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Week 4 – Project Planning

BUS1040 Online – Spring / Summer 2021

Key Course Milestone Dates
Date Topic Grades
Week 1 Introduction Overview Participation Activity 2%
Week 2 Project Selection Participation Activity 3%
Week 3 Project Definition Participation Activity 2%
Week 4 Project Planning Participation Activity 2%
Week 5 Project Planning (cont’d) Participation Activity 2%
Week 6 Midterm Exam Review and Team Meetings Project proposal due - 5%
Week 7 Midterm Exam 25%
Week 8 No Class - Intersession Week
Week 9 Project Monitoring
Week 10 Project Quality / Close Participation Activity 2%
Week 11 Team Meetings - Project Health Checks Participation Activity 2%
Week 12 Team Project: Written Reports Due 20% (5% + 20%= 25%)
Week 13 Team Project: Videos Due 15%
Week 14 Final Exam Review
Week 15 Final Exam 20%
Learning Objectives for Today
1.Define the elements of a project plan
2.Overview an approach for creating a project plan
3.Learn how to use Work Breakdown Structures as a
means of organizing project activities
4.Work through a step-by-step example so that everyone
gains experience in putting a work breakdown structure
Project Planning

Project Project Project Project

Definition Planning Execution Close-Out
Types of Plans
Project Plan Product Plan
What is a Project Plan?
The goal is to highlight the approach and steps that will be used by the
project team to deliver the scope of the project
◦ What? 
• What is the work that will be performed?
• What are the steps to complete that work?
• What are the major products or deliverables?
◦ Who? 
• Who will be involved?
• What are their responsibilities and accountabilities?
◦ When? 
• What is the project timeline? When are tasks due?
• When will particularly meaningful points (called milestones) be
The process of developing the project plan varies among
organizations, but any project plan must contain the
following elements:
Tasks (WBS)– Step by step instructions for what needs to
get done
The Project Deliverables – Tangible items of scope being produced
Plan (outcome)
Time – How long each of these tasks will take (difference
between task duration and calendar time)
Budget – How much will each task (and the total project)
Resources and Personnel – Resources required for each
Dependencies – Relationships that exist between tasks (the
Milestones – The interim due dates used to benchmark
Gantt Chart – Visually, how are the tasks organized
throughout the project over a calendar
Benefits of Project Planning
The Cost of Correcting an Error
Project As you move farther into the project
Definition 1X lifecycle, errors become more
costly to fix

Planning 5X

Build 100X

Close-Out 500X
Team Communication
•By involving the team, likelihood is increased that the
team will buy-in to performing the actual work
•Will have baseline from which to monitor and track
project performance (Can uncover variances proactively)
•Can efficiently proceed through the project. Team will
have a sense for who, what, by when, etc.
•Expectations will be communicated to stakeholders
•Can more accurately forecast the project cost, because
you have a more comprehensive idea of what is involved
Work Breakdown Structure
•Now that the project charter and requirements has been
agreed to, the PM can begin work on the project plan
•The WBS approach determines the tasks and activities
required for the overall project
•The WBS breaks a project down into manageable pieces
or deliverables using a hierarchy
•Using a technique called “Decomposition”, each
descending level represents an increasingly detailed
definition of the project

The benefits of which are to:

• Improve accuracy of cost, time, and resource estimates
• Define a baseline for performance measurement and control
• Facilitate clear responsibility assignments
What Makes An Effective
•Start with a tangible end point in mind. Work back from
there to identify lead-up activities
•Verbs are used when detailing out detailed activities
(clear action)
•Goes as deep as you plan to monitor the project and
•Activities have 1 clear owner assigned so accountability
is clear
•ID #’s show “parent/children” relationships between
headings and sub-headings (i.e. Deliverable 3.0 has
activities 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 underneath in order to
WBS Video Explanation
Learn more about what is a WBS in this brief video
Example: Making Dinner
Level #1 - The Entire Project Process from Start to Finish

Plan Buy Cook Serve Eat Clean

De-thaw Food Pre-Heat Oven Prepare Food Cook Food Taste Test

Level #2 – For EVERY Level 1 Work Package, List out the

detailed steps from start to finish necessary

1.A single individual or organization can be assigned responsibility
for a package
2.The level at which you want to control the budget and monitor
activity (i.e. days)
How to create a WBS
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

Identify the • Define the • Decompose Review and

major product’s major refine the
elements of major deliverables WBS until
the project deliverables to a level of project
• what must detail stakeholders
be delivered appropriate agree that
to achieve for project
success management planning can
& control be
(i.e. can successfully
• adequate completed
estimates be and that
developed at execution
this level?) and control
produce the

Can Each Item be Scheduled…….Budgeted…………Assigned?

