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TDC Methods


(a) Firing methods describe the different procedures employed just prior to and while firing the torpedoes of a salvo. Good firing methods insure the most effective
torpedo fire for the firing data used. The torpedo Fire Control Party must be well trained in the use of any selected method or methods.

(b) The TDC generates a hitting gyro angle for any instantaneous relative bearing of the target and the estimated values of target speed, target course, end range. The
accuracy of this gyro angle will vary with the accuracy of these estimates to the degree that an error in any one might be accumulated with or cancel out all or part of
another. Regardless of the position at which torpedo fire occurs, every effort is made to have the most correct solution on the TDC while firing. This is accomplished by
the use of firing methods which insure that:

1. An accurate relative bearing of the target is in the TDC upon firing.

2. An accurate range is in the TDC upon firing when using large gyro angles.
(c) The following basic standard firing methods are described for submerged attacks but are equally applicable to surface attacks, they are:

1. Check baring method

2. Continuous bearing method
3. Constant bearing method
(a) The Approach Officer having previously announced that SHOOTING WILL BE BY THE CHECK BEARING METHOD, BEARING EVERY ____ TORPEDOES. He then, when in
all respects ready to shoot, announces FINAL BEARING AND SHOOT - UP SCOPE.

(b) A designated member of the Fire Control Party orders STANDBY FORWARD (AFT).

(c) The periscope is placed on the desired point of aim as soon as the top of the periscope breaks water. The Approach Officer orders BEARING MARK.

(d) The TDC Operator matches the observed bearing and radar range (if taken) in the center, section of the TDC and announces SET when it has been matched.

(e) The Assistant TDC Operator announces SHOOT if the following conditions are met:

(1) Spread set

(2) Correct solution light on
(f) If the gyro matched light is on, the firing key operator presses the firing key, announces FIRE ONE, and starts his stop watch. He announces ONE FIRED when the
torpedo has left the tube.

(g) If the target is not tracking well, this procedure is repeated for each torpedo in the salvo. When the target is tracking well on the TDC, in the interest of reducing
the probability of being sighted, the number of check bearings inserted may be reduced. It is undesirable, however, to fire more than two torpedoes in succession
without a check bearing.

(h) The TDC Operator announces SET only when a check bearing is obtained.

(i) The Assistant TDC Operator must announce SHOOT prior to the firing of each torpedo. If a check bearing is not obtained after the torpedo has been tired as
announced by the Firing Key Operator, the Assistant TDC Operator must insure that the preceding torpedo has left the tube prior to setting the spread for the next

(j) The Firing Key Operator must wait for the order SHOOT prior to firing each torpedo even if the firing interval is exceeded. Under normal circumstances he will
receive the order SHOOT prior to the end of the firing interval. He then must fire on time. As successive torpedoes are fired be announces TWO FIRED, THREE FIRED,
(a) The Approach Officer having previously announced that SHOOTING WILL BE BY CONTINUOUS BEARING METHOD he then, when in all respects ready to shoot,

(b) A designated member of the Fire Control Party orders STANDBY FORWARD (AFT).

(c) The periscope is placed on the desired point of aim as soon as the top of the periscope breaks water. The Approach Officer announces BEARING ON as long as he
has the cross wire of the periscope on the desired point of aim. He announces BEARING OFF while shifting to a new point of sin, or if the cross wire should
inadvertently move off the desired point of aim.

(d) The TDC Operator matches the generated and observed values of relative bearing and radar range (if taken) in the center section of the TDC. The TDC Operator
announces SET as soon as he has matched and thereafter keeps the observed and generated values of relative bearing matched throughout the firing.

(e) The Assistant TDC Operator orders SHOOT when the following conditions are met:
1. Spread set (if not applied at periscope)
2. Correct solution light on
(f) The Firing Key Operator announces FIRE ONE if the gyro matched light is on.

(g) Assistant TDC Operator and Firing Key operator follow the same procedure as under the Check Bearing method when no check bearings are being obtained.
(a) The Approach Officer having previously announced SHOOTING WILL BE BY CONSTANT BEARING METHOD he then, when in all respects ready to fire, announces

(b) A designated member of the Fire Control Party orders STANDBY FORWARD (AFT).

(c) The periscope is placed ahead of the desired point of aim as soon as the top of the periscope breaks water. The Approach Officer announces BEARING MARK.

(d) The TDC Operator matches the generated and observed relative bearing on the center section of the TDC and stops the generation by holding this value constants
He then announces SET.

