going to

could should had better

might may have got to

must will ought to

would have to used to

be able to
Identify the modals used in each sentences

1. If the crew can serve my order in twenty

minutes, I will eat here more often.
2. You can stay in your sit while I get the
food for both of us.
3. I am going to call you tomorrow for
4. The marble fell into the hole and I could
not reach it.
5. Pupils should study well.
Guided Practice
Pair Exercise

Read the following sentences and choose the correct modal to

complete the sentence.
1. The
The children
children (will,
(will, can,
can, may)
may) leave
leave their
their bags
bags for
for inspection
inspection before
before they
enter the
the gate.
2.(May, Can,
Can, Will)
Will) II borrow
borrow your
your writing
writing pen?
3.(Will, Have,
Have, May)
May) you
you be
be around
around for for the
the ribbon
ribbon cutting?
4.Ella (ought,
(ought, used,
used, able)
able) to
to be
be my
my best
best friend
friend when
when we we were
were inin Grade
Grade 4. 4.
5.Mother and and Father
Father (are
(are going
going to,
to, is
is going
going to,
to, am
am going
going to)
to) fetch
fetch us
us in
in school
later this
this afternoon.
6.Sheila (ought
(ought to,
to, able
able to,
to, used
used to)
to) know
know the
the truth
truth about
about the
the lost
lost treasure
treasure ofof
her parents.
7.“Had you
you told
told me
me you
you were
were coming,
coming, II (may,
(may, can,
can, could)
could) have
have waited
waited for
for you
you in
an hour.”
8.Children (will,
(will, can,
can, should)
should) study
study well.
9.I (must,
(must, may,
may, can)
can) take
take the
the test
test and
and pass
pass in
in it.
10.Father (should,
(should, shall,
shall, can)
can) arrive
arrive atat nine
nine O’clock
O’clock inin the
the evening
evening later.
Group 1

Directions: As a group, read the dialogue and then choose the

correct answer by encircling the correct modal which will
complete the thought of the sentence.

Sam: Where (could, might, should, would) you go if you had

that money?
Donna: I do not know, I (could, might, should, would) choose to
spend a year in Davao- or perhaps I (could, might,
should, would) go to Manila.
Sam: How often do you buy lottery tickets?
Donna: Never… I guess if I want to win in the lottery, I (could,
might, should, would) try buying some tickets.
Sam: That (could, might, should, would) help.
Group 2

Waitress: Hi,
Hi, my
my name
name is is Sandy.
Sandy. II (may,
(may, will,
will, should,
should, could)
could) be
be your
your waitress
What cancan II get
get for
for you?
Tony: II have
have not
not decided
decided yet.
yet. Is
Is there
there anything
anything you you (could,
(could, might,
might, should,
would) recommend?
recommend? Is Is there
there anything
anything II (could,
(could, might,
might, should,
should, would)
would) try?
Waitress: You
You (could,
(could, might,
might, should,
should, would)
would) try
try the
the Grilled
Grilled Tilapia
Tilapia or
or Sinigang
Milkfish. They
They are
are both
both delicious.
Tony: That That sound
sound wonderful,
wonderful, but but that
that (could,
(could, might,
might, should,
should, would)
would) be
be aa little
too heavy
heavy forfor me.
me. Actually,
Actually, thethe shrimps
shrimps sound
sound good.
good. Umm,
Umm, (could,
(could, might,
might, should,
would) II have
have barbecued
barbecued shrimps?
Waitress: Sure
Sure (could,
(could, might,
might, should,
should, would)
would) you
you like
like aa salad
salad with
with that?
Group 1

Directions: As a group, read the dialogue and then choose the

correct answer by encircling the correct modal which will
complete the thought of the sentence.

