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Class: 4
Made by: Rabiya Arif
• Define the root
system in plants and
explain how it helps
the plant
• Describe the two
types of roots: fibrous
and taproots
• In most plants, the
root system is the
part of the plant
that lies beneath
the surface of
the soil
Functions of Root system 
It helps to hold the plant in the soil.

The root system
has three main It helps to take in water and minerals
from the soil and carry them to other
functions: parts of the plant.

Roots are used for the storage of

food and nutrients 
Types of roots
Fibrous roots
• The two main types of
roots are the tap root and
the fibrous root.
• Some plants, such as the
grass and the African
violet, have roots that
branch out in all
directions. They are called
fibrous roots.

Maize plant 

Tap roots 

• A taproot is a large, Click to add text

central, and
dominant root from
which other roots
sprout laterally.

Difference between tap root and fibrous root 

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