(e) The Assistant TDC Operator announces SIDOT when the following conditions have been met:
1. Correct solution light on
2. Gyro matched light on
(f) the Approach Officer orders FIRE one when the point of aim crosses the vertical cross wire at the periscope which has been left on the original relative bearing. The
TDC Operator then releases the relative bearing hand crank and allows the TDC to generate.
(g) This procedure is repeated for each desired point of aim, unless a longitudinal spread is being fired. In this event, the original bearing is held constant throughout
the salvo.

(h) The Firing Key Operator fires each torpedo on the order of the Approach Officer.

(i) In all of the above methods, if it becomes necessary to stop shooting due to a target zig or any other reason the order CHECK FIRE should be given. After CHECK FIRE
is ordered firing should be resumed in the sane manner as originally commenced. It must be remembered that if some torpedoes of a salvo have been fired that the
effectiveness of the spread will be reduced if fire is not resumed with a minimum of delay.
Constant bearing — mark! Method
The clue here is in Dick O'Kane's calling "Constant bearing — mark!" Those words have a precise meaning that cleverusername doesn't believe is
historically accurate. Let me put on my professor's cap and go to work here.

There are three methods of shooting torpedoes, according to the Submarine Torpedo Fire Control Manual, which I invite you to read to verify what I say.

The first method, and the one cleverusername refers to as "historically accurate" is the check bearing method. In the check bearing method, the captain
makes the announcement "shooting will by the check bearing method" or some shorthand with the words "check bearing method" in them. This is a quick
up and down of the scope to get a bearing, range and down scope. This method emphasized minimal, less than 30 second scope exposures to take a
snapshot that could be plotted. They developed course, speed and bearing by multiple observations and checked the actual periscope bearing method
(thus the name "check bearing method") against that of the TDC with PK on. When they were happy with the solution, they took one last observation to
update bearing and range and shot with spreads set with the spread dial.

The second method is the continuous bearing method. In the continuous bearing method, the periscope is left up and constant bearings are continuously
fed to the TDC to keep the TDC continuously updated with real bearing and range during the shooting of the torpedoes. As long as your speed and course
are accurate, this is a very accurate way to shoot. You do expose your scope for a long time though. In certain situations it is very useful.

The third method and that referred to by Dick O'Kane in his book is the constant bearing method. There are many variations of the constant bearing
method, but what they have in common is that the TDC is set for a solution and the periscope is aimed for that bearing. When the aiming point crosses
the bearing you shoot, knowing the torpedo is going right where you aim.

Think of it this way. If you're shooting cute birdies out of the sky with your shotgun, there are two basic ways to get the job done. One is to sweep the
shotgun across the sky with the bird until you're satisfied with the lead angle and shoot any time you want. This is the analog of the check bearing and
continuous bearing methods. The second way is to anticipate a position in the sky the bird must cross, aim your gun there without moving it and squeeze
off the murderous shot at the correct moment. This is the analog to the constant bearing method because your gun is aimed at a constant place in the
sky. Kapeesh?

Dick O'Kane would start his attack the way we do. He'd work with the PK and tweak the inputs until his TDC was following the target perfectly. But to
shoot, he'd sight ahead of the target, send a new bearing and crank the TDC bearing input backwards (more details available from Nisgeis or aaronblood)
to stop the updating. We can do the same thing by clicking off the PK. Then he would wait for the target to pass by the crosshair, shooting as the part of
the ship he wanted was on the line. He could do this quickly enough, sighting again ahead, waiting and shooting again to shoot his stern, MOT (middle of
target), bow spread. He shot in that order to give him the maximum divergence in his spread. That made the attack more difficult to avoid if the
torpedoes were spotted. Check out a John P Cromwell attack in broad daylight with a perfect longitudinal spread and you can see how easy it is to avoid
a spread with no divergence.
Constant bearing — mark! Method
We made it very clear when we published the Dick O'Kane method that we had no proof that Dick O'Kane ever used that exact methodology in his attacks. We did
know he liked to use the constant bearing method and shoot as juicy parts of the target "crossed the wire." With the goal in mind of making a deadly attack method
that eliminated every possible detail, while remaining awesomely lethal, what we named the Dick O'Kane attack is an adaptation of Wahoo's Fast-90 U-boat method,
but using the capability of the American TDC, which automatically calculates the lead angle and allows you to set up the attack before you even see your target.

The real Dick O'Kane and the three of us who developed the Dick O'Kane attack had different things in mind. Dick O'Kane didn't care how difficult it was. He had a
highly trained crew to back him up and could do several things at once. His attack would be very difficult for a beginner to execute.

