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Account Reconciliation Cloud Service Bootcamp

September 2020 Priyanka Bagadia – Manager - Donyati

• Instructors introduction

ARCS Reconciliation Compliance Overview

• Application Configuration (Formats, Profiles, Periods)
• Exercise: Navigation and Profile Creation

ARCS Transaction Matching Overview

• Match Type, Matches and Auto match
• Global Attributes, Journal Columns and Attributes-Journal Columns
• Exercise: Creating a Match Type and Matching Rules

Loading Data
• Loading through Data Management
• Loading data directly into ARCS

• Using Filters / Lists

• Prebuilt Reports & Custom Reports using BI Publisher

• Dashboards

• Exercise: Generating Reporting through Reports and Filters

User Setup and Security

EPM Automate
Session Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this session, you should be able to:

• Define the general purpose and use of Account Reconciliation Cloud Service
• Set up Reconciliation Compliance Profiles
• Set up Transaction Matching Match Types
• Set up Data Management for reconciliations and matching
• Describe the overall process and data flow of ARCS
ARCS Overview
What is a Reconciliation?

It’s a validation that the balance in the account is correct.

Why are validations needed?
• Account balances are valid at a point in time; business conditions change
• Companies face serious penalties for failing to reconcile

`Validation depends on the type of account

• Cash: Compare GL/Bank balance (Balance Comparison)

• AP: Compare GL to Subledger (Balance Comparison)
• AR: Compare GL to Subledger & analyze aging of receivables (Balance Comparison)
• Fixed Assets: Compare GL to Subledger & perform a rollforward (Balance Comparison)
• Prepaids / Accruals / Provisions / Reserves: Document net composition and justify quality (Account
Accounting Cycle and Reconciliation

Reconciliations ensure that a company's financial accounts are validated to check that the balance in the account is
correct. Because account balances are valid at a point in time, and business conditions change, it is critical that
reconciliations occur. In addition, companies face stiff penalties for failing to reconcile.

Most companies primarily use an excel based model to perform account reconciliations. This model is mostly “offline”
and provides little visibility into the process and current status.

• Preparing and gathering information to support an account reconciliation for auditors is an intensive process
requiring constant communication between preparers and reviewers

• Reconciliations and supporting documentation is kept in separate locations making it difficult for users to access

• Workflow including notifications and emails for preparers / reviewers is a very manual process
Overview and Purpose of ARCS

Oracle Account Reconciliation Cloud Service (ARCS) is a purpose-built solution in the Cloud for managing the global
reconciliation process. ARCS provides real-time visibility into the performance of reconciliations and ensures that all
reconciliations prepared are properly qualified.


• Moves the reconciliation progress from a series of

Excel spreadsheets to a unified platform

• Enables reconciliations to be automatically

completed when certain criteria are met

• Allows to place controls on the reconciliations so

defined criteria are met before the reconciliation is

• Provides tracking of the reconciliations so that

progress towards completion can be monitored and
acted upon
Reconciliation Process within ARCS

1. Load Data: Data should be loaded thru Data Management

(DM). In ARCS data can be drilled thru to the DM load
allowing user to see what is being loaded into a reconciliation

2. Auto Reconciliation: Once balances have been loaded, auto

reconciliation occurs, whereby ARCS automatically
Load Data
completes reconciliations for certain types of accounts such as
those with a zero balance, or those where the source and
subsystem balance matches.
3. Notify: After you’ve auto reconciled everything you can, Monitor
then manual reconciliation begins, which starts sending email
reminders to those who need to perform the work

4. Prepare: This is the additional reconciliation work required

by Preparers to complete the reconciliation and get it ready
for review.

5. Review: Workflow notifications are sent to users to perform Review Notify

their necessary review or commentator work and also notifies
users when work is not on time.

6. Monitor: Dashboards allow you to see how work is Prepare


7. Continue the cycle until the month end close process is

ARCS Modules

• Reconciliation Compliance manages the tracking and performance of reconciliations. With Reconciliation
Compliance, organizations ensure accounts are properly reconciled using the correct format and containing
thorough and complete justifications.

• Transaction Matching automates performance of transaction intensive reconciliations, supporting two source
reconciliations processes like intercompany and bank reconciliations, as well as single source reconciliations like
high volume accrual and suspense accounts.

