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RV College of

Introduction to Management and

Topic : Early Theories of Motivation

Nithesh Kumar j

• Motivation is a powerful tool in the hands of a

manager for inducing his subordinates to act in the
desired manner by satisfying their needs and desires.
It is concerned with how behaviour gets started, is
energised, initiated, sustained and directed.
• Motivation is about the ways a business can
encourage staff to give their best. Motivated staff
care about the success of the business and work
Types of Early theory of

Maslow's hierarchy of ERG theory. Herzberg's two-factor McClelland's acquired-

needs. theory. needs theory
Maslow's hierarchy of
Maslow's hierarchy of needs is an idea in psychology proposed by
American Abraham Maslow in his 1943 paper "A Theory of Human
Motivation" in the journal Psychological Review Maslow subsequently
extended the idea to include his observations of humans' innate
curiosity. His theories parallel many other theories of
human developmental psychology, some of which focus on describing
the stages of growth in humans. He then created a classification system
which reflected the universal needs of society as its base and then
proceeding to more acquired emotions.Some indigenous academics
have speculated that his theories, including the hierarchy, may have
been influenced by teachings and philosophy of the Blackfeet tribe,
where he spent several weeks doing fieldwork in 1938
 ERG theory
• The ERG Theory of Motivation is a simplified but
more flexible version of Maslow's hierarchy of Needs.
It proposes three needs that must all be satisfied in
order for an individual to be motivated: existence,
relatedness, and growth.
• The relatedness category is concerned about the desire
for maintaining important interpersonal relationships.
The growth category is concerned about the desire
for personal development.
• These include the intrinsic component from Maslow's
esteem category and the characteristics included
under self-actualization.
Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory
McClelland's acquired-needs theory.

• David McClelland’s motivation theory says that humans have a

total of three core types emotional needs, which they acquire as a
result of their life journeys. Given that this model focuses on
needs, it is considered a theory of motivation.
•   The blend and strength of an individual’s needs shapes their
behaviors and motivations in work, and in the wider world. The
different needs bring different strengths, weaknesses, preferred ways
of working and behavioral risks into the workplace.
•    Awareness of your own needs can help you improve your own
self-awareness, self-management and decision-making. Similarly,
knowing the needs of the people you work with (or for) can help you
manage them more effectively.

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