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Parti Islam Se-Malaysia

(Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party)

The Islamic Propagation and Political


This slide is not an official publication of PAS.

Information contained in this slide is solely a
personal collection and opinion. Author can be
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Base Literature
Yusuf Qardhawi, “Introduction On the Islamic
Priorities/introp1.htm#What Do We Mean By
Islamic Movement?
Meaning Of Islamic Movement
 By "Islamic Movement", I mean that
organized, collective work, undertaken by the
people, to restore Islam to the leadership of
society, and to the helm of life all walks of
life. (Yusuf Qardhawi)
Meaning Of Islamic Movement
 Before being anything else, the Islamic Movement is
work: persistent, industrious work, not just words
to be said, speeches and lectures to be delivered, or
books and articles are indeed required, they are
merely parts of a movement, not the movement itself
Meaning Of Islamic Movement
 Allah the Almighty says, Work, and Allah,
His Messenger and the believers will see
your work} [Surat al-Tawba: 1 05].
For Allah's sake
 Islamic movement is a popular work based
mainly on self-motivation and personal
 performed out of faith and for nothing other
than the sake of Allah, in the hope of being
rewarded by Him, not by humans.
Inadequacy of Official Work
1. Revolves in the orbit or domestic policy of
the state that starts and finances it.
2. It is not based, in most cases, on men proven
by work. Instead on “appointment”
3. Often lacks the true intend to defend islam
The Movement is an Organized,
collective work
 Congregational prayer is a miniaturization of
the overall Islamic congregational system and
of what the interrelation between the
commander and the troops should be like:
there is neither infallible leadership nor
absolute, blind obedience.
Mission of the Islamic Movement
 The Islamic Movement has come into
existence to revive Islam and reinstate it at
the helm of life once again, after removing the
obstacles from its path.
Towards Revivalism
1. Formation of an Islamic vanguard
2. Formation of a Muslim public opinion
3. Preparation of a world, public climate
Fields of action
 Educational Work
 Political Work
 Social Work
 Economic Work
 Struggle (Jihad)
 Media and Propaganda Work
 Intellectual and Scientific Work
Emphasis and Priority
 Intellectual Field
 Muslim Awakening
 Educational Field
 Political Field
Parti Islam Se-Malaysia
(Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party)

Root of the history
 1947 Muslim Scholar Conference, Gunong
 Attended by 2000 Muslim Scholars
 Pan-Malayan Muslim Economic Conference (Persidangan
Ekonomi Islam SeMalaya, ) leading to the formation of
Economic Center for Malays (Pusat Perekonomian
 A day later, Supreme Religious Council, (Majlis Agama
Tertinggi Malaya, MATA) was formed
 The same year, MATA formed People’s Education Board
(Lembaga Pendidikan Rekyat, LEPIR)
Root of the history
 MATA members were not convinced with
UMNO style of political struggle
 1948, 2nd MATA National Conference formed
Muslim Party of Malaya (Hizbul Muslimin,
 Headed by Ust Abu Bakar Al Baqir
Why these establishments?
 Economy
 Education
 Politics
Immediate Reaction Against HM
 Communist Label , “Bahaya Dari Gunong”
 State Of Emergency
 Imprisonment
 Limits on activities
Demise and revival
 Kepala Batas, home of Hj Ahmad Badawi, the
slogan “Ulama Ke Jalan Allah” (Scholars
Towards The Path Of ALLAH)
 Critics say PAS was initially part of UMNO.
However, PAS had its own solid reason of
 Nov 1951, Persatuan Islam Setanah Melayu
1950s experience
 Impacts of:
 Colonialism
 Western-influenced nationalists
 Western-influenced system
 State and Politics
 Social
 Economic
 Education

 The system persists until today, thus the

struggle continues
Political Struggle
 1955, Pan-Malayan Islamic Party
 1959 – Formed a govt in Kelantan & Trengganu
 1961 – PAS-led govt in Tganu hijacked
 1969 – Racial Tension
 1973 – Coalition Govt with UMNO-led alliances
 1978 – Expelled from Coalition
 1982 – “Scholar-Led” era
 1990 – Formed a govt in Kelantan again
 1999 - Formed a govt in Kelantan & Trengganu
 2004 – Retained Kelantan but lost Trengganu
 2008 - Formed a govt in Kelantan & Kedah and part of
coalition govt in Perak and Selangor
Organizational Objective
1. Memperjuangkan wujudnya di dalam Negara
ini sebuah masyarakat dan pemerintahan
yang terlaksana di dalamnya nilai – nilai
hidup Islam dan hukum – hukumnya menuju
Allah .                                                        
2. Mempertahankan kesucian Islam serta
kemerdekaan dan kedaulatan Negara .
Orientation Of Works
 Tarbiyyah
 Schools
 Internal Development

 Dakwah
 Public Outreach
 Individual Nasaruddin Hassan,
 Siasah es.php?name=
 Political Front
Impact Of The Movement
 The only mass movement that is islamic-based
 Members ranging from rural villagers up to elite
 Influence on “Malay Belt” States
 (At local level, Malay is synonymous with Muslim)
 State government
 SRA/Pondok Institutions
 Public opinions
 “PAS For ALL” slogan & Non-Muslim Affiliates
 Champion of the people
 Student Idealism
 In line with the ideals of Muslim Brotherhood
 Islamic Movement is a vehicle towards Global
Islamic Revivalism
 Supporting Islamic Movement for the Sake Of
 Historical Background and Struggle of PAS
 Orientation Of PAS
 Impact Of PAS

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