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Duration: 5 min Narayan Mishra Grade: 9 SVIS

1o Infectious Diseases
Life Science, Human Biology
Name of the Disease Typhoid
Caused By Salmonella Typi
Mode of Transmission Infected Food and Water
Symptoms High Fever, Abdominal pain, weakness etc.…
Treatment Ciproflaxin, Ampicilin

Name of the Disease Cholera
Caused By Vibro Cholera
Mode of Transmission Infected Food and Water
Symptoms Loss of skin elasticity, muscle cramps etc.….
Treatment Cholera Vaccine
Kala - Azar
Name of the Disease Kala – Azar
Caused By Leishmania
Mode of Transmission bites from infected female sand flies
Symptoms Weight loss, weakness, enlarged liver
Treatment Liposomal, Amphotorecin

Name of the Disease SARS
Caused By SARS Virus
Mode of Transmission Air
Symptoms Fever, muscle pain, sore throat
Treatment Antipiretics
Name of the Disease Acne
Caused By Staphylococcusanreus
Mode of Transmission Direct Contact
Symptoms Large painful bumps on skin, redness, swelling
Treatment Antibiotics

African Trapanozomiosis (Or) Sleeping Sickness

Name of the Disease Sleeping Sickness
Caused By Trypanosoma brucei
Mode of Transmission Tsetse fly bites
Symptoms fever, headache, joint pains, itching, confusion
Treatment Drugs – Pentamidiem, Suramiel, Melarspral
Name of the Disease Ascariasis
Caused By Ascaris Lumbricoides
Mode of Transmission Contaminated Food and Water
Symptoms Cough, breathing issues, nausea
Treatment Albendazole, Invermectin

Name of the Disease Malaria
Caused By Plasmodium Vivox
Mode of Transmission Infected mosquito bites
Symptoms Chill fever, headache, refused sweating
Treatment Antibiotics, ethambutal, pyrazimamide
Name of the Disease Tuberculosis
Caused By Mycobacterium tuberlae
Mode of Transmission Air
Symptoms Chill fever, cough, chest pain, headache
Treatment Albendazole, ethylcarbanizine

Name of the Disease Mumps
Caused By Rubule virus
Mode of Transmission Direct contact
Symptoms Pain in swollen salivary gland, appetite changes
Treatment MMR - Vaccination

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