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ME/EE/EP/EU/CH/PS _22509 -


Shyam Tamhankar Industry expert
MSBTE LEAD: Learning at your Doorstep
CO2 -Planning and organising at
supervisory level

UO6 – (C) Concept of a team and its

Content / agenda – UO6 – (C)
► What is a work group? Thought to ponder
► Concept of a team
► Difference between a team and a work group
► Successful & effective teams

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What is a work group?

A work group is a number of persons, usually reporting to a common superior and

having some face–to-face interaction, who have some degree of interdependence in
carrying out tasks for the purpose of achieving organizational goals”
► The main function of a work group is to exchange task related information and
discuss task related issues.
► The accountability in the work group remains of the individual.
► Everyone brings his/her competencies and relevant information related to the task.

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Concept of a team
► Most of work in modern organizations is done in teams or they are composed of teams,
and individuals are required to work in different types of teams.
► Though individuals are important, their effectiveness depends to large extent, on the
teams of which they are members.
► A team can be defined as a group of individuals, having complementary skills or
competencies, working in face to face relationship for a common goal, having collective
accountability for the outcome of its efforts.

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Difference between a team and a work group

The team is different from the work group in several ways.

► It functions almost like an individual.
► It is accountable for results; collective responsibility is taken.
► There is mutual cooperation and competencies compliment each other.
► It creates synergy i.e. performance of the team is more than the added performance of the
individual members.
► Team members are interdependent, it has common goals.
► Each member’s contribution is as important as any other member’s contribution.

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Successful & effective teams
► A successful team is one in which the team members not only achieve something special
and worthwhile, but feel as if they have participated in something special and worthwhile.
► An effective team is one in which people give their opinions and comments without
hesitation; listen to others and examine others opinions, comments and feedback given by
colleagues at all levels; and are sensitive to the need of others.
► Team effectiveness can also be understood in terms of team functioning and team

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Successful & effective teams

Three main characteristics of team functioning,

► Cohesion amongst the members of the team.
► Confrontation means solving problems as they arise, rather than shying away from them;
► Collaboration means working together, giving and receiving help from each other.

Four main characteristics of team empowerment are,

► Clarity of the roles of members, Autonomy of the team, Support provided to the team in
terms of resources , and Collective accountability.

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Shyam Tamhankar
+91 7203966679

Written by

Shyam Tamhankar,
B.Text., MBA, ADIS

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