Work Breakdown Structure



• Higher levels use nouns as descriptors

• Activity Levels use verbs 12
Typical WBS Structure
Project1 Each level of the WBS shows more detail about the steps necessary
to complete that package
Activity 1.1.1
• Task
• Task
• Task

Activity 1.1.2
Activity 1.1.3

Example 2: Textbook
Dilemma: How to organize all the content for a textbook?
Answer: Use a hierarchy

© Image: Derek Vigar

Example 3 of a WBS
Building a Subway Line (*Starting point completed in 15 mins)
Level #1 – Project “Chunks” or “Work Packages” from Start to Finish
1) Prepare the Route 2) Lay the Tracks 3) Build the Stations

Level #2 Level #2 Level #2

1) Prepare the Route 2) Lay the Tracks 3) Build the Stations

1.1 Hire the Staff 2.1 Get Materials 3.1 Design stations
1.2 Get Equipment 2.2 Start Building 3.2 Get Materials
1.3 Start Digging 3.3 Start Building

Level #3 Level #3 Level #3

1.1 Hire the Staff 2.1 Get Materials 3.1 Design stations

1.1.1 Determine skills necessary 2.1.1 Determine needs 3.1.1 Sketch requirements
1.1.2 Post job 2.1.2 Compare prices 3.1.2 Make Blueprints
1.1.3 Interview candidates 2.1.3 Buy materials 3.1.3 Get client feedback

1.2 Get Equipment 2.2 Start Building 3.2 Get materials

1.2.1 Determine necessary equip. 2.2.1 Train Staff 3.2.1 Determine needs
1.2.2 Compare prices 2.2.2 Organize shifts 3.2.2 Compare prices
1.2.3 Purchase equipment 3.2.3 Purchase materials
Tree Structure vs Column View
1. Widget Management System
  1.1 Initiation
      1.1.1 Evaluation & Recommendations
      1.1.2 Develop Project Charter
      1.1.3 Deliverable: Submit Project Charter
      1.1.4 Project Sponsor Reviews Project Charter
      1.1.5 Project Charter Signed/Approved
  1.2 Planning
      1.2.1 Create Preliminary Scope Statement
      1.2.2 Determine Project Team
      1.2.3 Project Team Kickoff Meeting
      1.2.4 Develop Project Plan
      1.2.5 Submit Project Plan
      1.2.6 Milestone: Project Plan Approval
  1.3 Execution
      1.3.1 Project Kickoff Meeting
      1.3.2 Verify & Validate User Requirements
      1.3.3 Design System
      1.3.4 Procure Hardware/Software
      1.3.5 Install Development System
      1.3.6 Testing Phase
      1.3.7 Install Live System • MS Project
      1.3.8 User Training
      1.3.9 Go Live Column View
  1.4 Control
      1.4.1 Project Management
• Easy to make
• Most Common       1.4.2 Project Status Meetings
      1.4.3 Risk Management
• Visual       1.4.4 Update Project Management Plan• Uses software
  1.5 Closeout specifically for
• Easily created in       1.5.1 Audit Procurement
most software       1.5.2 Document Lessons Learned project
      1.5.3 Update Files/Records
      1.5.4 Gain Formal Acceptance
      1.5.5 Archive Files/Documents
MS Project
Benefits of MS Project
Organized approach towards creating a baseline
Allows you track and monitor project process
Sensitivity analysis can easily be performed to determine impact on
Project budgets can be calculated consistently with project scope
Easy to prepare reports and communicate project status to stakeholders
Where to Access Microsoft Project

• VPN access to GBC network needed when off campus

• IT support can help you with VPN client (Virtual Private
• The following YouTube videos should help if interested
in getting access.
Some Microsoft Project Tutorials
Which May Be Helpful
Getting Started – Creating a Basic Schedule:
Alternatives to MS Project
Suggested project planning software options:
◦ Microsoft Project
◦ Merlin (Apple Users)
◦ Gantter
◦ Kanbanchi
Weekly Participation Assignment:
Wedding WBS (2%)
Now that you know the process for how to create a work breakdown
structure, work with a partner and create a WBS for the project
“Planning a Wedding”
Use the template provided in BB for this week.

For Next Week – Week 5
1.Review the videos and links to additional materials
contained in the slide deck.
2.Complete the WBS Wedding assignment.
3.Your team has the information it needs to be working on
Steps 1-8 in the handbook.
4.Project Proposals Due Week 6
◦ Monday’s Class June 14
◦ Tuesday’s Class June 15

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