Science Fair Newsletter by Slidesgo

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1. Explain and determine ingestion , absorption ,
assimilation , and excretion ;
2. State how diseases of the digestive system are
prevented , detected and treated ; and
3. Recognize healthy practices that affect digestive system
The Structures and Function
What organsof the
make up Digestive
the System
digestive system ?
Your digestive system is uniquely constructed to do its job for turning your
food into the nutrients and energy you need to survive . And when it's done
with that it handily packages your solid waste or stool for disposal when you
have a bowel movement.
The mouth is the beginning of the digestive tract , in fact , digestion starts
before you even take a bite . Your salivary glands get active as you see and
smell that pasta dish or warm bread.
It is located in your throat near your trachea ( windpipe), the esophagus
receives food from your mouth when you swallow. The epiglottis is a small fla[
that folds over your windpipe as you swallow to prevent you from choking.

The stomach is a hollow organ or “ container “, that holds food while it is being
mixed with stomach enzymes.
Small Intestine
Made up of three segments -- the duodenum , jejunum and ileum -- it is a 22 -foot long
muscular tube that breaks down food using enzymes released by the pancreas and bile
from the liver.
The pancreas secretes digestive enzymes into the duodenum that break down protein , fats
and carbohydrates . The pancreas also makes insulin , passing it directly into the

The liver has many functions , but its main job is to process the nutrients absorbed
from the small intestine.
The liver is the body’s chemical “ factory “ and it breaks down and secretes many
drugs that can be toxic to the body.
The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile from the liver , and then releases it into
the duodenum in the small intestine to help absorb and digest fats
Large Intestine or Colon
It is responsible for processing waste so that emptying the bowels is easy and convenient
and it is a 6-foot- long muscular tube that connects the small intestine to the rectum .

The rectum is a straight , 8-inch chamber that connects the colon to the anus . Its job is
to receive stool from the colon

Anus is the last part of the digestive tract . It is a 2-inch-long canal consisting of the
pelvic floor muscles and the two anal sphincters ( internal and external )
5 Digestion
1. Ingestion
is a process where food is taken in through the mouth and broken down by
teeth and saliva.
❏ Food is ingested through the mouth and broken down through mastication.
❏ Food must be chewed in order to be swallowed and broken down by
digestive enzymes.
❏ While food is being chewed , saliva chemically processes the food to aid in

● Mouth ingests food
● Teeth masticates food into small pieces to increase surface area for digestion
● Tongue mixes food with saliva and rolls food into a bolus before swallowing
2. Digestion
A. Mechanical / Physical Digestion - physically breaks down the food
in the mouth ( chewing )
B. Chemical Digestion - uses enzymes to chemically break down
complex food substances into their simpler form .
● Starch ( carbohydrates ) digestion
● Protein digestion
● Fat digestion

Why must food be digested ? - Large molecules of food are unable to

pass through cell membranes , thus , it must be broken down into small molecules so
that they can diffuse through cell membrane into the bloodstream.
3. Absorption
- adaption
● Small intestine is very long ( 5m )
of the small intestine
● Internal surface of the small intestine has many folds
● On the folds , there are many finger-like projections called villi
● These 3 adaptations increase surface area for absorption
● Glucose is used by all cells as a source of energy

Amino Acids
● Amino acids which enter the cells are converted into new
protoplasm that is used for growth and repair

● Blood carries fats to all parts of the body , especially to the liver
● When there is insufficient glucose , fats are broken down to provide
4. Assimilation
After travelling through the bloodstream
to the rest of the body , cells can now make use
of : ● Amino acids to build new cytoplasm and tissue cells
● Glucose as source of energy

● Fatty acids to build new cell membranes

1. Regulation of blood glucose concentration
the2.3. liver
Production of bile
Iron Storage
4. Protein Synthesis
5. Deamination of amino acids
6. Detoxification
7. Heat production
Is the act of excreting unusable or undigested material from cell as in the case of
single celled organisms or from the digestive tract of multicellular animals.
These materials largely consisting of plant fibres , dead bacteria , etc. are passed
into the rectum and are eventually thrown out of the body through the anus

Process of Egestion
After the ingestion , the food is digested and the nutrients are absorbed through
GI tract . After the processes , the remaining waste should be removed from the
body . The removal of this waste from the body is egestion.
Diarrhea SYSTEM
- is described as the interruption of the absorption
of the water in the colon caused by a virus or bacteria.
Heartburn - also known as gastroesophageal disease
( GERD ) or acid reflux is described as burning sensation that
Ulcer - there
you feel are chest
in your two kinds
area. of ulcer in the digestive system ,
the gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer . Both these ulcers are
caused by a bacteria
Constipation - is the called Helicobacter
condition in which apylori.
person has
infrequent and difficult movement caused by the slow
peristaltic movement of the large intestine because of the
Flatulence - the common term for flatulence is
farting . It is expelling of different gases that
is a by-product
Appendicitis - isofa condition
digestion from the rectum
in which the
appendix becomes inflamed usually
caused by a bacterial infection.
Stomach cancer - also known as gastric cancer
, occurs when cancer cells form in the inner
lining of the stomach.
There are several ways to take care of the digestive system . Hence are some
healthful practices OF
that youTHE
1. Drink plenty of water
2. Consume an adequate amount of fiber per meal
3. Improve bowel habits
4. Modify chewing and eating behavior
5. Exercise regularly
6. Keep away from bad habits

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