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Planning A Shoot For Luke Stephenson's

Concept Lighting Models/People

For this shoot I would like I plan to take my photos
to try and capture somewhere where there's For my shoot I will
playdough building itself enough light but not too need a bag of
to something and what much that my gif is over
popcorn and for my
different shapes it comes exposed. To create light
in in one packet. The idea for my shoot I may use second one I will
behind the shoot is to the light box for my need playdough. My
show that something that playdough idea and for models will be when
you see as a normal food Equipment and Location the other one I will do on I form the playdough
can look interesting a flat surface (black into a figure shape
For my shoot I will need a
Links To Photographers tripod to make sure the
image is still and a DSLR Composition
Before my shoot I have camera I will need a light
investigated work from Luke box for lighting and a
table to lay out a black For my shoot I will try and use aperture
Stephenson's. What I really
piece of paper for my to make the lighting nor over or under
liked about his work was that
popcorn idea exposed I will also use a few
he turned something from
composition rules for my popcorn ides
an everyday life that isn’t
the rule of thirds to help the gif stand
exciting and made it fun to
out as well as minimalist to help make
see. From looking at his work
the picture simple but nice to look at I
I would like to incorporate in
will finally use angles a perspectives by
my shoot a food that comes
placing the camera above
in interesting shapes.

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