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What is chatbot

• Chat Bot: A computer program that can talk to

humans in natural language!
• Uses Artificial Intelligence Markup Language
(AIML) to represent knowledge.
• Can replace a human for monotonous jobs of
answering queries, e.g. E-help desk.
How does it respond
• Looks for certain patterns of words in the
user's input.
• Replies with pre-determined output, if the
pattern is matched.
• Needs to have an idea of what the user will
• Has suitable responses defined in the AIML file
Turing test
• The turing test developed by alan Turing,is a
test of machine’s ability to exhibit intelligent
behaviour equivalent to or indistinguishable
from, that of human.
• Method of enquiry in AI for determining
whether or a not a computer is capable of
thinking like humans`
What is Turing Test?•
• Turing Test requires three terminals, each of which is physically
separated from the other two. One terminal is operated by a
computer, while the other two are operated by humans.
• During the test, one of the humans functions as the questioner,
while the second human and the computer function as
respondents .The questioner interrogates the respondents within
a specific subject area, using a specified format and context.
• After a preset length of time or number of questions, the
questioner is then asked to decide which respondent was human
and which was a computer.
• Reverse turing test. (CAPTCHA)
Naïve byes algorithm
•First step is tokenization
•In tokenization, whole sentence is divided into
words called tokens Then each token is stemmed
eg. ‘have a great day’ is tokenized and stemmed
as ‘have’, ’a’, ’great’, ’day’
•training data
•Comparing with tokens and predicting the class
•According to the scores and matches, giving the
• ’Have a great day’, ‘Good morning’, ’Hello there’, ’is the weather rainy?’ ‘it is too cold
today’. Suppose we give the input as ‘Hii, good morning’.
Training data set:-
‘Have a great day’
‘Good morning’
‘Hello there’
‘is the weather rainy?’
‘it is too cold today’
Input:-’Hii, good morning’
term:-Hii(no match)
term:-morning(1 match, class : greeting).
Hence, output will be classifier :Greeting and score:2
• Advantage
• if there are predefined classes it becomes easy
to predict.
• Disadvantage
• input does not belong to any predefined class
it becomes impossible to predict the output

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