My goal was to encourage the new player who had never tried manual targeting to give it a try, with the assurance that he would be a certified killer right off the bat.
Frankly, it worked much better than I planned with many experienced players using the method often. At no time have we ever claimed that Dick O'Kane used this
exact procedure. He did use very similar constant bearing methods, though, and they did use the American TDC in imaginative and very unconventional ways. The
constant bearing section of the Torpedo Fire Control Manual has Dick O'Kane's virtual fingerprints all over it!

OK, enough defending. How are you going to do the max divergent spread with the Dick O'Kane method. It's really not too difficult. You will have to give up an
infinitessimal amount of accuracy, because we're not going to have time to update the AoB during the shooting. We'll be perfectly accurate on the second shot, OK?

Let's say our normal shoot bearing is on the 10º bearing and our ship is about ten degrees long. So we'll set up our speed. Then we'll set up the AoB for that 10º shot--
90-10=80º starboard or port, depending on which side he's coming for. Our first shot will be intentionally five or seven degrees before the perfect bearing. Point there
and wait for the ship.......when that fat stack on the stern is in the crosshairs, shoot!

Now aim the scope just in front of the ship and hit the send bearing/range button. When the MOT is on the crosshairs, shoot! No time to dawdle here.

Again leapfrog to ahead of the target and press the send range/bearing button. When the bow crosses the line shoot as the mast crosses the line.

You've just shot the stern, MOT, bow spread, Dick O'Kane style! Your AoB settings were slightly off, but not enough to make you miss. You have 3 hits on order,
American Express overnight delivery. Splice the mainbrace!
And that, folks, is why I keep it simple. I credit manual targeting as the reason I still play the game. After awhile auto targeting is like shooting fish in a barrel, but manual
targeting is just darn intimidating.

By eliminating every possible step, while rejecting shortcuts that sacrifice accuracy I've frustrated those better shooters who, for instance, know how to execute a perfect
constant bearing attack without being on a right angle or a 45º angle to the track. But I've opened the door for people who thought manual targeting was black magic or
Einsteinian mathematical wizardry with attacks that:
1. Don't require calculators, charts or any outside materials like plotting paper, protractors, is-was banjos or ouija boards. Those things are all good, but not for the
methods I teach. I use only in-game tools and simple rules of thumb that are easy to remember, but still methodologically accurate.
2. Are reduced to a recipe that anyone can accomplish just by following the steps. You have a great chance of sinking your prey on the very first attempt. Just by reading
the instructions you know that you can do this. Confidence is crucial when you're learning something new.
3. Are precise and precisely explained. There are no made-up undefined terms. If I say "longitudinal spread" you can be sure that if you look it up in the Torpedo Fire
Control Manual, you'll see what it is and its definition.
4. Are for the purpose of producing skippers who are better than I am. Some instructional posts are heavy on the bragging and light on instruction. I want YOU to brag
when you're done putting awesome amounts of Japanese shipping on the bottom.
Well, apparently there's no way to double-space the entries in that list. I keep some of the links to my stuff in my siggy. I also extensively use WernerSobe's [REL] Video Tutorals:
TDC + PK advanced thread. I just kind of adopted it after WernerSobe was lost at sea. Also, look up tale's Multi-ship targeting videos. They're very good.

You might also search for John P Cromwell Technique, which Nisgeis and I cooked up. It's pretty interesting and has Nisgeis' method of vector analysis so that you can calculate a
constant bearing shot from any angle to the track with a perfect zero gyro shot. It's more advanced than I would normally put in an instructional video, but just using it once
reveals that the apparent complexity is just a cruel hoax. You can do it in seconds, and in-game too! No outside references unless you need a torpedo speed chart.

In order to run, you must first learn to walk. And it's great if while you're only walking you can do some interesting things, like blow up enemy shipping. Just please make an
agreement with me. After you learn to run, don't make fun of the people who are still walking. Don't make fun of simpler methods as "unhistorical" or "shortcuts." There are
plenty of runners who still use the Dick O'Kane and John P Cromwell techniques to their profit. And some of those walkers, like I'm goin' down, will be passing you in skills in a
month or two!
In order to run, you must first learn to walk. And it's great if while you're only walking you can do some interesting things, like blow up enemy shipping. Just please
make an agreement with me. After you learn to run, don't make fun of the people who are still walking. Don't make fun of simpler methods as "unhistorical" or
"shortcuts." There are plenty of runners who still use the Dick O'Kane and John P Cromwell techniques to their profit. And some of those walkers, like I'm goin' down,
will be passing you in skills in a month or two!
Just to clarify, since a couple people now appear to have commented on my statement about the 90° target bearing standard approach; it has nothing to do with a
120° approach to the target true course.

