Group Projects: D0R23a Political Business Strategy

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D0R23a Political Business Strategy

Group Projects
Witse Konings

30 % 10 % 60 %

Group project Exam (written, open book)

In class participation

Group assignment


Presentation + Q&A
Paper - Content
Study of the political environment and strategies of companies and/or industries that have an
interest in a political issue.
In the paper you are at a minimum required to:

• Present the company/industry/issue/case

• Discuss the ISSUES that matter
• Study the INTERESTS that are involved
• Present an analysis of the INSTITUTIONS that play a role in the political
• Discuss the role INFORMATION plays
• Evaluate alternative objectives
• Assess what outcomes can/could be achieved / explain the outcome.
• Suggest elements of a political strategy to achieve the objectives

 Application of theory and frameworks seen in class

Paper - content
• Tip: Use the group project as a way to study the

• Study the course material before making the

• Own topics are allowed  make sure they relate
to political business strategy/the nonmarket

• A list with suggested topics is also provided

Topics 2021
1. Gazprom and the Gas Crisis
2. The Coal Industry, COP26 and the Energy Crisis
3. Tech industry, the OECD and the Minimum Corporate
Tax Rate
4. Saudis triumph with Newcastle United deal
5. The Wirecard Scandal in Germany
6. Nitrogen Emission and the Flemish Poultry and Pig
7. The Electricity Sector and the EU Emissions Trading
System (ETS)
8. Imec and its Subsidies
Topics 2021
9. Cryptocurrencies and Regulation
10.Google/Facebook/Another Tech Company and EU
Competition Policy
11. National Subsidies to Ryanair
12.Green Energy Versus Fossil-Fuel Lobby in the US
13.Real Estate Owners and the Referendum in Berlin on
Property Expropriation
14.J&J and the Politics of COVID-19 Vaccine Booster
Approval in the US
15. Chinese Online Shopping Platform Meituan Fined by
Chinese Regulator
Suggested Sources
• Website of the European Commission or other
European/American/national institutions

• Archives of (economic) newspapers

• (economic) Magazines

• Specific websites concerning the topic

• Academic literature (Limo/

Paper - Practical Information (I)
• 15 page limit (single space, Times New Roman, font 12), excludes
tables, pictures, etc.

• Harvard style citation.

• December 1: An electronic copy of the paper has to be handed in on

• Day of presentation: hand in one hard copy of paper and slides, plus
an electronic copy of the slides

• Same grade for all team members

• In case of problems with fellow team members: please do not wait
until you have turned in your paper/ did your presentation
Paper - Practical Information (II)
• Short outline: 1-2 pages
o what you will discuss (theory and concepts)
o Content overview
o general approach
o provisional list of relevant sources you will use

Send your outline on November 10 at the latest to
Your outline will be discussed during a feedback session on
November 15
Presentation + discussion
• Between December 2 and 8
• Give a presentation of max. 15 minutes. All team
members have to present.
• Questions will be asked by prof. Crombez, the TA and
fellow students in a 10-minute Q&A session.
• Groups are required to attend the whole session in which
they present.
• Grades for the presentation can vary among team

 Practicalities will depend on COVID-19 situation

• October 22: Deadline group formation and topics
• October 25: topic allocation
• November 10: hand in outline
• December 1: Submit electronic version of paper
• Presentations: December 2-8
• Day of your presentation: hand in hard copy of paper and
slides, submit electronic version of slides
• Students who are not in a group by October 25 will
need to hand in an individual paper and will get a 0 for
their presentations. Email Witse in case you cannot
find a group
After this class
• Group Formation: Min. 4 / Max. 5
• If you are a group of 4: possibility that extra team member will be added to
your group
• Top 5 topics
o Consult the list of topics
o Choose your top 5 of topics
o Only one group per topic is allowed
o Own proposals are also allowed: include it in top 5 and add explanation.
Only two own proposals allowed in top 5
• Sign up your group using the Tolinto link on Toledo. Email the
preferred topics of your group to Mention
your group number.

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