Reconciliation Compliance (RC) Transaction Matching (TM)

RC ensure that a company's financial accounts are Using TM, companies can automate preparation of high
validated to check that the balance in the account is volume, labor intensive reconciliations and seamlessly
correct. Key features include: integrate those results into the tracking features. Key
features include:
• Tracking—Keep track of preparer and approver assignments
• Data Normalization—Maximize the number of matches
• Workflow—Gain workflow support for the process created using tools that improve data quality
including monitoring, reporting, and analysis
• Flexible Rules—Ability to define matching rules and
• Recon Formats—Leverage prebuilt reconciliation formats or tolerance rules
configure custom reconciliation formats
• Discrepancies Management—Create adjustments for
• Compliance-driven framework—Utilize rule-based variances between data sources and track the resolution of
thresholds for automated certification and risk assessments the adjustments
• Signoff & approval—Get instant visibility into the progress • Balancing—Create period-end balancing reports that satisfy
and status of the reconciliation lifecycle accounting compliance requirements
Reconciliation Compliance
Reconciliation Compliance Module

Reconciliations ensure that a company's financial accounts are validated to check that the balance in the account is
correct. Because account balances are valid at a point in time, and business conditions change, it is critical that
reconciliations occur. In addition, companies face stiff penalties for failing to reconcile.

Reconciliation Compliance helps manage account reconciliation processes, including balance sheet reconciliations,
consolidation system reconciliations, and other reconciliation processes in effect.

You can:

• Manage preparation and review

responsibility assignments (Workflow)

• Configure reconciliation formats tailored to

each account type (Cash Format = GL to
Bank Statements)

• Notify users of due dates for their assigned


• Control preparation and review workflow

• Provide visibility into the reconciliation

status and possible risk conditions
Configuration Set-up

Initial set-up of the application includes designing for the following configuration items. This is configured by the
administrator to drive the overall reconciliation method and processes. ARCS is enabled for use once the following is

Everything can be changed or updated in the future except for the Profile Segments.

Period / Account Aging

Profile Segment Format Process
Frequency Type Profiles Currency
Profile Segment

The profile segment is a onetime configuration setting in ARCS (this cannot be changed without a rebuild of the
application). Profile segments combine together to create a unique reconciliation ID, the lowest level at which a
reconciliation is performed at.

Segments can also be defined as a “Sub-Segment” enabling you to perform grouped reconciliations at higher levels,
while tracking the detailed information at a lower level.
Frequencies and Periods

Frequency settings determine how often reconciliations are prepared. “Monthly” and “Quarterly” are typical frequencies
– which are tagged to Reconciliation Profiles. When reconciliations are generated, if the frequency matches the period—
a Reconciliation profile will be generated.

Period is a unit of time for which an Account Reconciliation is completed. Periods determine the as-of date of the
reconciliation and every period has a start date, end date, close date, and associated frequency.

Periods are defined by:

• Start Date
• End Date*
• Close Date* (Date on which
books are closed for a period)
• Calendars (associated with
Periods and Organizational

*Preparer start dates can be

calculated from the close date or
the end date
Holidays and Organizational Units

Organizational Units provide a mechanism to assign a hierarchical organizational unit structure to profiles and
reconciliations. They provide value in filtering, reporting, and are the means by which holiday rules are applied to

Calendars are used for holiday scheduling and require configuration only if reconciliation schedules take holiday dates
into consideration. Holiday rules can be set up for a given region / organization / entity—to identify dates for which
business users are impacted by company or statutory holidays. ARCS utilizes these dates (and skips these dates as
working days) when determining due dates for reconciliations.
Currency and Currency Buckets

Currency Bucket(s) determine whether the ARCS application is configured to enable reconciliations in a single currency
or multiple currencies. ARCS supports up to three bucket(s):

• Entered: Report balances and transactions in the currency in which they occur

• Functional: Report balances and transactions in the currency associated with the entity of that account

• Reporting: Report balances and transactions in the currency used for system-wide reporting

During configuration, you can enable rates that are active & enter those rates through the UI or .csv upload
Currency Bucket Use Cases

Scenario 1: All three buckets are enabled

Legal Entity is in UK, transaction is happening in India and the company headquarter is in USA. So, the functional
currency would be GBP, entered currency would be INR and the reporting currency would be USD. 

Scenario 2: Functional and Reporting Buckets are enabled

NON US legal entity and the company's headquarter is in USA. In this case the functional currency would be the same as
local currency and the reporting currency would be USD.