It's just the standard approach an XO would take by putting the target bearing on a 90° beam moving (presumably) in the same relative direction (at this point AoB is
an unknown). Then the captain would be informed... and then perhaps after an observation (or several) an AoB determination can be made and then maybe a 120° to
TC would be the prefered approach angle for attack.

Okane mentions in Wahoo that as the XO he puts the boat on a standard 90° approach and then informs Morton of the situation. It's a method that's also
documented as the standard approach in the torpedo fire control manual. It doesn't mean that you're on any particular approach angle to the target true course.

It looks like this:

The standard 90° approach for target M1 or M2 is 330° and we don't really know what the true course is yet for either one.

This is a first contact (and probably at considerable distance) approach. Granted I've exagerated the M2 contact here because in this case we
wouldn't actually be closing (approaching) on the target. I should probably redraw it with an acute angle, but I don't feel like doing it again...
Math and errors possible
Yes, but the further out the target is, and the shorter his length, the better you need to know his exact speed.

Take his length, and divide it by the range, i.e. 95 yards at 3000 yards is 31.7 yards per 1000 yards. 1 degree is 17.5 yards wide at a 1000 yards
distance (same values apply if you use meters instead of yards), so the ship is 31.7 divided by 17.5 = 1.8 degrees wide. If the TDC aim is off by
halve that angle (=0.9 degrees) then you risk missing the target if you aimed at it dead center.

So how do you know how accurate the speed must be? First you need to know how to convert speed to the lead angle.

The lead angle is based on the target speed, the speed of the torpedo, and the AOB of the target.

The formula is:

lead_angle= arcsin( Target_speed x sin(AOB) / Torpedo_speed )

(sometimes the arcsin button on a calculator is shown as "sin with superscript -1" or "inv sin" or "asin", or if you want to avoid that and allow
yourself some inaccuracy simply multiply with 57.3 to get degrees. But this only works because lead angles are generally speaking quite small.
You can't avoid the proper arcsin button on your calculator if the angle is more than 20 degrees)

Let's say for example, it has 90 degree AOB ( sin(90)=1 ), 10 knots speed and the torpedo moves with 31 knot:

lead_angle = arcsin( 10 X 1 / 31 ) = 18.8 degrees

(or 57.3 x 10 x1 /31= 18.5 degrees, ... and notice this simplification already cost you 0.3 degrees in accuracy)

The lead angle is roughly proportional to target speed. That means if target speed is actually 5% faster than 10 knots (so 10.5 knots), then the
required lead angle is also about 5% more. (with our example: 19.8 degrees is required for 10.5 knots) Do you see the difference? 1 degree. If
you thought it was doing 10 knots but in actuality it moved 10.5 knots, then the torpedo would pass behind the target. Because the stern is 0.9
degrees behind the center at that range. If it is further out, then the 0.9 degrees size would turn into a smaller value. And if the AOB is not 90
degrees, it's appearant size is even smaller. (times sin(AOB) )

You can easily get the speed wrong by 0.5 knots if you rely on the 3-minute plotting rule and use the 'crude' maptools (at those short track-
lenghts). To get an accurate speed you need to average the distance over multiple 3-minute intervals.

As you might have noticed, a fast torpedo also help to reduce the lead angle, and limit the aiming error based on speed.
Dick O’Kane Method
• The Dick O'Kane method IS NOT a zero gyro method. It's a close enough to zero gyro not to matter method. There is no guessing
in the Dick O'Kane method at all, not even a LITTLE bit. Hundreds have used the Dick O'Kane method to become great shots with
manual targeting who failed previously with other methods. Then the Dick O'Kane method, PROPERLY UNDERSTOOD, helps you to
understand other valid methods. Yours is not one of those.
With regards to using the TDC in all its complexity, (especially with the PK usage), I find that complexity for the sake of necessity in a
game can be fun, however, even Dick O'Kane used a much less complicated modified constant bearing method of torpedo fire control
that was much simpler and can be closely emulated in game. In fact Rockin Robbins himself has a video demo showing its simplicity.
Utilizing this constant bearing method, you don't ever need to turn on the PK, let alone worry about intermittent AOB/range readings.
In fact all you need to start is initial course and speed so you can plot an end around if necessary to position yourself right off that
course. Of course a few intermittent observations are necessary to verity that the target is indeed continuing along that course
with/without a zigzag. Work your way into an approx. 90 degree intercept point at your preferred range. I generally use 600, but
sometimes as necessity dictates will increase the distance. I will not set up less than 600 due to torpedo arming distance.

