Banking Sector Reforms in India After 1991

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Banking Sector Reforms in India

after 1991
Banking Sector Post Liberalization Period
• Since nationalization of banks in 1969, the Banking Sector had been dominated by
public sector. There was financial repression, role of technology was limited, no risk
management etc. This resulted in low profitability and poor asset quality. The
country was caught in deep economic crisis. The Government decided to introduce
comprehensive economic reforms. Banking Sector reforms were part of this
package. In august 1991, the Government appointed a committee on financial
system under the Chairmanship of M.Narasimhan.
• First Phase of Banking Sector Reforms/Narasimhan Committee Report-1991
To promte healthy development of financial sector, the Narasimhan Committee
made recommendations.


 Establishment of tier hierarchy for banking structure with 3 to 4 large banks

(including SBI) at top and bottom rural banks engaged in agricultural activities.
 The supervisiory functions over banks and financial institutions can be assigned to
a quasi-autonomous body sponsered by RBI.
 Phased reduction in statutory liquidity ratio.
 Phased achievement of 8% capital adequacy ratio.
 Abolition of branch licensing policy.

Banking Reforms Measures of Government

On the recommendations of Narasimhan Committee, following were the
measures taken by Government since 1991 :-
1. Lowering SLR and CRR:
 The high SLR and CRR reduced the profits of the banks. The SLR has been reduced from 38.5% in 1991 to
25% in 1997. This has left more fund with banks fro allocation to agriculture, industry, trade etc.
 The Cash Reserve Ration(CRR) is the cash ratio of a bank’s total deposits to be maintained with RBI. The
CRR has been brought down from 15% in 1991 to 4.1% in June 2003. The purpose is to release the funds
locked up with RBI.

2. Prudential Norms:
 Prudential Norms have been started by RBI in order to impart professionalism in commercial banks. The
purpose of prudential norms include proper disclosure of income, classification of assets and provision
for Bad Debts so as to ensure that the books of commercial banks reflect the accurate and correct picture
of financial posotion.
 Prudential Norms required banks to make 100% provision for all Non-Performing Assets(NPA’s).
Funding for this purpose was placed at Rs.10,000 crores phased over 2 years.

3. Capital Adequacy Norms(CAN):

 Capital Adequacy Ratio is the ratio of minimum capital to risk asset ratio. In April 1992 RBI fixed CAN
at 8%. By March 1996, all public sectors banks had attained the ratio of 8%. It was also attained by
Foreign Banks.
4. Deregulation of Interest Rates:

The Narasimhan Committee advocated that interest rates should be allowed to be

determined by market forces. Since 1992, interest rate has become much simpler
and free.
 Scheduled Commercial Banks have now the freedom to set interest rates on their deposits
subject to minimum floor rates and maximum ceiling rates.
 Interest Rate on domestic term deposits has been decontrolled.
 The prime lending rate of SBI and other banks on general advances of over Rs. 2 Lakhs has been
 Rate of Interest on bank loans above Rs. 2 Lakhs has been reduced.
 The interest rates on deposits and advances of all Co-Operative Banks have been deregulated
subject to a minimum lending rate of 13%.
5. Recovery of Debts:
 The Government of India passed the “Recovery of Debts due to Banks and Financial
Institutions Act 1993” in order to facilitate and speed up the recovery of debts due
to banks and financial institutions. Six Special Recovery Tribunals have been set up.
An Appellate Tribunal has also been set up in Mumbai

6. Competition from New Private Sector Banks:

 Now Banking is open to private sector. New Private Sector Banks have already
started functioning. These new private sector banks are allowed to raise capital
from foreign institutional investors up to 20% and from NRI’s up to 40%. This has led
to increased competition.
7. Phasing Out of Directed Credit:
 The committee suggested phasing out of the directed credit programme. It
suggested that credit target for priority sector should be reduced to 10% from 40%.
It would not be easy for government as farmers, small industrialists and
transporters have powerful lobbies.

8. Access to Capital Market:
 The Banking Companies (Acquisition and transfer of Undertakings) was amended to enable
the banks to raise capital through public issues. This is subject to provision that the holding
of Central Government would not fall below 51% of paid up capital. SBI has already raised
substantial amount of funds through equity and bonds.

9. Freedom of Operation:
 Scheduled Commercial Banks are given freedom to open new branches and upgrade
extension counters, after attaining capital adequacy ratio and prudential accounting norms.
The banks are also permitted to close non-viable branches other than in rural areas.
10. Local Area Banks(LABs):
 In 1996, RBI issued guidelines for setting up of Local Area Banks and it gave its approval
for setting up of LABs in private sector. LABs will help in mobilizing rural savings and in
channelling them in to investment in local areas.

11. Supervision of Commercial Banks:

 The RBI has set up a Board of Financial Supervision with an advisory Council to strengthen
the supervision of banks and financial institutions. In 1993, RBI established a new
department known as Department of Supervision as an independent unit for supervision of
commercial banks.

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