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• Presented by Angie Duncan

What are they?
Checklists or step-by-step procedures for students to use to manage their behavior in the
Why use them?
For all students:
• The process engages students during class, which prevents disruptions.
• Improves behavior over time
• Holds students accountable for their own behavior (teacher can focus on instruction
once students know how to use them)

For students with disabilities:

• Decreases aggression
• Increases ability to follow directions
How to implement them:
1. Choose a behavior for the student(s) to manage
2. Create or find a checklist or procedure for them to use to manage this behavior.
3. Present the checklist or steps to the students
• Explain why they need to use the checklist.
• Use a visual (individual checklists, a poster, a graphic on their desks).
• Have them practice using the checklist in a real-life situation.
What I did:
What I did (cont.)

Imagine you work at a local grocery store where you bag the customers’ groceries and
load them into their carts. 

One day, you forget to load one bag into a cart before the customer leaves. 

The angry customer comes back into the store later and complains to your boss about
you forgetting one of his grocery bags. 

Your boss confronts you in front of everyone about your mistake.

IRIS Center. (2021) Page 4: Self-Monitoring. IRIS Center.

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