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Word part of definition


Author Noun The writer of a story, play or poem

Conclusion Noun The ending of the story
extract Noun Text taken from a story
Plot Noun
The storyline, or sequence of  events that makes up a
story,play or novel

Resolution Noun The solving of a problem

Word part of speech definition

Features Noun
typical quality or an important
part of something

Quirky Adjective
Strange or unusual.

Humour Noun
the quality of being amusing
or comic, especially as
expressed in literature or
Vocabulary Words Parts of Speech Definition

words and phrases used not with

their basic meaning but with a more
figurative adjective
imaginative meaning to create a
special effect.

 the original meaning of a word, as

literal adjective
explained in a dictionary
Word part of speech definition
Legend Noun old story from ancient times; 
a famous person
Skim reading Verb look through a text quickly to find
particular details
Scan Verb read a text quickly to get the 
overall idea
Spud Noun  potato (informal)

Churning Verb  The feeling that your stomach is

turning over, as if you are going to
vomit, usually because you are

Tousled Verb making someone’s hair untidy by

messing it up it
Fluent Adjective able to speak a language easily, well
and quickly
Word part of speech Definition

Habitat Noun The natural home or

of an animal and plant.
Handbook Noun A small book that contains the
most useful information about
a subject.
Environment Noun The air, land and water where
people, animals and plants
Endangered Adjective In danger of being harmed or
being made to disappear.
Curiosity Noun The feeling of wanting to
learn or know about
Word part of speech Definition

Preface Noun An introduction at the

beginning of a book
explaining its purpose.
Diverse Adjective Showing a great deal of
variety , very different
Glossary Noun An alphabetical list of words
or phrases from a text.

Internal Adjective Inside

Simple plan drawn to
represent something
Diagram Noun Simple plan drawn to
represent something
Word part of speech Definition
Succulent Noun a plant with thick leaves and stems
that can store water

thrive Verb to grow, develop or be successful

adapt Verb To change,or to change something

to suit different conditions or uses

extinct Adjective No longer existing

lure Verb persuade someone to do something

or go somewhere by tempting them
with something

fossil Noun Something has been preserved,

usually in rocks for a vey long
Word part of speech definition
species  Noun A set of animals or plants
have the similar
predator Noun animals that hunt, kill and eat
other animals
prey Noun animal that is hunted and
killed for food by another

glide Verb move easily without stopping

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