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Environmental Impact of Industries

Agricultural and aquaculture practices present the greatest immediate threat to species and

ecosystems around the world. Industries have a severe impact on the environment along with that

rice industries also play a vital role in affecting the environment conditions. Globally Pollution,

Deforestation and Global Warming are the main factors due to which the environment is affected.

The United States Environment Protection Agency and the European Environment Agency are

making different policies for the betterment and sustainable future of the upcoming life. The

main thing to remember that as technology is advancing it is contributing negatively towards the

atmosphere and the environment. The Effective Advancement which has been made can be

continued for long time due to technology which is artificially contributing towards the

environment. No Doubt advancement in technology has increased productivity of individuals

which has helped to gain benefit. Economically industries have made positive effects but on the

other hand due to industrialization pollution the life cycle of living beings is affected negatively.

Environmental Impact of Industries

Depletion of Natural Resources

Natural Resources when consumed faster than its restoration is called as Depletion of Natural

Resources. In simple words when the natural resources are used on a wider scale without seeing

its replacement it may cause shortage. Natural Resources are commonly divided into two types,

renewable resources and non-renewable resources. The mass production by the industries led to

depletion leaving the environment permanently damaged.

Environmental Impact of Industries

Air Pollution

Solid Particles and different gases create a mixture which leads to Air Pollution. The mixture is

mostly created due to emissions from different factories. The Emission leads to the introduction

of harmful materials into the earth’s atmosphere which causes different diseases or damages the

natural environment. The United States Environment Protection Agency and the European

Environment Agency plays a vital role in the protection of the environment mainly due to the

emissions of gases.

Air Emissions

Emission means Gases or particles which are put into air. These gases or particles are emitted by

various sources and these sources change every year. The changes in the emissions are caused by

many reasons but the main reason is the Industrial Activity. The Gases which are emitted to

pollute the air are Carbon Monoxide (CO), Lead (Pb), Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2), Ozone (O3),

Particular Matter (PM), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) and many other dangerous gases that called as air

toxics. The United States Environment Protection Agency (EPA) is mainly responsible for the

protection against gas emissions.

Mercury Emissions

A Naturally occurring element that is found in the air, soil and water is called as mercury.

The emission of mercury is a global problem that travels thousands of miles in the

atmosphere before its deposit back to the Earth in the form of Rainfall. Mercury is

emitted naturally but along with that industries also contribute towards the emission.

Industry’s contribution towards the mercury emission is called as Anthropogenic

Emission and it is released due to fuels, raw materials and many other products used by
Environmental Impact of Industries
the industries. Mercury Emissions mainly leads to water pollution which affects the birds

and mammals that are more exposed towards eating of the Fish.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Greenhouse gases are those gases which trap heat in the atmosphere. These gases absorbs

heat and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range. Greenhouse gases have

contributed a 40% increase in the atmospheric concentration. The Greenhouse Gases

include Carbon Dioxide (CO2), Methane (CH4), Nitrous Oxide (N2O) and Fluorinated

Gases. The Largest source of Greenhouse Gas Emission is burning of fossil fuels for

electricity and Emission of Greenhouse gas leads to the warming of climate leaving

negative impacts on the environment.

Soil Contamination

Human Made Chemicals or any other alteration in the natural soil environment causes

soil contamination or it can be even called as soil pollution. The main causes of soil

contamination are the industrial activities and the inappropriate discarding of wastages.

Soil Contamination leads to health risks due to the direct contact with polluted soil. Soil

contamination includes different chemicals such as petroleum hydrocarbons, solvents,

pesticides and lead.

Water Pollution

Chemicals when directly or indirectly liquidated into water bodies without sufficient treatment

leads to environmental degradation, this type of degradation is called as Water Pollution. Water

population damages the population, individual species along with that it also damages the
Environmental Impact of Industries
Ecosystems. It is mainly caused due to the industrial wastages, most of the organization now a

days dispose of their wastages in the water bodies.

Global Warming

Ongoing increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere is referred as Global

Warming. It is believed that global warming has permanently changed the Earth’s climate. The

average temperature has increased mostly due to emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) gas and other

greenhouse gases. Global warming in general has increased the occurrence and severity of storms

across the Earth.

