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What is Securecall?

Securecall is High Complex Israeli Technology, created to allow people

to talk over our devices, without worrying that anybody can listen to
The system prevents anybody to identify the origin or destination of
the call, the length, the content, and the persons who talk.
The system works with our Dial Plan (telephone numbers) so, it is
not associated with any cellular or fixed number like all the other

All unencrypted information that is sent through a public network
or is hosted in a database can be seen sooner or later



How does the SecureCall work?

We install our hightech phone, through a cable to your internet

network, the phone connects to our encryption servers, and you can
call any subscriber to the network.

Encrypted information point to point / No user data

How is it used?

You dial the number of the subscriber to which you want to

communicate and the call is established. There is no record of any
kind, neither the time, nor the day, nor the duration, of the call. You
can also make conference calls between two or more subscribers.
If you cannot answer the call the caller can leave a voice mail.
Why do you need Securecall?

Due to the advancement of technology, large companies such as

Google, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc., have a record and control of all
our movements, purchases, conversations, etc., therefore our calls
are no longer private.
We lost our privacy completely and we need to get it back.
Securecall returns the privacy that was taken from us, in each of our
Who is Securecall for?

To anyone who wants to have privacy in their calls, small, medium, or

large companies that need their calls to be private, to the entire
Financial System, to Hospitals that want their patients to continue to
have privacy, that is, to anyone who wants to maintain their
conversations privately.
What is the difference between WhatsApp, telegram, and other

All these applications are associated with a cellular telephone

number, therefore, all the data of who owns the origin and
destination of the call are public. Any official entity can easily know
that one person communicated with another, when and for how
long. And although they say that the calls are encrypted point to
point, the experience showed that the official entities could listen to
the calls and intercepted all the communications of WhatsApp and

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