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Designed to tabulate polynomial functions

It’s a 1st mechanical computer

Abacus- a simple counting aid

• device allows users to make The wall or

computations using a system of sliding mark on tree
beads arranged on a rack. bark is also
• Considered the first computer used to count
days in
2nd machine - calculating
1 machine – Abacus machine
device that would come
to be called the "Adding
Memory aid device to
record in olden days
1st printing calculator based on Charles
babbages difference engine
First Computer Programmer

Ada Byron, Countess of Lovelace

First electronic computer built by John Atanasoff and Clifford
Computer used binary number system of 1 and 0
Binary system is still used today

This tiny device had a huge impact

on and extensive implications for
modern computers. In 1956, the
transistor won its creators the
Noble Peace Prize for their
Transistors were replaced by integrated
circuits or chips, giving computers
tremendous speed to process information
at a rate of millions of calculations per
In 1970 John Huff invented the
microprocessor, an entire CPU on a single
chip. This allowed for the building of a
microcomputer or personal computer
Based on the Intel 8080 processor, capable of
controlling 64 kilobyes of memory, the MITS
Altair - as the invention was later called - was
debuted on the cover of the January edition of
Popular Electronics magazine.

The Apple Macintosh

debuts in 1984. It features
a simple, graphical
interface, uses the 8-MHz,
32-bit Motorola 68000
CPU, and has a built-in 9-
inch B/W screen

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