Scenario 3: Functional Currency Bucket enabled

If both reporting and functional currencies are same, In this case the functional currency would be used for
Aging Profiles

Aging profile are used in reports to classify transactions into aging buckets. These aging buckets can be analyzed through
reporting to display the count or value of transactions within each aging bucket.
Account Types

Account Types are attributes tagged to Reconciliation Profiles to aid Administrators and End Users to perform reporting
and analysis. Generally this is configured to reflect a summarized view of the financial reporting hierarchy or COA.
Attributes – configuration to reconciliations

Clients have created custom to perform calculations and capture additional textual detail from reconciliations. This
attribute was created, then applied to a format, which then is presented on the reconciliation profile.

Attributes are custom user-defined fields that are centrally defined by the administrator. These can be applied to profiles,
formats and transactions to capture additional information on each reconciliation that can be used for filtering and data
capture purposes.

Attributes can be any of the following types

• Calculation
• Date
• Date/Time
• Integer
• List
• Multiline Text
• Number
• True/False
• Text
• User
• Yes/No
Attributes – display to end user

Clients have created custom to perform calculations and capture additional textual detail from reconciliations. This
attribute was created, then applied to a format, which then is presented on the reconciliation profile.

Reconciliation formats are used to define a common set of profile properties for a group of accounts. Formats drive what
the individual reconciliation profiles will look like for certain account types and the type of information required for the
preparer and reviewer complete the reconciliation.

There are built Formats which can be leveraged, or formats can be created to meet the custom requirements. Formats are
based on one of the following methods:

Balance Comparison

Method used when the reconciliation is based on a comparison of the GL balance to another data source (i.e. subsystem,
bank statement, report). Any differences must be explained and categorized as an adjusting transaction.

Account Analysis

Method used when the reconciliation is based on a justification of the GL balance (i.e. Prepaids, Accruals). Any
differences between the actual and justified balance
Formats - Detail

The administrator has the ability to drive the design of the format, which impacts the presentation of the reconciliation
profile to the end user.

Example: Labels for Columns can be set up. Here, source system > Oracle ERP General Ledger.

Profiles are the pre-cursors to reconciliations. They contain functions like the current preparer and reviewer assignments,
account descriptions, instructions, format assignments, risk ratings. One profile will exist for each reconciliation
performed. Each month, reconciliations are created from these profile templates, and available for the end user to

Profiles will inherit any properties defined from the format (instructions, attributes, rules). Those same options are also
available at the individual profile level, allowing for further customization. Generally, if a property can be applied to the
broad structure / organization of profiles, it should be included in the Format design instead of Profile design.
Creating Profiles

Typically edited fields when creating a new profile:

1. Properties—General properties used to classify the


2. Instructions—Instructions for preparing the


3. Workflow—Preparer, Reviewer, and due date


4. Currency—Defining which currencies / currency

buckets the profile will be reconciled in

5. Access—Additional users & teams receiving viewer or

commentator access (cannot prepare / review the

6. Attributes—Additional fields for data capture and


7. Rules—Application of rules to perform auto-submit,

auto-prepare, prevent submit, require attachments, etc.
Loading Profiles

To update or create multiple profiles at once, the profiles can be exported, updated in Excel and imported back into

Export profiles: Select Unformatted data > Excel .csv file is downloaded > Add new profiles and fill necessary items in
the Columns > Save

Import profiles: Choose File > Replace/Update > Date format > Import

New profiles are created, or errors pop up> Rectify the error to import again and successfully create/update new profiles.

Once balances have been loaded, auto reconciliation occurs, whereby Oracle Account Reconciliation Cloud
automatically completes reconciliations for certain types of accounts such as those with a zero balance, or those where
the source and subsystem balances match.

• Auto Reconciliation can be set either at Format or each Profile level

• Auto Reconciliation reduces manual intervention

• Auto Reconciliation needs to be setup while creating Profiles

Simple auto reconciliation logic is available with each method—or you can create custom criteria through the use of
Summary Reconciliations

Summary reconciliations are intended to summarize the content of one or more child reconciliations into a summarized
view. An additional profile must be set up for a summary reconciliation.
Group Reconciliation

Group Reconciliations are intended to capture reconciliation at an aggregated view. This is a singular profile in ARCS
made up of data mapped within Data Management. For example, a user may want to reconcile all Accrued Payroll
accounts in a singular profile (101-23XXX). Using a grouped profile, there is one reconciliation object, but when drilling
into Group Detail, they are able to see the balances of each Accrued Payroll account that contributed.
Copying Profiles to a Period

