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Distinguished Foreign Students Scholarship of Beihang University

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姓名 /Name: < 艾萨克 ><Oyename Oluwatobi Isaac>

学号 /Student ID: 70077007

专业 /Major: Mechanical Engineering

国籍 /Nationality: Nigerian
主要内容 Contents

个人简介 Self-introduction
成果介绍 Achievements
个人简介 Self-introduction


udent from Nigeria. I major in mechanical engineeri
ng, i’m in my second year. I chose to study in Beiha
ng University so i can aquare enogh knowlege to in
prove and make contribution to the Mechanical ind
ustry. I love to dance and sing. I find learning new t
hing about human communication intresting.
成果介绍 Achievements
Studying Beihang University has been my best learning experien
ce. The teachers are great in passing off knowledge, I thought ini
tially I was going to find it difficult to learn online but it turned out
to be great because of the way the school schedule and timetabl
e. I have burn the midnight candle and made sacrifices in other t
o be an outstanding student amongst my equals, I hope my perfo
rmance would reviewed and I’ll be allocated with the adequate sc
holarship for my performance. Thank you in anticipation.

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