Jan: What
What (could,
(could, might,
might, should,
should, would)
would) we we look
look forfor in
in aa candidate
candidate whenwhen we
vote in
in aa presidential
presidential election?
Peter: II think
think citizens
citizens (could,
(could, might,
might, should,
should, would)
would) votevote for
for aa President
President who
has the
the ability
ability to
to improve
improve thethe quality
quality of
of life
life in
in the
the Philippines.
Jan: What
What (could,
(could, might,
might, should,
should, would)
would) youyou dodo ifif you
you were
were President
President ofof the
Peter: II (could,
(could, might,
might, should,
should, would)
would) focus
focus on on reducing
reducing environmental
Jan: Every
Every candidate
candidate always
always says
says he
he is
is going
going toto do
do that,
that, butbut itit is
is really
really aa
complicated problem-
problem- it’s
it’s not
not one
one which
which is is easily
easily solved.
solved. WhatWhat makes
makes youyou think
you (could,
(could, might,
might, should,
should, would)
would) actually
actually stop
stop pollution?
Independent Practice
Directions: Compose/Write clear and
coherent sentences using the
appropriate modals below

1. can 2. could 3. will

4. shall 5. might 6. must
7. ought to 8. have to 9. be able to
10. used to
Enrichment Activity/Homework

Write at least 5 sentences about

your family.
Make sure that you are using
different kinds of modal verbs in
composing your sentences.
Q1, Week 3

Day 5
Write two
two to
to three-
three- paragraph
paragraph composition
composition basedbased on
the prepared
prepared outline.
outline. EN5WC-Ic-2.2.4
Describe different
different forms
forms and
and conventions
conventions of of film
film and
moving pictures
pictures (lights,
(lights, blocking,
blocking, direction,
characterization, acting,
acting, dialog,
dialog, setting
setting or
or set
set –up),
Show willingness
willingness and
and positive
positive attitude
attitude in
in listening,
reading and
and writing
writing (literary)
(literary) texts.
Do you want to watch different animals?

Show a video about different


After viewing the movie excerpt, ask the following questions:

1. What animals were found in the video?
2. How can you show your love to animals?
3. What were the different forms and conventions of film shown in the

This morning I will show you an outline of my vacation at my grandfathers farm.

My Summer Vacation in Grandfather’s farm
Theme: Summer is a good time for animals as
well as for farmers.
I. The fowls and other animals in the farm were
having the time of their lives.
A. The goats and the cows were grazing
B. The hens were busy scratching for worms.
C. The ducks were swimming about in the big
II. The farmers were enjoying an abundant
harvest of farm produce.
A. much rice was harvested from the rice field.
B. There was a huge turnout of eggs from the
C. Thousands of ears of corn were also
 Based on the outline presented can you
write a paragraph out of it?
The fowls and other animals in the farm were having the
time of their lives. The goats and the cows were grazing
contentedly. The hens were busy scratching for worms. The
ducks were swimming about in the big pond.
The farmers were enjoying an abundant harvest of farm
produce. Much rice was harvested from the rice field.
There was a huge turnout of eggs from the chickens. Thousands
of ears of corn were also harvested.

 How is the paragraph written? Where are the

details taken? How are the sentences
arranged? How are the details presented?
Write about it
Below is an outline of the story, Albert the Seagull, by Heather J. Laudon (Macmillan,
1987). Its story is similar to that of The Ugly Duckling.Write a short paragraph about each
main topic of the story on a whole sheet of paper.
Albert the Seagull

I. The seagulls made fun of Albert because he had only one leg.
A. They called him Mono, meaning one.
B. They always invited him to a race though they knew Albert could not keep up
with them.
II. Albert tried to be good at something to win their respect.
A. He practiced hopping but still failed to catch up.
B. He tried flying until he became very skillful at it.
III. Albert surprised the other seagulls when they flew offshore.
A. He flew past Nico, the leader of the formation.
B. he did a full circle, a tumble, and a turn.
C. He flew and flew without getting tired.
IV. Finally, Albert was accepted by the flock.
A. The seagulls gathered around him.
B. No one called him Mono anymore.
C. Everyone looked at him admiringly.
Rubrics for Paragraph Writing Yes No
1. Is the title written in the middle?
2. Is the topic sentence written at the beginning of
every paragraph?
3. Are the supporting details clearly written to support
the main idea of each paragraph?
4. Do the sentences begin with a capital letter and end
with a period?
5. Are the words correctly spelled?
6. Has the format in writing an outline been followed?

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