When a reconciliation period is ready to begin, the profile templates must be copied to the active period. During that
time, every profile that is Active and has a matching frequency, a snapshot will be created and made available to end
users to start the reconciliation process. Users are able to access these through the “Worklist” or “Reconciliation” tiles.
Reconciliation Process in ARCS

Accounting / Reporting
Administrator Administrator

Close & Lock

Prepare Run and Review
Start Set up users Create Period Reconciliation
Reconciliation Reports

Generate Report
Load Fx Rates Reconciliation to
Manual Reviewer

Load Balances
from GL, Archive
Subledger, 3rd Reconciliation
Party Sources Period

Reconciliations & Approve
Run Auto-Recon Reconciliation as End
Rules Complete

Change period
status from
Pending > Open Auto-
Transaction Matching
Transaction Matching (TM)

Transaction Matching enables automatic preparation of transaction intensive reconciliations, supporting two source
reconciliations processes like intercompany and bank reconciliations, as well as single source reconciliations like high
volume accrual and suspense accounts.


• Auto-Match rules

• Balancing at period end

• Journal export for adjustments

• Tracking of unmatched transactions with age

• Data load using Data Management

Configuration Set-up

Initial set-up of the application includes designing for the following configuration items. This is configured by the
administrator to drive the overall match types and profiles. Transaction Matching is enabled for use once the following is

Match Type and Journal Journal
Attributes Process and Formats Transactions
Data Sources Columns Attributes
Match Types

Match Types determine how the transaction matching process will work for the accounts using that match type. They
determine the structure of the data to be matched, as well as the rules used for matching.

Companies can have many different match types. For example, Intercompany Accounts, Bank Accounts, Accounts
Receivable, Accounts Payable, and various Clearing Accounts can benefit from transaction matching. Since the data
structure and matching rules are likely to be different for each of these types of accounts, companies would create a
match type for each.
Match Type—Data Source

Data source defines the data structure of sources containing transactions. There is no limit to the number of data sources
that can be configured for a given match type.

• Most reconciliations will contain two data sources: transactions from Source system will be matched with
transactions from Sub System

• Certain types of reconciliations (such as Clearing accounts, Suspense accounts, or high volume accruals) require
debit/credit matching within a single data source

When defining a data source, you define the “attributes” in the source, which are the columns of data that will be
imported. This is also where you can enrich and normalize the data to get it ready for matching by using calculated
Data Source Filters

After defining a Data Source and corresponding attributes, you can set up filters to limit the number of records returned
included or returned during the auto-matching process. These filters are utilized in matching rules to improve
performance of auto-matching by limiting the criteria the rule should consider.

Filters are created on each data source that is added – with a flexible builder to create statements based on AND / OR
criteria across multiple data sources.
Defining the Match Process

Match Process defines the data sources for comparison when utilizing rules. The match process can be a single file or
multiple data sources. Match rules are layered on top of the process, determining how matches are made. Supported
match rules are:

• 1 to 1

• 1 to Many

• Many to 1

• Many to Many

The match rules are configured to be “Suggested” or “Confirmed” and will executed within the order they are set.
Defining the Match Process (cont.)

Supported match status selections are:

• Confirmed—No user action is required once the match has been automatically made

• Suggested—Enables a user with the appropriate level of security privileges to review the matches and the associated
Adjustments and to determine whether to accept or reject the match

Supported rule match types are:

• Matches Exactly—Looks for an exact match based upon the guidance of the rule

• Matches with Tolerance—Looks for matches with tolerance specified in the rule
Match Type—Transaction Type

Transaction types allow you to create as many unique adjustment and support types as you need to suit your
reconciliation requirements. These allow the user who is creating the adjustment to select from a list of available
adjustments for this reconciliation and the system provides all the information required to post a journal from that

There are two default transaction types provided:

• Adjustment Type

• Support Type

Transaction Matching formats are used to link reconciliation profiles (from reconciliation compliance module) to match

Each Format is associated with any one of the following methods:

• Account Analysis with Transaction Matching

• Balance compare with Transaction Matching

• Transaction Matching Only

Format view for End User

Users can have period end balancing on the Balance Summary dialog of Reconciliation Module by opting Transaction
Matching with Balance Compare/Account Analysis Format.

