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Outlines of Presentation

Aim and Objectives

Raw Materials of AAC block
Properties of AAC block
Benefits of AAC block
Cost saving of AAC block
Weight Saving of AAC block
Study the quality control of product
Calculation of power consumption cost, compressive strength, production time
between conventional brick and AAC block
Conclusion and Discussion
Aim and Objectives
To analyze the beneficial usage of AAC block

To compare the usage between conventional brick and AAC block

The Procedure of Thesis
• Study the production process of AAC block
First Step • Study about the raw materials of AAC
• Study the function of machine and machine maintenance that use
Second Step from raw material to finish product

• Calculating the cost saving and weight saving of AAC block compared
Third Step with conventional brick for building a wall that have 9290304 mm2

• Study the quality control of product

• Calculate and interpret of defect contain in final product
• Calculating the compressive strength between conventional brick and AAC
Fourth Step block by using the method of sampling and testing
• Calculation the power consumption cost saving and production time saving
between conventional brick and AAC block
Autoclaved aerated concrete block (AAC) also known as autoclaved cellular
concrete(ACC), Autoclaved lightweight concrete(ALC),autoclaved concrete
and cellular concrete
Autoclaved aerated concrete block invented in1923 and has been used
extensively in Europe and Asia.
Mother industrial Co., ltd is the first autoclaved aerated concrete block
factory in Myanmar. This factory was built in 2013 May and this factory
could produce their product at 2015 July.
Quality control is a system that is used to maintain a desired level of quality.
It depends on materials, tools, machines,labour,and working conditions.

Statistical process control(SPC) tools can be solved and observed the

quality problems of products and process.
Sampling is a process used in statistical analysis in which a
predetermined number of observations are taken from a larger population.
Compressive strength is the capacity of a material or structure to
withstand loads tending to reduce size, as opposed to tensile strength,
which withstands loads tending to elongate.
Power consumption often refers to the electrical energy over time
supplied to operate an electrical appliance.
Raw materials for AAC block [Mother Industrial Co., Ltd]

Sand (60.2%)

Gypsum (3%)

Lime (17%)

Cement (10%)

Aluminium powder (9.8%)

The size of AAC block [Mother Industrial Co. Ltd]
 Length-600mm
 Height-200mm
 Thickness-200mm
 Cost-1800ks

 Length-600mm
 Height-200mm
 Thickness-100mm
 Cost-950ks

Figure 1. The sizes of AAC block
Production process of AAC block procedure [Mother Industrial Co.,Ltd]
cement Silo 9

Gypsum Jaw crusher Dd Mill

Dry Ball silo
Water mould
Sand Wet Ball Mill Slurry tank
Lime Jaw crusher Dry Ball Mill Silo
Added Water
Aluminum Powder

AAC Packing Separating Autoclave Cutting

Process of AAC block production [Mother Industrial Co., Ltd] 10

Lime Cement


Gypsum Aluminum

Figure 2.Raw materials of AAC block

Process of AAC block production 11
stage-2 Stage-3

Mould and Curing room Horizontal Cutting machine

Bottom Wide-off Machine Vertical Cutting Machine

Stage-5 Stage-4
Figure3.Drying and Cutting process
Process of AAC Block Production 12
Stage-6 Stage-7

Autoclave input Autoclaved output

Stage-9 Stage-8

AAC block Separating Machine

Figure4. distilling process to finishing process
Properties Comparison between conventional brick and autoclaved aerated concrete
block 13

No Parameter Conventional brick [Ref 8] AAC block[from finding]

1 Moisture Resistance Average Very good
2 Water absorption High 20% by volume Very high 45% by volume
(% by weight)
3 Fire resistance Around 2 hours Up to 7 hours
4 Dry density 1800-2000 kg/m3 600-725 kg/m3
5 Compressive strength 2.5 -7 N/mm2 3.5-7.5 N/mm2

6 Thermal conductivity (0.81W/m.k) (0.16W/m. k)

7 Pest resistance Low High

8 Fume resistance Average Good
9 Energy Saving Low Approx.25% reduction in air
conditioner load
Many Benefits of AAC Block