Climatic Changes

Changes in the average weather conditions are called as climatic changes. The climatic changes

are mainly caused by the solar radiation, volcanic eruptions and certain human activities are also

responsible for it. Globally climatic changes have led to different effects on the environment

which may include loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and more intense heat waves.

Degradation of Land Quality

A Process in which the environment is affected by a combination of human made processes.

Degradation of land is even referred as to environmental degradation which means the reduction

of the quality and quantity of human activities. Land Degradation is mainly caused due to the

weather activities and the industries that pollute or degrade the quality of soils.

Generation of Hazardous Waste

Any waste that is harmful to health or environment is called as Hazardous waste. Hazardous

wastages may include liquids, solids and gases. The Hazardous wastages potentially affect the
Environmental Impact of Industries
human health and also the environment. The solid wastage of the industries contributes majorly

towards the generation of hazardous wastages.


Deforestation means the demolition of forests permanently to make the land available for the

usage purpose. It plays a vital role in the climatic changes, it leads to emission of greenhouse

gases such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2) which are harmful for the living beings. Deforestation also

contributes towards Global Warming due to emission of different gases.

Loss of Biodiversity

Various types of life or organisms found on earth that are present within an area, biome or planet

is called as Biodiversity. As compared to the older era the loss of biodiversity has increased

rapidly due to the many factors, the factors may include degradation, climatic changes and

different form of pollutions. According to the recent research conducted that there will be a huge

loss in the species which are found.

Generation of Methane Gas

Methane Gas is another gas which is included in the Greenhouse gas, this gas is emitted by the

human activities. Methane Gas is emitted naturally along with that it is also generated by the

industrial activities such as leakage from natural gas systems. Methane Gas is more effective than

the Carbon Dioxide gas and contribute more towards the radiation. Methane Gas if leaked it may

absorb the sun heat which may lead towards the warming of atmosphere.
Environmental Impact of Industries

Radiation Exposure

Energy that travels in the form of rays and particles occurring naturally due to the sunlight is

called as radiation. Radiation energy is emitted both inside the body and externally. The

Radiation energy causes different health problems, the main problems which may be caused to

the human being is cancer, skin burns and reduction in organic function.

Noise Annoyance

Noise annoyance is the disturbing or excessive noise that may harm the balance of the human or

animal life. As the industry has revolutionized the noise annoyance or the noise pollution has

increased and it has left a negative impact on the environment. Noise Annoyance has led to many

health problems such as increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and hypertension.

Environmental Impact of Rice Industries

Agrochemical Pollution

A chemical such as a pesticide or a fertilizer which is used in agriculture is called as

agrochemical. These chemicals lead towards pollution called as agrochemical pollution.

Agrochemical are the main reasons in affecting the land and water. The wastage of these

chemicals are washed out due to rain and the water on the surface moves towards the nearby

water sources.

Loss of Biodiversity

Various types of life or organisms found on earth that are present within an area, biome or planet

is called as Biodiversity. As compared to the older era the loss of biodiversity has increased
Environmental Impact of Industries
rapidly due to the many factors, the factors may include degradation, climatic changes and

different form of pollutions. According to the recent research conducted that there will be a huge

loss in the species which are found due to the pesticides and fertilizers that are used on a large

scale for the production of rice and its byproducts.

Degradation of Land Quality

A Process in which environment is affected by a combination of human made processes.

Degradation of land is even referred as to environmental degradation which means the reduction

of the quality and quantity of human activities. Land Degradation is mainly caused due to the

weather activities and the industries that pollute or degrade the quality of soils.

Water Pollution

Rice production generally requires large amount of water for soaking. The water if not used

properly may lead to water pollution and odour to residents. Water pollution is mainly caused

due to high level of organic material which is present in the surface due to the usage of


Air Emissions

Rice mills contribute towards the negative impacts on the environment. Air pollution mainly in

rice industries is occurred due to the release of the dust which is released from the processing of

byproducts. The dust levels may endanger rice mill workers and employee’s health and safety.