Transaction Matching with Balance Compare/Account Analysis will have “Matching” icon at RC module, which takes
users down to Transaction Matching module, integrating both the modules.
Format view for End User

Users can have period end balancing on the Balance Summary dialog of Reconciliation Module by opting Transaction
Matching with Balance Compare/Account Analysis Format.

Transaction Matching with Balance Compare/Account Analysis will have “Matching” icon at RC module, which takes
users down to Transaction Matching module, integrating both the modules.

When performing transaction matching, the application automatically buckets transactions into three categories.

• Less Unmatched—the net total of unmatched transactions that are not supported along with any transactions that
are in suggested match state

• Less Unmatched Supported—the net total of unmatched transactions that are supported

• Less Matched In-Transit—the net total of matched transactions that are deemed “unmatched” As-Of the period-end
Steps for Transaction Matching

• This process repeats each time new data becomes available and ends when all possible matches have been created.

• Periodically (and dependent on business needs), the account is “balanced” through generation of a reconciliation
balancing report.

• This report provides operational controls and satisfies compliance requirements.

Define Confirm Create

Configure Run Auto
Formats & Load Data Suggested Manual Journals
Match Types Match Rule
Matches Matches Matches
Data Management
Summary of Data Sources

Data Management (DM) is an out-of-the-box data transformation tool that feeds source-level financial data and metadata
from a variety of sources to EPM applications (FCCS, ARCS, ePBCS). It is the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tool that
will be used to map and load data into both FCCS and ARCS. Data Management enables users to:

• Integrate file-based data from an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) source system into an Enterprise Performance
Management (EPM) target application

• Drill through from the EPM application and view data in the ERP System

• Business-user friendly interface for data mapping, reconciliation, reporting and auditing

File Type Pre-Mapped Data Data Management

GL Balances Yes Yes
Subledger Balances Yes Yes
Reconciliation Compliance Transactions Yes No
Transaction Matching Transactions Yes Yes
Transaction Matching BAI (Bank File) No Yes
Reconciliation Compliance BAI (Bank File) No Yes
Exchange Rates Yes No
Profiles Yes No
ERP Balances – GL Balances from Cloud ERP No Yes
ERP Transactions – AR / AP Transactions from Cloud No Yes
Data Management Setup—Source and Target Applications

Register the Source System and Target System you want to connect. ARCS has the ability to load flat file extracts or
directly connect to other applications, such as Oracle Cloud ERP GL.

Data Management is pre-connected to Account Reconciliation Manger and its Reconciliation Compliance Module,
without additional configuration. Each data source defined in the transaction matching module is added as a separate
target application in DM.
Data Management Setup—Import Format and Location

Next you must define the import format and location. This help defines the format of the incoming data and
transformation required to map to the corresponding ARCS target reconciliation ID (profile).

Source Type = Source System Loads balance to ARCS Source system

Source Type = Sub-System loads balance to Subsystem

There is no Source Type dimension defined for Transaction Matching

Data Management Setup—Period and Category Mapping

Period mapping defines the periods for data load within DM and maps to a target period defined within ARCS
(Reconciliation Compliance configuration steps). This mapping is required for Reconciliation Compliance but not the
Transaction matching module.

Category mapping defines the currency categories for data load within DM and maps to a currency bucket defined within
ARCS (RC configuration steps). This mapping is required for Reconciliation Compliance but not the Transaction
matching module.
Data Management Setup—Data Rule Load

Data Load Rule is an executable part of data management which orchestrates entire data load process.
Data Management Setup—Data Load Mapping

Data Load Mapping can be used to map and transform data between the source and target applications. Most of the
scenarios we will have * to * and IGNORE mapping for ARCS.

Data mapping could be utilized to map multiple source accounts to a single target profile.
Data Management—Load Data to Reconciliation Compliance

Although data is staged and transformed using Data Management, the actual import of data is triggered from within
ARCS. For a given period, you can execute a data load for any combinations of data load locations that have been
configured. Data is loaded as a full balance and is replaced each time you reload a given period.

Data in three different methods:

• Snapshot
• Full refresh
• Recalculate
Data Management—Load Data to Transaction Matching

Unlike loading data to Reconciliation Compliance, Transaction Matching data is staged, transformed and exported within
Data Management. From the Data Load Rule screen, you can perform the entire process of import and export of data.

