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• We will be following the story of Bob, a homeless man who broke his leg and went
from the hospital into Haywood Streets Respite care. While Bob is not a real person
his story is a combination of what many experience with Haywood Street.
•“Beth notes that she sees a transformation in  Friends who come to be cared for in the
family like setting of the Respite.  As people begin to realize that they are not being
judged, they relax, and drop their guard.  They begin to truly BE who they are and
share their stories with one another.  It is a gift, Beth says to be part of that

“As part of Haywood Street Congregation since 2014, the Haywood Street Respite
helps more than 150 homeless men and women each year to recover after hospital

“The friends that make their way to Haywood Street Respite get more than a roof over
their heads. Haywood Street Respite ensures a safe, clean place for them to recover
and provides regular meals, and a place to shower and wash their clothes. But they
also find a family who supports them and helps them heal.”
•“The clothing closet is a small, basement like
room that seems to house a whole thrift store.
There are many racks with clothes ranging
from workout gear to formal wear. The people
that entered were just as diverse and you
could never judge who would grab what. One
companion would help the man going to his
first interview pick out a blazer while another
hands a child a bright pink shirt. The clothes
were there for anyone to get but no one ever
grabbed more than what they needed.” –
Madison Gosnell
•“The welcome table is a large dining room made up of the most
dynamic group of people. You are seated at a round table and
served family style. The round table shows that all persons
around the table are equal in God’s eyes, serving the food family
style shows the we are members of God’s holy family. The local
business owner on my left is my brother and the lady with torn
and battered clothes on my right is my sister. You realize that you
very easily could be either of these people in our society today.
Conversations around the table is the same as you could have in
your own home.

• When the meal has finished there is a place for an offering that
you give what you can. The business man places a check of a
monetary amount, the lady that lives on the street places a single
dollar. The man gave what he wanted, the lady gave all that she
had.” -Jeff Gosnell

• Gives people a place to heal

• Gives people clothes for any occasion
• Gives people a family style meal

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