Energy Saving
Only 1/2 to 1/3 of clay brick (weight)
 Greatly reduce the weight of wall thickness and get the better
insulation effect than of clay
Cost saving
Increase the building using area
Faster construction
(AAC project Training Book October,2012 FOSHAN FORTEX
Price Comparison Between AAC block & Conventional Brick
Material Qty Price (kyat) Total (kyat) Grand Total(kyat) Remark
Conventional Brick 475 Pieces 110 52250 (228.6×101.6×
76.2) mm
Cement 2.7 Bags 5,600 15,120
Sand 0.1 Sud 14,000 1,400
Mason 2 12,000 24,000 6hrs
Worker 4 8,000 32,000 6hrs
124770 kyat 124770(for 9290304 mm2 )

AAC Block 70 Blocks 1,000 70,000 (600×200×100

AAC Mortar 1 Bag 7,000 7,000 40 kg/bag
Mason 1 12,000 12,000 2hrs
Worker 2 8,000 16,000 2hrs
105,000 105,000( for 9290304
mm2 )
Difference Cost 19770kyats (for 9290304 mm2)
Cost saving of AAC=0.01343013-0.011302=0.00212813 kyats/mm2
Weight Comparison Between AAC Block& Conventional Brick(9290304 mm2)
Material Qty Weight (kg) Total (kg) Grand Total (kg) Remark
Conventional Brick 475 pieces 2.5 kg 1187.5 kg
Mixer 1 Bag 485 kg 485 kg <12mm joint
1672.5 kg 1672.5 kg
(for 9290304
AAC Block 70 Blocks 9 kg 630 kg (Wet Weight)
AAC Mortar 1 Bag 40 kg 40 kg <3 mm joint
670 kg 670 kg (for
9290304 mm2 )
Difference Weight= 1672.5-670=1002.5 kg (for 9290304 mm2 )
Weight saving of AAC=0.000180026-0.000072118=0.000107908 kg/mm2

(Yadanar Hninsi Housing project) 16

Seven Tools for Quality Control

Cause and Effect Diagrams

Flow Charts
Pareto Charts
Control Charts
Scatter Diagrams
In my thesis, control chart is presented.

Ref [2] 17
Control Charts [Ref 2 ]

Control chart can show the performance of a process with trend.

It can easily collect the data, organize and store information of
product’s quality.
It is monitoring process which include average line, upper and lower
control limit lines on graph to establish the quality problem.

Control Charts

Variables Control Charts Attribute Control Charts

1) Average and Range Chart (x bar and R chart)

(1) p Chart
2) Median and Range Chart
(2) np Chart
3) Average and Standard Deviations Chart (x bar and s chart)
(3) c Chart
4) Individual and Moving Range chart ( x bar and MR chart) (4) u Chart

Ref [2] 19
Average and Range Chart

Ref [2 ] 20
Ref [2]

Ref [2] 22

s is standard deviation,
USL is upper specification limit,
LSL is lower specification limit,
k is Sample number

Ref [2]

Input data [from Mother Industrial Co., ltd]
Sample size , n = 5
K = 23
USL = 7.5 N/mm2
LSL = 5 N/mm2
From table of control chart constants (Shewart constants),
D4 = 2.114
A2 = 0.577
D3 = 0
D2 = 2.326
Table 1. Sampling Data for AAC Block Compressive Strength Content
Specification Method: compressive strength testing machine 25
Sample Sample Measurements
Number First block Second block Third block Fourth block Fifth block

1 6.12 5.88 6.02 5.97 5.91

2 5.97 6.07 5.68 6.06 5.75
3 5.9 5.97 6.23 6.25 5.91
4 5.89 6.07 6.06 5.95 5.9
5 6.34 6.25 6.02 6.12 5.96
6 6.14 5.97 5.98 6.06 5.95
7 5.98 6.01 6.08 5.91 6.14
8 5.64 5.85 5.89 5.92 6.03
9 6.01 5.91 5.8 6.16 5.93
10 5.68 6.07 6.06 5.97 5.75
Sample Sample Measurements
First block Second block Third block Fourth block Fifth block

