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Aishik Kundu
Plant Tissue

There are two kinds of plant tissue

Meristematic Tissue

Permanent Tissue
Meristematic tissue

Meristematic tissue is made up of actively-

dividing cells. Their function is to produce
new cells. Meristematic tissue is a group
young living cells that can divide and form
new cells. This tissue is found in those parts
of the plant that keep on growing. Examples
are the tips of roots, stem and branches,
Characteristics of Meristematic Tissue
Characteristics of meristematic tissue

• It has small and living cells.

• The cells are round, polygonal or oval in
• The cells have no intercellular spaces
between them.
• The cells have a thin cell wall. The cell
wall is made up of cellulose.
• The cells are rich in cytoplasm. They have
a large prominent nucleus.
• The vacuoles are either very small or
• The cells divide actively.
On the basis of the position in the plant
body, meristematic tissue is of three types

• Apical Meristematic Tissue or Apical Meristem - Apical

meristematic tissue is found at the tip of the stem and roots. It
increases the length of the stem and roots.

• Lateral Meristematic Tissue or Lateral Meristem - Lateral

meristematic tissue is found along the sides of the stem and roots.
It increases the diameter (girth) of the stem and roots.
• Intercalary MeriIntercalary meristematic tissue is between the
regions of permanent tissue the base of nodes, internodes and
leaves. increases the length of these parts.stematic Tissue
Intercalary Meristem -
Meristematic Tissue

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Permanent Tissue
The meristematic cells divide and form new cells. These cells elongate, mature and
differentiate into various types of permanent tissues. The permanent cells do not
divide further. They get specialized to perform a specific function. Permanent tissue is
a group of cells that does not have the ability to divide and has a permanent shape,
size and function. The cells of permanent tissues may be living or dead. These tissues
form the bulk of the plant body. They are present in all the parts of a plant except the
meristematic regions.

Permanent tissues are of two types-

(i) Simple Permanent Tissues
(ii) Complex Permanent Tissues

These tissues give support and protection to the plant. Depending on the function, they are classified into two types-
protective and - supportive tissues.

Protective Tissues : -

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