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 For Catholics, the death of Jesus on the Cross is a key
event within faith history. It is known as the Crucifixion,
and it is considered both a tragic event and a necessary
 It is tragic because it involves the suffering and death of a
divine teacher and leader. However, the event also was
necessary because the sacrificial death of Jesus is
understood to bring about both the forgiveness of human
sins and a new covenant.
According to the Gospels, the persecution,
trial, torture (collectively called the Passion),
and Crucifixion of Jesus occurred when
Jewish leaders became concerned that Jesus'
growing popularity among the people was
threatening their position and power.
Out of fear that their followers might
turn on them, these leaders arranged
for the Roman government to put
Jesus on trial -- and the resulting
sentence was death.
The method of execution, being hung on an
instrument made of two pieces of wood, was
used by the Romans in that era as a painful and
humiliating means of publicly putting to death
criminals, slaves and foreigners. Jesus accepted
his trial, torture and execution, because he
believed all these events were the will of God.
Death of Jesus
as Acceptable
According to the "Catechism of the Catholic Church,"
the Crucifixion represents the ultimate sacrifice and a
gift from God to humankind. Because humans had
repeatedly sinned and broken covenants (agreements
between God and the Jewish people), the only proper
atonement was the sacrifice of God's own son,
poetically described as "the Lamb of God, who takes
away the sins of the world."
Through agreeing to be put on trial and
then accepting the penalty of death, "Jesus
atoned for our faults and made satisfaction
for our sins." This means that because of
Jesus' selfless action, it was possible for
God to erase the sins of humans.
Death of Jesus as
Introducing New
Not only does the death of Jesus
bring about the forgiveness of
human sins, the Catholic Church
teaches, but it also results in a new
covenant between God and
This new covenant replaces the broken
covenants of the Old Testament and "restores
man to communion with God," according to the
"Catechism of the Catholic Church."
This new covenant is reflected in the name for
the distinctively Christian portion of the Bible,
the "New Testament."
Significance of
The Catholic Church continues to emphasize the
significance of the Crucifixion to the Christian faith. In
an official (encyclical) letter to Catholics in 2013, Pope
Francis explained that the death of Jesus demonstrated
the love of Christ for all people, and that "at the hour
of Christ's Crucifixion" it was clear that "the depth
and breadth of God's love shone forth."
God's Purpose
for the
Catholics believe that the death of Jesus Christ on the
Cross went according to God’s plan. Catholics believe
that in doing so, God allowed Jesus Christ to accept the
punishment for the sins of humanity.
The sacrifice of Christ on the cross demonstrates God’s
love for human beings. Jesus’ obedience to God’s will,
even though it included crucifixion, is a model for
Catholics to follow.
Jesus Christ is the central
figure in the Catholic faith.
Catholics believe Jesus is the
Son of God, equal with God
and the second person of the
We view the biblical
account of the death and
resurrection of Jesus
Christ as wholly
We believe that Jesus’
crucifixion was a
sacrifice made as an
offering for sin and that
it provides for the
salvation of human
Catholics believe the
resurrection proves to
all that Jesus Christ is
the Son of God and that
he defeated death and
the grave.

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