11 5.97 6.04 6.13 6.09 6.23

12 6.11 5,89 5.91 5.92 5.98
13 5.85 5.66 5.99 6.01 6.02
14 5.82 6.21 5.96 5.73 5.89
15 5.981 5.92 5.89 6.24 6.01
16 6.11 5.83 5.91 6.09 5.97
17 6.19 6.01 5.95 6.10 5.98
18 5.96 6.10 5.97 6.16 6.2
19 6.02 5.85 5.96 6.11 5.88
20 5.89 5.97 6.06 5.98 6.11
21 6.21 6.11 5.98 6.02 5.85
22 6.1 5.97 6.26 6.03 5.98
23 5.89 5.95 6.1 6.01 5.97
Average, x

0 5 10 15 20 25
Sample Number

Figure.5 Chart for Average of AAC block Product Compressive Strength

Interpreting Control Chart
 There are not any points beyond the upper and lower control limits on

 From point number 1 to 6 and point number 10 to 13 are Instability

because this pattern is large fluctuation. In this points, point number 19 to
22 are grouping. This may be cause of inconsistent raw materials or
employee errors.

 This pattern has not any special cases or problems to damage process
because there are not any freak point, shift and run or trend pattern.

Range, R

0 5 10 15 20 25

Sample Number

Figure.6 Chart for range of AAC Block Product Compressive strength

The Process Capability grid [Ref 2]

Process Process Control Chart

Classification Capability
A PCR.5 Recommended
Cpk 2
B .51PCR.7 Recommended
C .71PCR.9 Required
1.11 Cpk1.41
D Required
D PCR.91 Required
Interpreting Control Chart (R chart)

 Most of the points are located within 1σ or Zone C, and near mean line.
Therefore, this pattern is random pattern, moreover, any points are not
beyond the upper and lower control limits.

 In this pattern, there are a lot of grouping which cause of differences in

work quality and inconsistent materials.

 Substituting the data to equation (9) to (10); process capability ratio is

0.4969 and process capability index is 4.038.
 According process capability (App-B), PCR and Cpk are A
Calculation the compressive strength for conventional brick
  Area=length × width –( Hole’s surface)
=220×100 –(
=22000 mm2 –(
=17091.26 mm2
Force can be read directly by the testing machine.

Where, P=compressive strength, F=force, A=area

A=17091.26 mm2
[Strength Text book]
Compressive Strength Calculation of Conventional Brick

No Force(N) Area(mm2)
1 75840 17091.26 4.437
2 72510 17091.26 4.2425
3 71920 17091.26 4.207

For Autoclaved aerated Concrete block
Surface area=100×100=10000mm2
Force can be read directly by the testing machine.
Compressive Strength Calculation of AAC Block
No. Force (N) Area(mm2 )
1 55600 10000 5.56
2 56100 10000 5.61
3 57200 10000 5.72 34
T h e te s tin g r e s u lt( N

The bar graph of compressive strength calculating result

between conventional brick and AAC block
1 2 3
The testing Number

Conventional brick AAC block

Fig 7. The bar graph of compressive strength comparison result

This testing was made in Myanmar Engineering Society(MES) and factory laboratory.
One block of AAC block is equal to 6.78 brick of conventional brick.

