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 Recruitment and selection procedures are described of ICB.

 Recruitment sources and selection activities are discussed through
out the report.
 Challenges of recruitment and selection are also discussed.
 At the end of the study, Some suggestions have been made by
analyzing current internal and external situation.

Broad Specific

 To fulfill the partial  To know the activities of the

requirement of the Investment Corporation of
internship program Bangladesh.
under BBA program  To identify the problem
and gather practical relating to the recruitment
experience in the and selection activities of ICB.
job field.  To suggest some
recommendations based on
the findings.

Type of Report
 Descriptive

Data collection Sources Nature of the Study

 Qualitative Research
 Primary
 Quantitative Research
 Secondary

Data Analysis Technique

 MS Word

Briefing with the AGM of each department.

Receiving the inward and outward mails.
Helping the Investors by providing information.
Helping employees to find information.
Communicating with the general employees

 Recruitment procedure of ICB which implemented through fair and formal process.
 Direct recruitment merit gets the top most priority.
 To improve the inclination, working environment and efficiency promotion considered
to be a main motivating factor.
 ICB has selected the candidates for its recruitment process from internal and external
 Selection procedure of ICB following various activities.

 Developing infrastructure for the consumer and employees.

 Expediting online services for the consumer.
 Establishing enquiry and complain department so that, consumer get a chance to complain
about the service.
 If the bureaucracy can be reduce then the long process come to short.
 Authority should maintain clear and authentic data of customers.

Gary Dessler (2016) Human Resource Management, 15 edn., tokyo: pearsonKristen & Martin Edwards (2014) HR Analytics, 10 edn, new delhi: McGraw
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Investment Corporation of Bangladesh :: - ICB Unit Fund Scheme ::. 2019 :: Investment Corporation of Bangladesh :: - ICB Unit Fund Scheme ::.
[ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2019]

Investment Corporation of Bangladesh :: - Portfolio Investment ::. 2019. :: Investment Corporation of Bangladesh :: - Portfolio Investment ::. [ONLINE]
Available at: [Accessed 17 January 2019]

Facilities of ICB - Google. 2016. facilities of ICB - Google. [ONLINE] Available at:
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Bunnet, A.H.M(1987). Performance Evaluation of Public Enterprises in Bangladesh. Journal of Business Administration,Vol 13, No.1, p. 1

Pandey, I.M(1979). Financial Management,Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, pp.109-116

Kothari, C.R(2011). Research Methodology 2nd edition fair corporation, Bangladesh

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