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Hang-Time Poster

Alice and Maeve!

Washington Latin Public Charter School
5200 2nd St NW, Washington, DC 20011

Introduction: Procedure: Data:

We used mathematics and Maeve! hang time = 0.35s (15cm)
computational thinking by Figure 1: Marking Alice hang time = 0.40 sec (20 cm)
Maeve prepares to jump to
using the following mark the height, with tape, that
equations: y2= y1+ vt - ½gt 2 she can reach while jumping. In Analysis:
this photo you can see that she
We started with the equation y2= y1+ vt - ½gt 2
and the equation √([2y1]/g) = has already marked how high
she can reach while standing. → 0 = y1 - ½gt → -y1= -½gt
2 2

t, which we got from the → -2y1 = -gt → (-2y1)/-g=t

2 2

previous equation. We also → √([2y1]/g) = t

communicated with scientific We then substituted our numbers in.
framework, by putting our Figure 2: Measuring
Alice: √([2(0.2)]/9.81) = 0.2
processes on this poster. Alice uses a measuring tape to Maeve: √([2(0.15)]/9.81) = 0.175
measure the distance between Then we multiplied each by two for the total hang
the height she could reach while
standing and the height she
time (not just the time down) and got 0.4 seconds for
could reach while jumping. Alice and 0.35 seconds for Maeve.
Find our hang-time from a Conclusion:
standing jump. Graph: After finding our hang-time, we got .35s for Maeve!
and .40s for Alice. For this lab, some things that
could be improved, so there are less sources of error,
are the way that we mark how high we can jump- in
Materials: a way that includes how high our fingertips touch,
- 4 pieces of tape and that lets us know exactly where to measure from
- 1 measuring tape (doesn’t leave us wondering whether to measure
from the bottom, middle, or top of the tape). However,
the data for both of us is still fairly accurate, and is
probably only off by a little bit from these sources of

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