Transaction matching data is loaded incrementally – meaning transactions are added to the application each time data is
loaded. If performing a re-import of transactions, you must remove the prior loaded transactions.
Data Management—Load Data Monitor

Transaction Matching:
• If the Import or Validate step fails, check the Data Management process log for troubleshooting
• If Export step fails, check the ARCS Jobs screen for troubleshooting

Reconciliation Compliance:
• If the Import or Validate step fails, check the Data Management process log for troubleshooting
• If there are any invalid mappings and unmapped profiles, check the ARCS Period screen for troubleshooting
Importing Balances, Transactions and Currencies

Data files can also be loaded manually into the application, if they are in the required .csv file extract format. This
includes loading period calendars, currency rates, source / sub system balances and transactions.
Reports and
ARCS Reporting

The ARCS Reports tile links users to a list of reports that you can generate in PDF / Excel format. This includes pre-built
reports and any custom reports created by an administrator to support both Reconciliation Compliance and Transaction
Matching modules.
Reporting through Filtering

ARCS UI enables you to customize your view with columns / filtering capabilities—allowing you to view a large variety
of information. This includes source balances, organizational units, due dates, custom attributes, comment counts, etc.
Reporting for Audit

Used to create versions of reconciliations that may be printed or used for offline viewing. These help to fulfill audit
requests and can be run by both administrators and end users.

The export will download a .zip file to your computer, containing HTML files for each reconciliation. When an
individual item is opened, it will display the same information that is present within the reconciliation profile within the
Custom Reports

Service administrator can build custom reports, Microsoft word with Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) Publisher
Desktop client should be installed to create custom reports.

Following are the steps to build custom reports:

Steps Description

Create Query Definition Select the columns and filter condition required in report

Generate XML Export query definition to xml file

Create Report Template Use BI Publisher to create template for report in rtf format
Create Report Name, Report Description, Report output format (Xcel, PDF) , Import Report
Create Report Definition
Dashboards—Overview (RC)

The Overview dashboard allows to check the status of account reconciliations, where the count of open reconciliations,
including those that are late are tracked.

We can also see completion metrics by Risk Rating, Account Type, Organizational Unit, Format, or Reconciliation
Dashboards—Compliance (RC)

The Compliance Dashboard provides metrics on how well compliance objectives are achieved.

This will identify reconciliations that were completed on time, from those that were late, and counting those that had
been rejected or contain risk conditions such as debit/credit violations or aging violations.
Dashboards—Match Metrics (TM)

• The Match Metrics Dashboard provides metrics on unmatched, suggested and confirmed matches based on match
User Setup & Security
Application Role Provisioning

ARCS allow administrators to define and manage security based on roles.

Role defines the depth of a user’s system access to each application in the EPM environment based on functional job
responsibility, pre-configured system tasks, and separation of duties. The roles defined within the ARCS system are as
Role Description
• Responsible for configuring the system and managing the reconciliation process
Service Administrator
• Cannot prepare or review account reconciliations

• Is for those users that have regional reconciliation management responsibilities

Power User
• Can add and maintain profiles and reconciliations for profiles that fall within their security filter

User • For those users that prepare and review account reconciliations or need to view or comment

Viewer • For read-only access to reconciliations

Within the application, power users and users can be assigned the following roles on an individual reconciliation profile
Team Provisioning

Teams are utilized within ARCS to group users along the lines of their business functions.

Users are provisioned to teams, providing them access to a grouping of reconciliations that they are in charge of
preparing or have the ability to view.
Profile and Format Security

By default, reconciliations are only visible to the users assigned to prepare & review. Through the use of teams, viewer
and commentary access can be provided to a larger set of users.

Smaller organizations may choose to assign preparation & review duties to individual users. Larger organizations usually
choose to assign preparation & review duties to a team.
EPM Automate
EPM Automate

The EPM Automate Utility enables Service Administrators to remotely perform repetitive tasks within Oracle Enterprise
Performance Management Cloud instances.

EPM Automate installer for Windows and Linux/UNIX is available from the service.

EPM Automate can be installed on virtual machines and Integration Cloud Service machines that can access external
hosts over a secure HTTP connection.
Driving EPM Automate Design

EPM Automate utility must be downloaded separately from the ARCS application. Once installed on an administrator’s
laptop or server, the utility can be used to execute commands ad-hoc or on a scheduled basis.

1. Download the EPM Automate Utility

2. Prepare set of EPM commands in the batch file format per the client requirements

3. Schedule the batch file using a windows scheduler

Learn More—Oracle Academy

ARCS Application provides navigation to the “Oracle Academy”, this provides the end users to access Oracle created
training content for ARCS. This is also publicly available through the Oracle website.

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