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Outlines of Presentation

Motivation  The production process of

Problem Statements garment
 The factory profiles of two
Introduction factories

Aim and Objectives  Organization chart of two

Literature Review
 Expected Outcomes
 Time Schedule

 References
There are 400 garment factories in Myanmar country.
Many foreign incomes get from Myanmar garment factory in one
So, good quality and productivity of product need to have for
garment factory.

 Reducing the quality happens in some garment factories.

Therefore, the quality of product need to improve for getting the

foreign income.
This thesis based on quality improvement of product in some garment
The Problem statement
Don’t get the determinate quality of product

Repair or Rework

Reduce the Productivity

Use the Various Quality Control methods and quality

improvement methods

Get the determinate quality or good quality

 For improving the health and safety in garment worker’s lives

The definition of garment

Piece of clothing

Fabric/ textile materials

Protect human body and decorated purpose

These material can be

 Natural
 Cellulose
 Synthetic fibers

 There are many type of garment like woven or knitted with different
names and uses.
Garment Factory
 A garment factory is a manufacture of clothing. Buyer provide
them design, measurement, material info’s and delivery time.

The garment factory produce clothing in the mentioned time and

deliver to buyer.

Garment Production is an organized activity consisting of sequential

processes such as laying, making, cutting, stitching, checking,
finishing, pressing and packing.
Different Types of Garments

 Fully body clothing for babies.

 Ball-gown. Formal full length dress for social occasions.
 Bikini. Two-piece type of women’s swimwear that is in the form of a
bra and briefs.
 Blazzer. Jacket worn as a uniform, usually less weather proof than a
 Blouse
 Boxer.
 Bra.

Quality Improvement
Quality improvement refers to methods to improve the production process.

It requires getting rid of or changing parts of the process that do not function

In manufacturing, for example, the term nearly always refers to the production
Quality Improvement Principles

The definition of quality improvement places a focus on measuring change,

consisting of “systematic and continuous actions that lead to measureable
improvement in healthcare services and the health status of a targeted patient
Aim and Objectives
 To increase the government’s profit
 To increase the women income
 To promote the living standard
 To improve the quality of garment
 To know the health and safety of garment worker

 Collect the data from some garment factories
 Check the defect of products
 Rework and Repair the defect products
 Use the various quality control methods and quality improvement methods to get the
quality improvement of product
 Make the productivity and quality improvement of garment
 Make to get sufficient health and safety for garment worker
Literature Review
No. Year Title Name of Remarks
1 2018 Cost Reduction and A.Moreiraa Aim is to reduce the use of toxic products and general costs in offset
quality improvement printing process.
in the printing Method-Overall Equipment Effectiveness and Mean Time Between
industry failure, Mean Time To Repair
Reducing the mean time to repair
Result- 30% reduction of Isopropyl Alcohol Consumption
A slight reduction in the cleaning solvent consumption
Theoretical reduction of about 1125£
Printing consumable usage saved 1127,60

2. 2019 Determining Root Ilana J. Aim- is to increase the percentage of cilents with a documented foot
Causes and Halpen MD examination from 35% to 80% by two years from the start of the QI
Designing Change project.
Ideas in Quality Method – Fishbone Diagram/ cause and effect diagram and Pareto
Improvement chart
Project Plan-Do- Study- Act cycle
Change .
Result- the diagnostic tools can help the root causes of a QI problem
Driver diagram can help to organize the root causes into a theory

3. 2018 Production M.Colleda Aim- a references framework for improving production quality
Quality ni a,b,* , performance during the system ramp-up phase.
Improvement T.Tolio a,b, Method- Six Sigma and Just in time methods
during A.Yemane Result-Effective throughout is the most relevant performance
manufacturin a
measure to be improved during the ramp-up phase
g systems Effective strategies to reduce ramp-up losses
Digital system and Process modeling play a relevant role in
ramp-up reduction.
A cross KET approach for data gathering, modeling and analysis
4. 2019 Quality Amanika Aim of this paper is Defect free process and guide stakeholder
improvement and reducing the waste
in Method- Six sigma, Lean
gynecologic The use of quality improvement and change management
oncology: methodologies has been shown to improve the success of quality
Current improvement initiatives in healthcare and can be used to guide
successes and healthcare providers in their efforts.

5. 2019 Beginning a Geetha Aim-To increase the percentage of clients with document
Diabetes Quality Mukerji MD
Project foot examination from 35% to 80% by two years from the
start of the QI project.
Method- Six sigma and Lean methodologies, plan – Do-
Result- % of eligible clients who have had documented
foot examinations at their last appointment.
6 2018 Health and safety in Rebecca Aim- To understand how garment work affects workers
garment worker’s Prentice
lives: Setting a new wellbeing and their prospects for a fulfilling life requires
research agenda research that moves beyond the workplace and covers the
entire life course.
Result- Focus on health and wellbeing provide a window
into understanding how garment work fits into workers
broader livelihoods and aspirations and how these become
fulfilled over time or not.

Quality improvement tools
 Seven simple tools can be used by any professional to ease the quality
improvement process.

