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Why College should be

By Madison Gosnell
First point
• According to • The student loan debt is currently at
college loans are one of the most $1.56 trillion according to this is a problem “for
major things that people start borrowers across all demographics
with. They say that by not giving and age groups.” (Forbes).
them that chance they could run • Most teenagers do not take a
into trouble with loans in the personal finance class in high school
future and the personal finance they do
have in civics does not cover
Top 10 states
for student loan
Notice how North Carolina is #10.
Second Point
• says that the • There are movements to tax the rich,
specifically billionaires as suggested by
problem with paying for these Bernie Sanders and Representative
colleges is that it is uncertain who Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez. According to
will get the financial burden. They Forbes “so much wealth is held by a small
handful of the richest Americans”.
say that “the short and simple
answer is taxes.” The problem is • Jeff Bezos has an income over $78.5 billion
according to Business Insider and the
will the higher taxes go to the rich highest tax rate is 37%. According to New
or to the upper-middle-class or to York Times the estimated amount to make
college free in the U.S. is $79 billion.
“Wall Street speculation taxes.”
Notice how the highest
percentage is 37% for
$518,401. Many billionaires
make over 2,000% more
than the top tax bracket.
• while some may argue that it can throw of learning experiences for students
and that we have no way of paying it, there are solution to those problems.
By teaching student’s healthy money habits while still in high school and by
taxing billionaires the U.S could help students have more money to put back
into the economy. By making college free to attend, post-secondary school
will not be so out of reach for poor students, more people will be able to get
a degree and therefor get better jobs. Free college is an investment into the
future of our country and will mostly help those less fortunate.

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