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by Aldila Annisa
 Speech communication is the study of how and
why people communicate. It includes both
spoken language and nonverbal messages.
1. Why do humans communicate with each other?
2. How do humans communicate?
3. What is the basic concept of communication?
4. Types of communication?
Why do people communicate?
 People communicate to deliver their desires or
needs and to achieve goals.
 Communication is the way to solve a problem,
even though sometimes bad communication is
the cause of a problem.
Basic concept of communication

 What for?
1. Give information
2. Encourage people to act
3. Simply telling a story
Speech Communication Forms
 Four Basic Types of Speech Communication
1. Two Person or Dyadic Communication
2. Small-Group Communication
3. Large-Group Communication
4. Mass Communication
1. Dyadic Communication
• An interpersonal relationship characterized by a
face-to-face speaking situation.
• Exchange of ideas, both alternate as speaker and
• A dyadic form of communication may range
from a simple, intimate and aimless ‘chit-chat’ to a
more purposive form such an interview.
Small-Group Communication
• A form of enlarged conversation
• It is a cooperative and a systematic discussion
by several persons who pool their ideas together in
a lively, informal interaction of knowledge and
• This type of communication is found in
committees, boards, the task force and business
Large-Group Communication
• Also known as public address.
• Is a communication situation consisting of a
speaker who addresses a large crowd in a formal
tone and manner on a subject matter which is of
general interest to the audience.
Mass Communication
• Mass communication is the study of how
individuals and entities relay information through
mass media to large segments of the population at
the same time.
• It focuses on a single source transmitting
information to a large group of receivers.
• It is centered around how messages persuade
and affect the behaviour and opinion of the person
or people receiving the content.
Examples : radio, tv
Indicate the type of speech
communication forms used in the
following pictures
1. Small-Group Communication
2. Mass Communication
3. Large-Group Communication
4. Dyadic Communication
The Simple and Progressive Tenses
Simple Forms Progressive Forms (Continue Forms)
Present S + V1 + O S + Be + Ving
To express habits, general truths, To express events/actions that began
repeated actions or events. in the past, still progressing and
probably will continue.
Past S + v2 + O S + Was/Were + Ving
To express events/actions at one describes events/actions in a time
particular time in the past. It before now, which began in the past
began and ended in the past. and is still going on at the time of
speaking. In other words, it
expresses an unfinished or
incomplete action in the past.
Future S + WILL + V1 + O S + Will Be + Ving
To express events/actions at one indicates continuing action,
particular time in the future. something that will be happening,
going on, at some point in the future.
1. I ________ television everyday. (watch)
2. It ________ rain tomorrow. (rain)
3. I _________ to Ayu ting ting songs last night. (listen)
4. He _________ at his grandma’s house everyday.
5. My sister _______ to university next year. (go)
6. We _________ to the cinema last week. (go)
7. I am _________ right now (study)
8. He ____________ when they come. (sleep)
9. I need an umberella because _______. (rain)

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