The 7 basic quality tools are as follows

 Flow chart
 Histogram
 Cause- and-effect diagram
 Check sheet
 Scatter diagram
 Control Charts
 Pareto Charts

Flow chart
 Use to trace a process from start to finish

Figure. Example of Flow chart image

Source: 14
width Use to show the distribution
pattern of a large sample of data


Figure. Example figure of Histogram

Source : 15
Cause and Effect Diagram

 Used for the searching the

root cause of the problem

Figure. Example of Cause and effect diagram

Source :
Check sheet

 Used for

Figure. Example of Check sheet image

Source : 17
 Used for both quality control and problem solving

Figure: Example of scatterplot image

Source :
Control chart

 Used to find the

sources of

Figure. Example of Control chart image

Source :

Pareto chart

 Used to determine the

priorities for problem solving

Figure. Example of Pareto Chart

Source : 20
Quality Improvement Method
 Plan Do Study Act. Introduce and test potential
quality improvements.
 Lean/Six sigma. Eliminate waste and redirect resources for quality.
 Performance benchmarking. Drive quality improvement through
 Effects analysis.
 Process mapping
 Statistical Process control
 Root cause analysis

The production process of Garment

Storage Cutting
Storage ironing sewing

Shipment ironing Trimming Washing

Figure: The production process of garment

Factory Profile of Zhejiang Togli clothing company
Factory name: Zhejiang Tongli Clothing (Myanmar) co., Ltd
Factory address; Shwe Lin Pan Industrial Zone, Hlaing Thar Yar Township, Yangon

Year of Establishment 2015

Employee 2729
Location, wide 15000 m2
Main Machines; Sewing machine, cutting machine, iron snap Bottom

Daily working hour; 8 am to 4:30 pm (normal)

Production Capacity - 6000000 pcs/year

Input raw materials Fabric
Out put garment

23 23
Organization Chart of Zhejiang Tongli Clothing co. (Myanmar)

Detail Datas of Kamcaine manufacturing company
1.Factory name: Kamcaine Manufacturing (Myanmar) Co.,Ltd
2. Factory address; No. 186/ Ma Kha Ya Min Thar Gyi
mg pyow street/ Industrial estate (2)
Line Thar Yar Township

3.Factory owner’s name Mr. Lou Baijin

4.Kind of ownership Foreigner
5.Usage of energy Myanmar Electric Power/ Diesel Electric Engine

6.Kind of Work Garment

7.Investment FDI
8.License Present
(a)MIC permission Present

(b)Company Registrations Present
(c)Industry (1) License Present
(d)Civic Center Present
(e) Another Present
9.EC contract Present

10. Factory Start Working day 12.9.2013

11. Production Product Material (main) Garment
12. Factory and employee legal inspector Present
13.Obtaining place for raw material China

14. Finish Product Export - China

15. Amount of Production Average 150000
16. Total staff - 1527 ( Male-234 Female- 1293 )
Country worker Male (225) female (1289) Total (1514)

Foreigner worker - male (9) female (4) total (13)

17. Given the salary date 5th of the start month

18. Minimum salary -240000 kyats

Maximum salary -360000 kyats

19. Working time 8 am to 4 :30 pm

Break time - from 12 am to 12:30 am
20. Overtime -Present
Break time from 12 am to 12:30 am

21. The workplace dangerous present

clear service
22.Welfare service affairs Present
23. Welfare work service Present

24. Technician expert supervisor Present

Organization Chart of Kamcaine Manufacturing (Myanmar) co.Ltd

Source : health and safety department in kamciane company
Figure. Showing the health and safety figures in kamciane company

Source : health and safety department in kamciane company

Figure. Showing the health and safety figures in kamciane company

Expected Outcomes
 the good quality of garment can get
 To improve the woman’s income in industrial estate
 To promote the government’s income
 To increase the human standard of living

Time Schedule
2019 2020 2021
Months Months Month
10  11   12  1  2  3  4 5  6  7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1. Literature Review for proposal    
2. Studying the factory location background                  
and methodology that use in the factory. Title
3. Collect the data and calculation of quality                    
improvement methodology     first
4. Studying the proposed method and                    
collecting data    
5. Calculation the methodology
6. Calculation the methodology Third
7. ICSE paper Fourth
8. Apply the various QC method
9. Apply the various quality improvement
method fifth
10. Result Analysis
11. Thesis Book Submission six
12. Overall seven
13. Overall


 [1] A. Moreira, F. J. G. Silva, A. I. Correia, T. Pereira, L. P. Ferreira, and F.
de Almeida, “Cost reduction and quality improvements in the printing
industry,” Procedia Manuf., vol. 17, pp. 623–630, Jan. 2018.
 [2] I. J. Halperin et al., “Determining Root Causes and Designing Change
Ideas in a Quality Improvement Project,” Can. J. Diabetes, vol. 43, no. 4, pp.
241–248, Jun. 2019.

 M. Colledani, T. Tolio, and A. Yemane, “Production quality improvement

during manufacturing systems ramp-up,” CIRP J. Manuf. Sci. Technol., vol.
23, pp. 197–206, Nov. 2018.

 [4] A. Kumar, K. M. Nesbitt, and J. N. Bakkum-Gamez, “Quality improvement in
gynecologic oncology: Current successes and future promise,” Gynecol. Oncol., vol.
152, no. 3, pp. 486–491, Mar. 2019.

 [5] G. Mukerji et al., “Beginning a Diabetes Quality Improvement Project,” Can. J.

Diabetes, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 234–240, Jun. 2019.

 [6] R. Prentice, G. De Neve, A. Mezzadri, and K. N. Ruwanpura, “Health and safety

in garment workers’ lives: Setting a new research agenda,” Geoforum, vol. 88, pp.
157–160, Jan. 2018.


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