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Group Name:- A5

Group Members:-
1. Swara Karnik
2. Om Mahajan
3. Nikhil Shinde
4. Siddhi Chaudhari
There are several definitions of what makes a city ‘smart,’ for example, IBM
defines a smart city as “one that makes optimal use of all the interconnected
information available today to better understand and control its operations
and optimize the use of limited resources.”
In short, a smart city uses a framework of information and communication
technologies to create, deploy and promote development practices to
address urban challenges and create a joined-up technologically-enabled
and sustainable infrastructure.
Smart City Technologies:
Smart cities use a variety of software, user interfaces and communication
networks alongside the internet of things (IOT) to deliver connected solutions
for the public. Of these, the IoT is the most important. The IoT is a network of
connected devices that communicate and exchange data. This can include
anything from vehicles to home appliances and on-street sensors. Data
collected from these devices is stored in the cloud or on servers to allow for
improvements to be made to both public and private sector efficiencies and
deliver economic benefits and improvements to the lives of citizens.

• A smart city should provide an urban environment that delivers a

high quality of life to residents while also generating economic
growth. This means delivering a suite of joined-up services to
citizens with reduced infrastructure costs.
• This becomes increasingly important in the light of the future
population growth in urban areas, where more efficient use of
infrastructure and assets will be required. Smart city services and
applications will allow for these improvements which will lead to a
higher quality of life for citizens.
• Combining automation, machine learning and the IoT is allowing
for the adoption of smart city technologies for a variety of
applications. For example, smart parking can help drivers find a
parking space and also allow for digital payment.
• Another example would be smart traffic management to monitor
traffic flows and optimize traffic lights to reduce congestion, while
ride-sharing services can also be managed by a smart city
Other Features

• Smart city features can also include energy conservation and

environmental efficiencies, such as streetlights that dim when the
roads are empty. Such smart grid technologies can improve
everything from operations to maintenance and planning to power
• Aside from services, smart cities allow for the provision of safety
measures such as monitoring areas of high crime or using sensors
to enable an early warning for incidents like floods, landslides,
hurricanes or droughts.
• Smart buildings can also offer real-time space management or
structural health monitoring and feedback to determine when
repairs are necessary. Citizens can also access this system to
notify officials of any problems, such as potholes, while sensors can
also monitor infrastructure problems such as leaks in water pipes.
• In addition, smart city technology can improve the efficiency of
manufacturing, urban farming, energy use, and more.
How Smart Cities Work?
Smart cities follow four steps to improve the quality of life and enable
economic growth through a network of connected IoT devices and
other technologies. These steps are as follows:
1. Collection – Smart sensors gather real-time data.
2. Analysis – The data is analysed to gain insights into the operation
of city services and operations.
3. Communication – The results of the data analysis are
communicated to decision makers.
4. Action – Action is taken to improve operations, manage assets and
improve the quality of city life for the residents.
Why Smart Cities Are Important?
54% of the world’s population live in cities and this is expected to rise to 66%
by 2050, adding a further 2.5 billion people to the urban population over the
next three decades.
With this expected population growth there comes a need to manage
environmental, social and economic sustainability of resources. Smart cities
allow citizens and local government authorities to work together to launch
initiatives and use smart technologies to manage assets and resources in the
growing urban environment.
Why do we need them?
A smart city should provide an urban environment that delivers a high quality
of life to residents while also generating economic growth. This means
delivering a suite of joined-up services to citizens with reduced infrastructure
This becomes increasingly important in the light of the future population
growth in urban areas, where more efficient use of infrastructure and assets
will be required. Smart city services and applications will allow for these
improvements which will lead to a higher quality of life for citizens.
Smart city improvements also provide new value from existing infrastructure
while creating new revenue streams and operational efficiencies to help save
money for governments and citizens alike.
Smart City Challenges
• For all the benefits offered by smart cities, there are also challenges to
overcome. These include government officials allowing widespread
participation from citizens. There is also a need for the private and public
sectors to align with residents so that everyone can positively contribute to
the community.
• Smart city projects need to be transparent and available to citizens via an
open data portal or mobile app. This allows residents to engage with the
data and complete personal tasks like paying bills, finding efficient
transportation options and assessing energy consumption in the home.
• This all requires a solid and secure system of data collection and storage to
prevent hacking or misuse. Smart city data also needs to be anonymized to
prevent privacy issues from arising.
• The largest challenge is quite probably that of connectivity, with thousands or
even millions of IoT devices needing to connect and work in unison. This will
allow services to be joined up and ongoing improvements to be made as
demand increases. 
• Technology aside, smart cities also need to account for social factors that
provide a cultural fabric that is attractive to residents and offer a sense of
place.  This is particularly important for those cities that are being created
from the ground up and need to attract residents.
Are they Secure?
Smart cities offer plenty of benefits to improve citizen safety, such as
connected surveillance systems, intelligent roadways and public
safety monitoring, but what about protecting the smart cities
There is a need to ensure smart cities are protected from cyber
attacks, hacking and data theft while also making sure the data that is
reported is accurate.
In order to manage the security of smart cities there is a need to
implement measures such as physical data vaults, resilient
authentication management and ID solutions. Citizens need to trust
the security of smart cities which means government, private sector
enterprise, software developers, device manufacturers, energy
providers and network service managers need to work together to
deliver integrated solutions with core security objectives.
These core security objectives can be broken down as follows:
• Availability
• Integrity
• Confidentiality 
• Accountability

Cities across the world are in different stages of smart technology

development and implementation. However, there are several who are
ahead of the curve, leading the path to creating fully smart cities. These
•Barcelona, Spain
•Columbus, Ohio, USA
•Dubai, United Arab Emirates
•Hong Kong, China
•Kansas City, Missouri, USA
•London, England
•Melbourne, Australia
•New York City, New York, USA
•Reykjavik, Iceland
•San Diego, California, USA
•Tokyo, Japan
•Vienna, Austria
Creating smart connected systems for our urban areas provides a
great many benefits for citizens around the world, not only to improve
quality of life, but also to ensure sustainability and the best possible
use of resources.

These solutions are dependent on a unified approach from

government as well as the private sector and residents themselves.
With the correct support and infrastructure, however, smart cities can
use advances such as the Internet of Things to enhance the lives of
residents and create joined-up living solutions for the growing global
urban citizenry.

TWI has expertise in many of the underpinning technologies of a new

smart future, including sensors, electrification and power generation

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