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“Belenismo it’s impacts of the

Food Businesses in Danglas.”

Irish Angel A. Ballo

This study is entitled “Belenismo it’s
impacts of the Food Businesses in
Danglas.” The first research title seeks to
my town such as sari-sari stores and
restaurants. However, the correct, precise
and accurately- measured data or result
from this study would given us
an insight on how damage-dealing it is and
how owners and customers alike are coping
up with this kind of situation. The study
comprises of 11 respondents where in the
researcher used a self administered
questionnaire survey to collect the
information’s about the business owner.
Based on the result of the study, the
effect of Belenismo on the business
owners were positive. There are a
lot of people that were visiting in
Belenismo and because of that the
sales of the businesses in Danglas
were increasing.
Furthermore, The business owners
were successful and they have more
income because of the Belenismo.
The study is a quantitative research
study. Is a research collects
information from existing and
potential customers using sampling
methods and sending out online
surveys, the results of which can be
depicted in the form of numerical.
The questionnaire survey will be use
to collect data for the study. A
sample of 11 respondents will be
using in the study it includes the
staff and the Business owner’s in
Danglas Abra.
The statistical treatment to be use
is Descriptive statisties. Is a branch
of applied in the data in the study
that involves the collections,
escription analysis, and inference of
conclusion from quantitative data.
Descriptive Statistics are used to present
quantitative descriptions in manageable
form. In a research study we may have
lots of measures. Or we may measure a
large number of people on any measure.
Descriptive statistics help us to simplify
large amounts of data in a sensible way.
Each descriptive statistics reduces lots of
data into a simpler summary.

This section illustrates the data of

conducted survey in “Belenismo it’s
impacts of Businesses in Danglas.
Figure 1.Gender
The respondents of the survey were
11 in total. Among the total
respondents of the survey, 9
respondents were females which is
81.1% of respondents and 3
respondents were males which is
18.2% of the respondents.
Explanation of Figure 1

In figure 1,The outcome was f the

survey illustrates most of the
respondents were females.
Figure 2. Age
The questionnaire survey focuses that out of
11 people in total, 5 of people check under
the age groups of 15-20 year old which
represents 45.5% of respondents. 3 people
were under the age groups of 21-24 year old
which represents 27.3% of the total
And 3 people check under the age
groups of 27.3% of the total
respondents. The segment age
groups of Belenismo it’s impacts of
Food Businesses of Danglas.
Explanation of Figure 2

In figure 2,The outcome of the

questionnaire survey illustrates the
most respondents are under the age
groups of 15-20 years old.
Figure 3.How many times you open your
business in a week?
There are 11 respondents in total
respondents of the survey, 2 of
respondents said that they open their
business 2 times in a week which
represents 18.2% of respondents. 1
person said that he is opening his
business in 3 times in a week which
represents 9.1% of respondents, 7 of
participants were opening their
business 4 times in a week which
represents 63.6% of respondents. And
1 person said that he is opening his
business more than 4 times a week.
Explanation of figure 3

In figure 3, the result of the

questionnaire survey illustrates the
time of opening of the businesses of
the owner in a week. Most of the
respondents opens their businesses 4
times in a week.
Figure 4. Did Belenismo attracts more customer to your business?
The questionnaire survey have 11
respondents total, 11 said that
Belenismo attracts more customer
to their business.
Explanation of figure 4

In figure 4, this shows that all of the

respondents answed that Belenismo
attracts more customer to their
Figure 5. Rate your service from 1to 10 to the people
buying (10 is the highest)?
Out of 11 respondents have rated 1-2
which represents 9.1% of respondents, 4
respondents rated 6-7 which represents
36.4% respondents, 4 respondents rated
8-9 which represents 36.4% respondents.
And there are 3 rated 10 which
represents 18.2% of respondents.
Explanation of figure 5

There are 4 people have rated 6-7

and there are also 4 people rated 8-
7 for their services in their
Figure 6. What is your opinion about the quality of the
food you selling?
There questionnaire survey have 11
respondents total, 5 participants
answed under excellent with
represents 45.5% respondents. And 6
of participants answed under good
which represents 54.5% of
Explanation of figure 6

In figure 6, the collective opinions

of the people those who rated
excellent good quality of food shows
100% which means the food proved
to the customer are good quality.
Figure 7. Does Belenismo helps you business to be
more productive?
There questionnaire survey have 11
respondents total, all of the
participants said that the Belenismo
helps their business to be more
productive which is 100% of
Explanation of figure 7

In figure 7,The result shows that all

of the respondents answer yes.
Figure 8. Increasing sales
Out of 11 respondents, 4 people
answered that the Belenismo affect
their sales where as their sales were
always increase which is 36.4% of
respondents, 2 people answered
that Belenismo effects their sales
were sometimes increase which is
18.2% of respondents. And 5 people
answered that the Belenismo affect
their sales that were often increase
which is 45.5% of the respondents.
Explanation of figure 8

In figure 8,The outcomes of

questionnaire survey that most
business owner sales were
increasing because of the
Figure 9. Decreasing sales
Out of 11 respondents, All of the
respondents answered that
sometimes that their sales is
decreasing which is 100% the
Explanation of figure 9

In figure 9, This shows that all of

the respondents most business
owner sales were decreasing
because of the Belenismo.
Figure 10. Losing Investments
There are 11 respondents in total, 7 people
answered that their never lose there
investment when Belenismo is created
which 60% of respondents, 4 people
answered that sometimes there respondents
lose their investment when Belenismo is
created which is 40% of respondents.
Explanation of figure 10

In figure 10, The result of

questionnaire survey shows that the
most business owner answer that
they never lose there investments.
Figure 11. Did your sales struggle is there a lot of
unsold food?
There are 11 respondents total, 2
respondents is answered always that
struggle of unsold food which 18.2%
of respondents, 3 person answered
often that struggle of unsold food
which is 27.3% of respondents, 4
participants answered sometimes
that struggle of unsold food which
36.4% of respondents. And 2 people
answered never that struggle of
unsold food which is 18.2% of
Explanation of figure 11

In figure 11, The outcome of the

questionnaire survey shows that
sometimes their business were
struggling because of unsold foods.
The study focus on Belenismo it’s impacts of
Food Businesses in Danglas should attract
visitors or tourism for those provices
participating in yearly Belenismo. The survey
was the primary source for the research study
which was implemented for the collection of
analysis and data to fulfil the research aim.
From the methodological we have 11
questions. In a total, 11 business owner were
participants in the survey. The age of groups
of 15-20 year old participants among all those
participants, 45.5% of participants represent
females while other represents male. The
most of the 7 business owner said that they
open their business 4 times a week,
and all of the respondents say that
Belenismo attracts more customer to
their business. The number of
participants were the business owner
rated 6-7 and 8-7 for their service in
their customer. The quality of food that
they serve are good for their customer.
Their for a lot of people visiting in
Belenismo, and because of that the
sales of their businesses in Danglas were
increasing. And the most of 7 business
owner said that they never lose there
investments because of the Belenismo,
because of that people are going in their
restaurants to eat.
So that a whole year Belenismo idea
should come out for business to
grow and become permanent for the
better in the community.

To the business owner in Danglas the

researcher recommends that the business
owner should focus on how Belenismo.
Need to see how many businesses opens
in the area and think of its permit
business or could be operational for the
whole year once
They been opened. Also we should indicate
how many people or visitors showing on the
event and buying from age levels which
commodities are in demand to place and
open the business. Belenismo spirit and the
like tourist attractions should stay for the
whole year so business in the area or
provice will be flourished.

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