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By arsal
Rollnum : 18206
Submitted to Dr Abdul Rashad 1
 ED
 Issues associated
 diagnosis

Erectile Dysfunction (ED)

What is Erectile Dysfunction?

 ED is the inability to achieve an erection, the
inability to maintain an erection, or a
decrease in firmness of an erection. 
 There are four factors that contribute to
erectile function: adequate blood flow, intact
nervous system, pelvic floor muscle function,
and psychological wellness. If one of these
factors is impaired, erections can become
impaired.   3
Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
 Literature has indicated that between
9-40% of men struggle with erectile
dysfunction by age 40 and raises 10% each
decade after 40.
 The muscles responsible for erection are; the
bulbospongiosus and ischiocavernosus muscles.
Strengthening the voluntary contraction of the
ischiocavernosus muscle and relaxation techniques in
cases of high pelvic floor muscle tone (spasms or
increased tone may prevent adequate blood flow
necessary for erection) have been proven to be an
effective treatment

Erectile Dysfunction (contd..)
 Emphasis should be placed on isolation and activation
of specific trunk and pelvic floor muscles. Home
exercise programmes (HEP) should include pelvic floor
strengthening exercises with different positioning and
 Studies indicated that 47% of men with ED recovered
completely, following a 4-12 month programme
including pelvic floor exercise, biofeedback, and
electrical stimulation

Common conditions associated with ED
 Hypertension
 Cardiovascular Disease
 Diabetes
 Obesity
 Low Testosterone
 Anxiety/Depression
 Stress
 Alcohol, Drug, and Cigarette Use

ED diagnosis
 Treatment options
 Medication
 Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
 Vacuum Erection Device
 Treatment of underlying cardiac or
metabolic conditions
 Hormone Therapy

How can pelvic floor physical therapy
help with erectile dysfunction?

 Pelvic floor muscles play a role in erectile

function. Pelvic floor muscles that are too tight
and chronically short restrict blood flow into
the shaft of the penis and put pressure on
nerves that supply sensation to the penis. Lax
muscles do not engage to maintain an
erection and may have weakened contraction
during ejaculation. Both short and lax muscles
are dysfunctional and do not function as they
need to for optimal erections, orgasms, and
Kegel Exercises to Help Erectile
Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation

Kegel Exercises to Help Erectile Dysfunction and Premature

 Kegel exercises, or pelvic exercises,

have proven to be effective in addressing
erectile dysfunction, and it should be
used as the first-line of treatment. The
ischiocavernosus and bulbocavernosus
muscles in the pelvic area surround the
penis and are active during an erection.
The following exercises aim to strengthen
these muscles.
Kegel Exercises to Help Erectile
Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation

Floor Lying on Your Back Squeezes

 Start by lying on your back, hands flat on the floor,
and knees comfortably bent and pointing upwards.
 Try to draw your penis inwards towards your body
and hold for five seconds, then release.
 Now squeeze your anus muscles as if you are trying
to stop a bowel movement and hold for five seconds,
then release.
 Repeat steps two and three, eight to 10 times, and
do three to five sets.
Kegel Exercises to Help Erectile
Dysfunction and Premature

Floor Lying on Your Side Squeezes

 Lie on the floor and on your side.
 Place a pillow between your knees. Make
sure the pillow is large enough to spread
your legs apart.
 Squeeze your legs together and hold for five
seconds, then release.
 Repeat step three, eight to 10 times, and do
three to five sets.
Kegel Exercises to Help
Erectile Dysfunction and
Premature Ejaculation

Sitting in a Chair Squeezes

 Find a comfortable position sitting in a chair.
 Squeeze your penis with just its muscles as
if you are trying to stop urine from coming
out, hold for five seconds, then release.
 Repeat step two, eight to 10 times, and then
do three to five sets. 

Kegel Exercises to Help Erectile Dysfunction and
Premature Ejaculation

 One way to test whether you’re doing the squeezing correctly is to

try and stop urine flow for a few seconds. If you are able to do so,
you are doing it correctly.
 As your body becomes more familiar and used to these exercises,
consider increasing the length of time you squeeze and hold the
different pelvic muscles. You can also increase the number of
repetitions or sets of exercises you do.
 When doing these exercises, keep in mind the following tips:
 Don’t hold your breath
 Don’t push down — instead, squeeze your pelvic muscles together
tightly as if you are trying to lift something up with those muscles
 Try to keep your stomach muscles relaxed throughout
 Relax your pelvic floor muscles between each squeeze 
 Most men begin seeing results after about a month of daily exercise.
By the end of that month, you should be able to hold the squeezes
for 10 seconds, and be able to do eight to 10 sets.
 Wedmd
 Physiopedia
 The Kegel Exercise: (A Complete and
Explanatory Guide for Both Men and
Women) Andrew Moore


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