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Inshrah mukhtar 1561

There are three general components in facilitation:

1. Preparation: A team of two people (facilitator and note-taker) should be prepared.

Facilitator should memorize the questions instead of reading and note-taker should write

down feedbacks for efficient analysis. Note-taker should write down quotes, themes,

follow-up questions and big ideas.

2. Pre-session: Opportunity to familiarize with group dynamics. Engage in small talk and


3. Session: Proceed through questions. Questions are important but be flexible.


• Pause, Probe questions, Avoid head nods and reflect.

• Utilize non-verbal communication and attend personality types (experts, dominant

talkers, shy participants and ramblers).

 Rules that must be considered are one person talking at a time, cell phones off,

confidentiality, and TIP (If you interrupt them than you are not being rude. You are

just ensuring that everyone can participate).


• “Hello. My name is INSHRAH. Today we would like to

• Questions 1-3 (X minutes)
have a conversation with you about FOCUS GROUP • 1. Question
• Prompt: Question to promote further question
DESIGN. You can ask anything before main discussion.
• Probe: Question to examine an issue at a deeper level
• 2. Question
• Respond to participant questions.
• Prompt: Question to promote further question
• Probe: Question to examine an issue at a deeper level
• “Let’s go over some rules”. Now explain all the rules
• 3. Question
that are written in previous slide, • Prompt: Question to promote further question
• Probe: Question to examine an issue at a deeper level
• Ask participants to introduce themselves. • Closure (X minutes)
• “Are there are final questions? (Respond to questions)
Thank you for participating in focus group today. We are
• Now begin the main questions. excited to learn about what you think.

• Begins after focus group closure. The summary of the

discussion and notes will help in the analysis.

• For each question, summarize the “themes” or “big ideas”

that were discussed. Also observe non-verbal cues. Note
any important quotes.

• Capture the discussion points or any unexpected findings

that did not match with the questions. It can contribute to
understanding of participants about the topic.

• The main key of this stage is data reduction. Create a

concept map. This map will summarize the different
themes originated for a question.

 Analysis starts actually during the session. Listen to inconsistent or vague comments, probes
and preference questions. Offer a summary of key questions.

 After the focus group, draw a seating arrangement diagram and conduct facilitator and note-
taker debriefing. Compare focus groups with each other in case of more than 1 focus group.

 After this step, listen to recordings of discussion of individual groups and compare the results
of groups.

 After the comparison, look for emerging themes overall and describe your findings using
diagrams or quotes.

 Finally prepare the report.


• Always stick to actual words used by

participants. • Intensity of feelings about a certain topic
• Observe the context in which participants are should be noticed which is observable due to
commenting. It maybe the question or a tone or pitch of voice.
comment made by another participant. • Responses that are specific should be given
• Notice the change in opinion of participant more weightage than vague comments.
which maybe due to interaction with others. • Always go for big ideas. The co-moderators
• Some questions are extensively discussed and or other experts in qualitative analysis can
some comments are more frequent. Keep an also review it and verify big ideas.
eye on such events.

The reporting stage ties all of the previous stages together into a coherent whole.
The factors that should be attended are as follows:
 Decide if report will be in narrative style or bulleted style
 Decide on sequence
 Participant information
 Utilize quotes from focus groups to emphasize points
 Summarize how focus group results align with the focus group purpose

Cover page Brief description of focus group interviews

Summary Results

Table of contents (optional) Summary of themes

Statement of problem, Key questions and Limitations and Recommendations

Study methods Appendix (copy of questions)

Purpose of study

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