Fig 8. comparison the volume between conventional brick and AAC block
The Prices depend on Unit Specifications to Calculate Power
Consumption Cost

No. Unit Specifications Price

1 (1 to 500) unit 75 kyats
2 (500 to 10000) unit 100 kyats
3 (10001 to 50000) unit 125 kyats

(Ministry of Electricity and Energy Specification)

The Power Consumption Cost Calculation Comparison Between
Conventional Brick Factory and AAC Block Factory
No Calculation items AAC Block factory Conventional Brick
1 Total Power consumption 688.854 kW 402.8 kW
2 Production time for one day 8 hr 8 hr
3 Total Power consumption cost 551083.2 kyats 322240 kyats
4 Number of block for one day 14112 blocks 40000 bricks

The average power consumption cost for one AAC block=

The average power consumption cost for one conventional brick = 39
5 The average power consumption cost for one 39.05 kyats 8.056 kyats
6 The volume for one block (0.6×0.2×0.1)m (0.2286×0.1016×0.0762)m

In building a wall that have 9.290304m2 ,474.629 conventional bricks and 70 autoclaved aerated concrete blocks
are needed.
7 The volume for a wall that have 9.290304 m2 70×(0.6×0.2× 474.629×(0.2286×0.1016×0.0762
0.1) m )m

8 The power consumption cost for a wall that 2733.5 kyats 3823.611 kyats
have 9.290304 m2
Difference cost for a wall that have 9.290304 m2 =1090.111 kyats

The power consumption cost for a wall that have 1m2 294.23149 kyats 411.5700627 kyats

The power consumption cost saving of AAC block=411.5700627-294.23149=117.3385 kyats/m 2

The Production Time Calculation Comparison Between
Conventional Brick Factory and AAC Block Factory 40

No Calculation items AAC Block factory Conventional Brick

1 Number of block for one day 14112 blocks 40000 bricks
2 Total Production time 8 hr 8 hr
3 Number of block for one day 14112 blocks 40000 bricks

The average production time for one AAC block=

The average production time for conventional brick=

4 The average production 0.034 min 0.012 min
time for one block
5 The volume for one block (0.6×0.2×0.1) m (0.2286×0.1016×0.0762) m
In building a wall that have 9.290304m2 ,474.629 conventional bricks and 70 autoclaved aerated
concrete blocks are needed.

6 The volume for a wall that 70×(0.6×0.2×0.1)m 474.629×(0.2286×0.1016×0.0762)

have 9.290304 m2 m
7 The production time for a 2.38 min 5.696 min
wall that have 9.290304 m2
Difference production time for a wall that have 9.290304 m2 =3.316 min
8 The production time for a 0.25618 min 0.61311 min
wall that have 1 m2
The production time saving of AAC block=0.35693 min/m2

Table of Results
No. Calculation Conventional brick AAC block
1 The cost for building a wall 124770 kyats 105000 kyats
that have 9290304 mm2
2 The weight for building a 1673 kg 670 kg
wall that have 9290304
The process capability ratio PCR=0.4964 ,Cpk=4.038.
The process classification is A classification.
3 Compressive strength 4.437 (N/mm2 ) 5.56 (N/mm2 )
4.42425 (N/mm2 ) 5.61(N/mm2 )
4.207 (N/mm2 ) 5.72 (N/mm2 )
4 Power Consumption cost for 2733.5 kyats 3823.611 kyats
a wall that have 9.290304 m2
5 Production time for a wall 5.696 min 2.38 min
that have 9.290304 m2

The projects or the company that build with AAC block 43
Shwe taung Development Company Limited
1. (Yadanar Hninsi Housing project)
2. Crystal Tower and residence project)
3. (Hill top vista project)

Crown advanced company

4. Time city project
5. Sanchaung garden project

Saepaing development Ltd

6. Min Dhamma Housing project
7. Myanmar Goneyee housing project
Conclusions 44
The detail production process of AAC block and the raw materials are studied.

The function of machines and machine maintenance from raw materials to

finish product of AAC block from mother Industrial Co. ltd are studied.

The cost saving of AAC block for building a wall that have 9290304 mm2
compared with conventional brick is calculated.

The weight saving of AAC block for building a wall that have
9290304 mm2 compared with conventional brick is calculated.

The quality of AAC block is discussed by using the quality control chart.

The process capability ratio (PCR) and process capability index(Cpk) are
calculated. According to the PCR and Cpk , the process classification is A

The compressive strength of AAC block and conventional brick by using the
method of sampling is tested.

