4 .Theory of Consumer Behavior: Dr. Pinki Shah

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4 .

Theory of Consumer Behavior

Dr. Pinki Shah

• Utility Analysis
• Indifference Curve Analysis

01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah 2
consumer choice and behavior
• basic principles of consumer choice
and behavior.
• In explaining consumer behavior,
economists a century ago, developed
the notion of utility, with the help of
which they were able to derive demand
• Indifference Curve Analysis is
comparatively modern approach to
analyze consumer behavior.
01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah 3
Major Difference in Assumption

• Utility Analysis based on the assumption that

‘Utility is Measurable’ which is known as Cardinal

• Indifference Curve Analysis based on the

assumption that ‘Utility can not be measured it
can only be ranked’ which is known as Ordinal

01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah 4
Utility Analysis

01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah 5
Utility, Total utility, Marginal utility
Denotes satisfaction. The satisfaction consumers
receive from the items they acquire, activities
they engage in, or services they use, is called
Total utility
The total satisfaction enjoyed by a consumer from
consuming any given quantity of good/services
Marginal utility
The extra satisfaction received by consuming one
extra unit of a good/services
01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah 6
Law of diminishing marginal utility

The law states that the amount of extra or

MU declines as a consumer consumes
more and more of a good.

Which means…….
Total Utility increases up to a certain
point as you consume more of a good.
However, your total utility will grow at a
slower rate. Which means total Utility
increases but marginal utility decreases.
01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah 7
A Numerical Example:
(1)Quantity of a (2)Total Utility (3)Marginal
Good consumed (Q) (TU) Utility (MU)

0 0 0

1 4 4

2 7 3

3 9 2

4 10 1

5 10 0
6 9 -1
01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah 8
Graphical Representation


01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah 9
Some Points to Remember
• As consumer consumers more TU increases
and MU decreases
• TU increases up to a certain point
• When MU is zero TU is Maximum
• MU curve is downward sloping from left to
• Conceptually MU can be negative that
indicates dissatisfaction and then TU
01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah 10
Benefit Analysis
Utility is free from the unit of measurement. Benefit
Analysis place money value. So, defining
differently we have:
Total Benefit: Total amount of money a consumer is
ready to pay to consume certain quantity of
Marginal Benefit: Additional amount of money a
consumer is ready to pay to consume extra unit of
a goods.

01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah 11
Suppose U are ready to pay Tk.10 to purchase first
unit of an Apple. So MB you can get from consuming
first unit of apple is equal to Tk.10. If actual price is
Tk.8, it will give you some additional benefit. Now if
for second unit you are ready to pay Tk.8 [as MU
decreases], then Price is equal to MB. So for the for
the third unit You will be ready to pay less than Tk.8
and ultimately You will not purchase the third unit.

01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah 12
Consumer Equilibrium under Benefit Analysis
• Consumers TU is maximum at a point where MB
=P; or
• Consumer consumes unto the point where MB =P

Benefit of E
Consumer Tk.8 P

01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah
2 units 13
Consumer Surplus
CS is the difference between what a consumer is
ready to pay and what actually pays.
For the given example Consumer Surplus is equal
to [18-16]=Tk.2; as the consumer is ready to pay
Tk.18 for first two units but he/she requires to
pay Tk.16 to obtain those units. Third unit would
not be purchased as the consumer is ready to pay
less than Tk.8 for the third unit. So,
Net Benefit is same as CS

01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah 14
Graphical Representation of Consumer
Area of
MB & Tk.10 Surplus
Price Tk.8

Buy two
1 2Dr.PinkiShah3 Units of Apple 15
Indifference Curve Analysis

01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah 16
Indifference Curve
• Indifference Curve shows different combination of
two goods that provide equal satisfaction to a

• A consumer is indifferent at all points on a IC


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Indifference Curve

Good X


01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah Good Y 18

Properties /Characteristics of
Indifference Curve
• IC curve is negatively sloped and Convex to the
• Higher IC shows higher satisfaction and lower
IC shows lower satisfaction
• Two ICs can not intersect
• IC can not touch any axis
• It follows the Law of Diminishing Marginal Rate
of Substitution.

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Law of DMRS
As a consumer shift from one point to
another he or she is ready to sacrifice
lesser and lesser unit of a good to
obtain extra units of another good.

01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah 20
Graphical Representation of Law

Good X A

5 D
3 IC

1 2 3 4
01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah
Good21 Y
Law of DMRS
Com Good X Good Y Ready to give up Y
for X
A 15 1 -

B 8 2 7

C 5 3 3

D 3 4 2
01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah 22
Equilibrium under IC Analysis
Point for the
Good X Consumer where
Budget Line is
Tangent to IC


01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah Good Y 23

Thank You

01/13/22 Dr.PinkiShah 24

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