With that in mind, and the approx. intercept point determined, you can preset the TDC with speed first, then preset what the
predetermined AOB will be AT that intercept point. I use 10 degrees lead AOB for 8 knots or less, 15 degrees lead AOB for 9 to 12
knots, and 20 degrees lead AOB for any speed over 12 knots.

Then at this same time, I preset the scope/TBT to the same lead angle (10,15, or 20 degrees), basically looking straight down the
same heading as the AOB lead angle. Keep in mind, the sub itself will be pointed at close to 90 degrees to the target track. After the
normal double clicks on the TDC, you can determine that your setup is almost perpendicular to the target AND you can do a quick
check on the attack map screen to see that the torpedo is set up to fire at the approx 90 degree intercept gyro angle you have set
into the TDC.

Usually, I have the TDC already pre-setup WAY in advance of reaching the intercept point. This allows me to quickly make a simple
one parameter change and re-double click if something necessitates a change. Keep in mind that you have to have the fore/aft
torpedo selected that you are plotting to fire along with the scope/TBT lined up along the same lead angle. The latter two items can
really mess with your mind when you re-double click and you have moved them since the last time you double clicked. Again this can
be confirmed with the left side TDC ship image displays and a quick glance at the attack map screen.

All you have to do now is place yourself at the predetermined intercept point and wait for the target to cross the Periscope/TDC wire.
In effect the target has placed itself on the pre-determined artificial target point without you having to make all sorts of
bearing/range/AOB observation inputs to the TDC/PK referred to in the earlier post(s) above. I use this technique in almost all my
intercepts because I figure if Dick O'Kane used this method it's good enough for me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but if you add up all the
sunk tonnage he was responsible for (Wahoo AND Tang), he was probably the leading sub ace in WWII.
Some notes:

I try to ensure that the target will indeed be at or slightly outside the predetermined TDC range setting (especially at higher target
speeds). The reason for this is at such close range and higher target speeds the TDC lead angle will cause a bow shot to actually cross
in front of the target instead of intercepting the bow. This intercept range is adjusted preferably by a small judicious forward/reverse
ship movement, but can be done on the TDC, (necessitating double-click rechecking of the solution of course).

Just because you have set up a solution waiting for the target to cross the wire does not mean you have to abandon the shot if you
have managed to be a little late raising the scope all the way up. In that case, keep your calm, move the scope a little ahead of the
target bow, double click the TDC and fire when he crosses the wire at that new point. This quick snap shot re-setup did not change
any TDC settings except the periscope bearing it was fired on, so it usually works and for sure the target is probably slightly further
from the pre-determined range referred to in the earlier note above.

This constant bearing technique is much more adaptable to quick snap-shot solutions when you are in the midst of a group of ships
than the PK/AOB observations earlier discussed.

You can also use this constant bearing method at sub headings different than a 90 degree tangent, which is helpful in mult-ship
convoy intercepts. You just point the sub at your chosen intercept angle and then set the AOB to (10, 15, or 20 degrees) lead from
that and align the scope/TBT to that same lead angle. This allows you to shoot at a further target as it crosses the wire using a slower
torpedo speed setting, then quickly resetting the TDC range to an inside target and firing torpedoes at a faster speed setting resulting
in near simultaneous detonations. (This assumes all the convoy ships are on the same course and speed)

Remember the object of the game/simulation is to sink tonnage in as realistic (but not necessarily as complicated) a manner as
possible, depending on your enjoyment factor of course.
Math for Attack Angle
• After doing a little bit of mathematical mulling over the 90 degree Dick O'Kane attack, I figured out an equation that can be used
to calculate the attack angle required.

Y = lead angle in degrees

X = target speed in knots
Z = torpedo speed in knots

Y = arctan(X/Z) * 57.3

Before you go and run away because this has trigonometry in it, the arctan operation does the same thing that we do when we
connect our torp & target speed vectors tip to tail and measure the angle with a protractor. Arctan (or inverse tangent, they're two
names for the exact same thing) spits out the angle measure (in radians, hence the multiplication by 57.3) of the angle that is
opposite from leg X, and adjacent to leg Z.