The power consumption cost saving of AAC block base on a wall that have
9.290304 m2 is studied.

The production time saving of AAC block base on a wall that have 9.290304
m2 is calculated.

According to the above studies, the use of AAC block instead of the use of
conventional brick is more benefit.
Discussions 46
The cost for building a wall that have 9290304 mm2 with AAC block is
less than the cost for building a wall that have 9290304 mm2 with
conventional brick.

The weight for building a wall that have 9290304 mm2 with AAC block
is less than the weight for building a wall that have 9290304 mm2 with
conventional brick.

Substituting the data to equation (9) to (10); PCR is 0.4964 and Cpk is
4.038 respectively. According process capability (App-B),PCR and Cpk
are A classification.

So the quality of AAC block is good.

Discussions 47
The compressive strength of AAC block is higher than the compressive
strength of conventional brick.
So the quality of AAC block is better than the conventional brick.
The power consumption cost saving of AAC block is 117.3385 kyat per
 Production time of AAC block for one block is less than the production
time of conventional brick for one block.

The use of AAC block instead of the use of conventional brick is more
A little difficulties have been found throughout my thesis. For example the
data that give in factory is not suitable the time that make as the real.
It is advisable that there should have a place in factory where to store the
product. Then only, the product will be safe whether the weather is raining
day or the weather is sunny day.
The labor that use for producing the finish product should reduce. Then only,
the labor cost will reduce. And then, the profit for factory will increase.
The process performance and production efficiency can be improved through
by using control charts (QC charts) that can be assessed the product instantly
and could be interpreted the process deviances which come to know issues
and then can be corrected the procedure immediately.
The material handling and the warehousing and distribution system of
production layout are futher studied in the factory that make in my thesis for
next generations.

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The machines that use from raw materials to finished product of AAC block production
To automatically convert the feeder to a volumetric
To carry the sand mode of operation.

Sand Hopper
Constant Weight Feeder(Sand)

In the manufacturing industry, conveyor belts

To grind the sand are designed to move products from one
point to another or to carry the sand.

Ball Mill With Semen’s Belt Conveyor

Vertical slurry pump
Slurry pumps are widely used to transport slurry from slurry To storage sand slurry
pond to slurry tank.

Slurry tank

To weigh the slurry

Slurry is stored in a special tank before making the
batching process.
Slurry Electric Measuring Tank

Slurry tank with mixer

To feed sticky or powder materials for cement mill,
To adjust the feeding size
belt conveyor ,bucket elevator,crushers,pulverizer
and other industrial fields.

Manually Rubber Lined

Butterfly Valve
Vibrating Feeder

To storage the raw materials To measure the level of lime and cement powder

Level indicators
To weigh the lime and cement
To transport the cement and Lime materials,includes tank.
powder from ground to the top.

Electric Powder
Screw Pipe Type Conveyor Feeder Measurement

To mix and stirrer all the required materials such as

lime,cement,alumina powder ect and prepare for mould casting. To stir the aluminum for mixing
the lime, cement and sand slurry

Aluminum Mixer

Pouring Mixer
To use a drive motor or an electric gas to power the
device, which sucks in a successive volume of To detach from the plate of mould
air from the atmosphere compresses each
volume of air in the limited space
to increase
. the pressure

Air Compressor
Reversal Crane

For carrying the casted block after turning and

waiting to go inside of autoclaves after turnover,
To make the mould block this will be used as steam bottom plate.

Mould Bottom plates

Casting moulds
To move the mould after casting To carry the mould from curing room to reversal crane
to the rail tracks in curing room inlet.

Curing Cars
Casting Transfer Car with
Inverter Control

To cut the block vertically To cut the block horizontally

Vertical Cutting Machine

Horizontal Cutting Machine
To move the cut block to the autoclaves section. To move the block into the autoclave.
To remove the recycle cutting pieces.

Autoclave Loading Device

Tilting Lift Device

To produce the steam that need to use in the process To distil the block by steam pressure

Automatic Boiler Autoclave

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