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Commas are used to separate items in a list

We’re off to find some corn, worms,

weed and water to swim in.

Quack, quack!
Commas separate items in a list
Write the sentence,
Rabbits like to eat ... filling in the blanks.
Don’t forget commas!


NOT from
cucumbers my garden!

Rabbits eat ______, ______ and ______.

Commas separate items in a list

Commas separate
the things in the list. No comma needed
before ‘and’

Rabbits eat lettuce , carrots and cucumber.

Commas separate items in a list

Punctuate the sentence

below. Don’t forget

cats like to eat fish mice frogs and catfood

Commas separate items in a list

Cats like to eat fish, mice, frogs and catfood.

NO comma needed here!

Commas separate things in a list
a green leaf
worms Choose the things
you think the rabbit
will like to eat ...
lettuce apples

a shiny snail Arrange them in a

cabbage sentence using
a grass snake
NO comma needed before ‘and’
Commas separate things in a list
The commas thein
sentence with
this sentence
commas correctly
are in the placed.
wrong place. Arrange rabbit’s
food in a sentence
using commas.
NO comma needed
before ‘and’

Rabbit likes a green leaf, lettuce, apples and cabbage.

He doesn’t like, worms a shiny snail slugs, and a grass snake.

Commas separate things in a list
Re-write the sentence with
commas in the correct places.
NO comma needed
before ‘and’

He doesn’t like worms, a shiny snail, slugs

and a grass snake.
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