Of course, using this equation without a calculator or trig sheet would be quite impractical, but I'd imagine that submariners back
in the day had access to trig sheets.

In any case, this equation isn't terribly useful unless you are greater than about 2,500 yards from the target, where getting hits
requires closing down on uncertainty as much as possible. For a closer in attack, RR's rules of thumb (10 degrees for slower than
15 kts, 20 degrees for greater than 15 kts) more then well enough do the job.
True zero bearing attack
John P Cromwell Attack Rules If you'll establish your method graphically, like I do here
with a third valid targeting system, the John P Cromwell
targeting system, you'll see that target speeds and torpedo
speeds alone are not sufficient to aim a torpedo and have it
hit the target. By making your shot straight shooting, gyro
angle between 340 and 20 degrees you can toss out range,
but there are other parameters which are absolutely
necessary in any valid firing solution. Think man! You can't
teach anyone if you don't understand your own method.

I'm not going to hand you the solution on a silver platter.

You're going to have to work it out yourself, and the
solution does not involve my lack of knowledge about the
mathematics and application of trigonometry. Clue: your
illustrations above include what you are not considering in
your solution. You have the answer but don't know you
have it.

Just use geometry and quit thinking about the

trigonometry aspect. You want to draw a triangle. There
are several ways to describe a specific triangle: ASA, SSS
or SAS, that's angle/side/angle, side/side/side or
side/angle/side are three of them. You need three pieces of
information to define a triangle. You're telling me you can
define a triangle only by specifying the lengths (speeds) of
two sides. Can't be done. I can construct an infinite
number of triangles from torpedo speed and target speed
and every one of them will have a different gyro angle.
Therefore you can't make a solution knowing only target
speed and torpedo speed.
Col Sanders Methods
Getting back to the topic of working the TDC, I thought I would state my own data entry procedure when using the position keeper.

Determine target course and speed via any method.

Enter speed into the TDC first.

Enter approximate AOB into the TDC.

Enter bearing and range into the TDC.

Start the position keeper.

Fine tune the AOB.

Get fresh bearing and range entered into the TDC.

If I'm not using the position keeper, my normal procedure is:

Determine target course and speed via any method.

Ensure the position keeper is off.

Set speed to either 0 or target speed depending on method of shooting.

Send range and shoot bearing to the TDC.

Set AOB to either 0 or the AOB of the target at the shoot bearing, depending on method.

Resend range and shoot bearing to the TDC just before firing to ensure that they haven't been messed up by a stadimeter reading or whatever during the approach.

I usually use 0 speed and AOB for zero gyro shots. I just look up the bearing to aim the scope at on on a reference table. Since you have my reference materials archive, you already
have the tables I use. I probably use this method 90% or more of the time when I'm just attacking a lone merchant tracked by radar.

I also have a tendency to finish off ships using just 0 gyro shots and guessing the lead angle. I usually hit. Make enough 0 gyro shots and it's not too hard to do.

Also, yes, I've done that for down the throat shots as well.
Col Sanders Methods continued
• There's a third method that combines the best of both but requires you to do more work.

First, plot the target normally and determine target speed and the track angle. For example sake, we will say track angle is 60
degrees port.

Second solve the lead angle with the lookup chart. For example sake, we will say that you need to shoot when target is on bearing

Third, enter the target speed into the TDC.

Fourth, enter the target AOB for where it will be when you shoot at it. In this case, 60 - 10 means 50 degrees AOB.

Fifth, point the periscope at the aiming bearing. Bearing 10 in this example.

Sixth, just before you fire (basically just before the ship starts to cross the line is what you want), use the stadimeter to get target
range and bearing.

Seventh, move the periscope back to the aiming bearing and resend range. Do not move the periscope again until you are done
shooting. Shoot as you would for the other constant bearing techniques.

The downside is obviously that it's more work.

The upsides? For starters, it has exactly the same level of error forgiveness as Rockin Robbins technique above and since you're not
just guessing the lead angle, the gyro angle will be very straight every time if you do it correctly. That combination makes it the
most accurate method of shooting that I know. Combining this method, electric torpedoes, and map contacts enabled yields an
incredible amount of accuracy even out to maximum range. Not only do I hit the ship nearly every time (baring malfunctions), I hit
the exact part of the ship I was aiming at nearly every time.

The other big upside is that it allows you to more quickly change targets in a convoy attack since speed is already entered. I used
this method for the 0 gyro shots in the tutorial videos you mentioned specifically because of that.

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