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Steam Generator

Application of generated steam:
Classification of Boiler:
Essentials of good boiler and boiler selection:
Boiler Mountings & Accessories
Boiler Performance
1.Evaporative Capacity:Amount of steam
generated in Kg/min or Kg/hr or Tonnes/day

2. Equivalent Evaporation,(we):Steam generated

from & at 100 degree Celsius

We = w(h-hf)/2257 kg/kg of fuel

Where,w =ms/mf =mass of steam/mass of fuel

h = enthalpy of steam &
hf = enthalpy of feed water=4.2 * temp. of feed
water in degree Celsius.
3.Evaporation factor=h-hf/2257
It is unit less quantity and it varies from 0.8 to 1.3
depending on quality of steam.
4.Boiler efficiency(ŋb)=[ms(h-hf)/mf*cv] *100

OR ŋb=[we*2257/CV]*100

& We=ŋb*CV/2257.
NOTE:Value of We and ŋb depends on quality (enthalpy) of
steam. These are maximum for superheated steam and
minimum for wet steam.
Value of We is nearer to value of w.
In general We ranges from 7 to 12 kg/kg of fuel
Heat Balance Sheet

It is tabular representation of % distribution of heat in various
components of boiler.
 It is prepared on the basis of KJ/Min. Or on % basis
 It consist two sides:Credit side & Debit side
Credit side:
Heat supplied by fuel,Qs=mf (kg/min)x cv(kj/kg)
Debit Side
1.Heat utilized in boiler, Qb= ms(h-hf)

2.Heat utilized in superheater,QSH =ms(hsup-h)

3. Heat utilized in economizer,QECO.= Mw* Cpw*(two-twi)

4.Heat utilized in airpreheater,QAP =Ma* Cpa*(tao-tai)

5.Heat carried away by flue gas,QEG = Mg*Cpg*(Tg-Ta)

6.Heat unaccounted,Qun =Qs-[Qb+Qsh+Qeco+Qap+Qeg)

Credit Side Debit Side

Particulars Kj/Kg % Particulars Kj/Kg %

a. Heat utilized in boiler, (Qb/Qs)*100

1.Heat supplied Qb= ms(h-hf)
by fuel,
Qs= mf*cv b.Heat utilized in superheater
QSH =ms(hsup-h)

c. Heat utilized in economizer,

QECO.= Mw* Cpw*(two-twi)

d. Heat utilised in airpreheater

QAP =Ma* Cpa*(tao-tai)

e.Heat carried away by flue gas,

QEG = Mg*Cpg*(Tg-Ta)

f.Heat unaccounted,
Qun =Qs-[Qb+Qsh+Qeco+Qap+Qeg)
Dec.2018 Q.5(b)
May-2019 &May 2018
Boiler Draught
The pressure difference which causes the a
flow of the gases to take place is called as

Measured in terms of water column heights

Two types

1.Natural or Chimney draught

2.Artificial or Fan draught

Natural Draught
 Obtained by Chimney

Density difference between column of
hot gases inside the chimney and cold air

Small amount of draught around 20- 30
mm of water.

Depends on height of chimney

Not suitable for modern power plants
Natural Draught

No external power needed

No maintenance
Small capital investment
Long life
Draught depends on atmospheric conditions
No flexibility of operation
Poor combustion
Artificial Draught

Pressure is created using the fans

Classified depending upon the position of
the Fan

Differentiate between Forced draughrt system
and Induced draught system.

In case of natural draught system,chimney
height is calculated using formula
where H = height of chimney in meters
h= Draught produced in mm of water column
Ta= Ambient Temperature
Tg= Flue gas Temperature
Mg= mas of flue gas=(ma+1)*mf
Ma mass of air
Types of numerical
Determine We,boiler efficiency, % heat utilized in
superheater economizer & air preheater and heat carried
away by flue gas.

Heat balance sheet on KJ/Min basis or on % basis.

Determine height of chimney or draught produced by

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