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Microprocessor Interfacing

Course Overview
• Micro-Processors and its Architecture

• The 8086/8088 Microprocessors

• Memory and I/O Interfacing

• Data Memory Access and Acquisition

• Micro-processor Applications

• Chip/IC optimized to control the electronic devices

• Single IC to perform a particular task to execute one
instruction at a time
• RAM/ROM and other components on a single chip
• Applications including Calculator, Washing Machine,
ATM machine, Robotic Arm, Camera, Microwave
oven, Oscilloscope, Digital multi-meter, ECG
Machine and Printer.
What is a Micro-Processor
• Controlling element in a computer system
• Known as Central Processing Unit (CPU)
• Perform the following functions through a set
of electrical lines called Buses,
1. Transfer Data
2. Process Data
3. Perform Arithmetic and Logical Operations
4. Execute Instructions
5. Program flow via simple decisions
Working of Micro-Processor

• Accepts binary data as input

• Processes the data using,
1. Arithmetical and Logical Unit (ALU)
2. Control Unit-Flow of instruction and data through system
3. Register Array-process data via a number of registers that
act as temporary fast access memory locations.

• Provides output based on the instructions

stored in the memory.
Working of Micro-Processor
Difference Between u-Processor and u-
Micro Processor Micro Controller

• Externally connected systems makes • The presence of peripherals such as

circuit bulky RAM, ROM, Input-output, and
• The overall cost of the system is Timers are In-built. So It is available
high on a single chip
• Cannot be used in a compact system • The overall cost of the system is less
• Useful for general purpose • Compact System
applications that allows to handle • Useful for application-specific
loads of data
• Complex and expensive, with a
• Simple and inexpensive with less
large number of instructions to
process. number of instructions to process
Difference Between u-Processor and u-
Micro Processor Micro Controller

• Microprocessor-based systems can • Microcontroller based systems run up

run at a very high speed because of to 200MHz or more depending on the
the technology involved architecture
• It uses an external bus to interface • It uses an internal controlling bus
to RAM, ROM, and other • It is a byproduct of the development of
peripherals microprocessors with a CPU along
• It is a central processing unit on a with other peripherals.
single silicon-based integrated chip • The microcontroller has more register.
• The microprocessor has a smaller Hence the programs are easier to write.
number of registers, so more
operations are memory-based
Difference Between u-Processor and u-
Difference Between u-Processor and u-

• Microcontrollers are optimized to perform a

dedicated low-power application – ideal for
embedded systems

• Microprocessors are more useful for general

computing applications that require more complex
and versatile computing operations.
Capability of Micro-Processor

• To execute billions of instructions per seconds from a

program or software stored in the memory.
• Can perform instruction like (+,-,x,/) , Logic
(AND,OR,NOT) in simple and complex system
• Data width including byte (8 bites), Word (16 bits),
double-word (32 bits) and quad-words (64 bits)
• Ability to make simple decisions based on numeric
• Group of wires that interconnect components
• Transfer address, data and control information

Memory/ Micro-
Input Processor

Can be Uni-Directional
or Bi-Directional
• In the microprocessor based computer system three
buses exist for this transferring information.

1. Address
2. Data
3. Control

• Can be connected to Read/write memory (RAM),

read-only memory (ROM or flash), and a few I/O

Address Bus – Uni-Directional MRDC – Memory Read Control

Data Bus – Bi-Directional IORC – I/O Read Control
MWTC – Memory Write Control IOWC – I/O Write Control
Buses Width

• The width of a data bus refers to the number of bits

(electrical wires) that make up the bus. Common data
bus widths include 1-, 4-, 8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-bit.

• INTEL Microprocessor differs in their Width of the

data bus and memory (MB,GB or TB)
INTEL Micro-Processor
Number Systems
• Decimal – Base 10
• Binary –Base 2-(0-1)
• Octal – Base 8- (0-7)
• Hexa-Decimal – Base 16
– (0-F)
• Computer data format
includes ASCII, Unicode,
BCD, signed and
unsigned integers, and
floating-point numbers

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