Noise Annoyance

Rice mills also contribute towards the noise annoyance due to advanced machinery which are

used now a days. High internal and external noise levels generate health hazards to employees.

High noise may also endanger rice mill workers and employee’s health and safety.
Environmental Impact of Industries

Generation of Hazardous Waste

Rice mills generate hazardous waste which is also known as solid wastage. This wastage is

generated due to cleaning processes which are adopted by the rice mills contributing towards

pollution. Solid wastage when spilled or mixed up with the soil may even cause degradation of


Byproducts of Rice and Affects

Broken Rice

Broken rice is another by-product of rice milling industry. From the nutritional point of view,

broken rice is as good as whole rice itself. Broken rice has low economic value as compared to

whole rice. Generally, broken rice is of poor quality due to admixture with grit, stones and clay

particles. Therefore, broken rice is used either as a part of animal feed or partially in the diet of

poor people. If the quality of broken rice is improved by cleaning the paddy properly before

milling, it can be utilized and marketed straightway for preparation of Idli, Dosa and other such

preparation in which rice flour or wet-ground rice paste is needed.

Rice Hulls

Rice husk constitutes the largest by-product of rice milling and one fifth of the paddy by weight

consists of rice husk. Rice husk has a considerable fuel value for a variety of possible industrial

uses. Hence, the major use of husk at the moment is as boiler fuel, wherever parboiling is

practiced. Rice husk is tough because of its silica-cellulose content. The silica content in husk is

the highest among plant offal. It contains 15 to 18 percent silica, therefore, it is a potent source of

silica for the manufacture of silicates or in glass manufacture. Also pulverized husk is available

wherever paddy is parboiled and it is mixed with other mill fractions as cattle feed. Pulverized
Environmental Impact of Industries
husk has a low feed value and it has a low protein content. It contains more than 30% crude

fiber. If nitrogen content in pulverized husk is increased by blending with other nitrogen rich

feeds and fiber content is brought down to around 10 per cent, pulverized husk can be used as

cattle feed on large scale.

Rice Flour

Rice Flour produced from either white or brown rice. Its gluten free so it is non-allergenic. It is

used to produce rice pasta, chips, cereals and snacks.

Rice Starch

Rice Starch produced from the endosperm of the grain, used as a thickener in sauces and desserts.

Also used in rice syrup industry. It was present in the endosperm of cereals, what makes them 90-

93% of the dry weight ground.

Rice Bran Oil

Rice Bran Oil is taken from the outer layer at the core of brown rice. It has high quality, delicate

cooking oil tasting. Studies have shown to be effective in reducing blood cholesterol levels.

Ash from Hulls

It can be used for cleaning discolored teeth and turned into cellulose products, such as rice and

fuel rayon. Rice Syrup a natural sweetener, less intense than traditional sugar syrups and honey. It

is produced by a hydrolysis process.

Broken Rice

Pieces of rice grains (which are less than ¾ of a full core) are used in the manufacture of various

products including rice flour and pet food.

Environmental Impact of Industries

Brewers Rice

An ingredient used in brewing, especially appreciated by some brewers, which is the raw

ingredient. Brewers rice is also used for the processing of other fermentation products.

Rice Bran

Rice Bran is produced from the outer layer of grain brown rice. It is used in cereals, and

concentrated vitamin mixtures because of their high levels of vitamin B6, iron, phosphorus,

magnesium, potassium, niacin and thiamine .Also rich in fiber.


No doubt the use of technology has made our life much and easier and fast as compared to the

previous era, the process time which use to take months has been reduced to weeks similarly

weeks to days and days to hours. The Productivity of crops has increased rapidly over time and

the farmers can earn more but on the other hand it has its harmful effects on the living beings

health of the farmers are at a high danger number of new and incurable diseases has taken place.

Health of final consumer has been affected due to high use of fertilizers which are degrading the

soil in long run and soil erosion is occurring. The Science is now also proving that the old

methods were more environmentally free and were healthier and even the lifespan was more

which are reduced down due to the environmental changes.

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