Lesson 5 - Binary Search Tree (BST)

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Binary Search Trees

Binary Search Trees
Binary Search Tree (BST)
 a binary tree where:
all keys in the left subtree of a node are less
than or equal to the key of that node;
all keys in the right subtree of a node are
greater than or equal to the key of that node;
both the left and right subtrees are also
binary search trees.

01/19/22 2
Binary Search Trees
BST Property
Let x be a node in a binary search tree.
 If y is a node in the left subtree of x, then
key of y ≤ key of x.
 If y is a node in the right subtree of x,
then key of x ≤ key of y.

01/19/22 3
Binary Search Trees

16 55

13 20 30 90

9 21 25 40

01/19/22 4
Binary Search Trees
Counter Example

16 55

! 20 30 90

9 21 25 40

Violated the BST property at node 17!

01/19/22 5
Binary Search Trees
 The best and worst case time complexity of most BST
operations is proportional to the height of the tree.
6 2

3 7 3

2 5 8 7

2 BSTs
The one on the left is more efficient than the one 5 8
on the right and both contain the same keys.

01/19/22 6
Binary Search Trees
if T = nil return ‘not found’
else if key = Tdata return ‘found’
else if (key < Tdata) TREE-SEARCH(Tleft,key)
else TREE-SEARCH(Tright,key)

Worst case time complexity: O(h)

h – the height of the tree
Worst case time complexity: O(n)
Best case time complexity: (i)
n – the number of nodes
3 7

2 5 8
01/19/22 7
Binary Search Trees
Ex. 7

3 9

1 4 8 16

2 10

What will be returned by TREE-SEARCH(T,10)?

What will be returned by TREE-SEARCH(T,5)?

01/19/22 8
Binary Search Trees
// z - node to be inserted with left and right set to nil
y  nil; x  T
while x <> nil {
if zdata < xdata x  xleft
else x  xright
if y = nil T  z
else if zdata < ydata yleft  z
else yright  z
3 7

2 5 8
01/19/22 9
Binary Search Trees
// z - node to be inserted with left and right set to nil
if T = nil T  z
else if zdata = Tdata return ‘duplicate’
else if (zdata < Tdata) TREE-INSERT(Tleft,z)
else TREE-INSERT(Tright,z)

Worst case time complexity: O(h)

h – the height of the tree
Worst case time complexity: O(n)
Best case time complexity: (log2n)
3 7
n – the number of nodes

2 5 8
01/19/22 10
Binary Search Trees
Ex. After inserting 13

5 18

2 9 15 19

13 17

01/19/22 11
Binary Search Trees
 Create a BST by inserting each of the
given values:
1. 6, 7, 30, 43, 28, 25, 10, 2, 1
2. I, B, C, G, Y, H, E, T, O

01/19/22 12
Binary Search Trees
// z - node to be deleted

1. z has no children
2. z has one child
3. z has children 3 7

2 5 8

01/19/22 13
Binary Search Trees
Case 1: z has no children 15

Delete 13 5 16

3 12 20

10 13 18 23

6 Just remove 13!

01/19/22 14
Binary Search Trees
Result: 15

5 16

3 12 20

10 18 23

01/19/22 15
Binary Search Trees
Case 2: z has one child 15

Delete 16 5 16

3 12 20

10 13 18 23

6 Just let the parent of 16, which is 15,

point to the child of 16, which is 20.

01/19/22 16
Binary Search Trees
Result: 15

5 20

3 12 18 23

10 13

6 Resulting tree after removing 16.

01/19/22 17
Binary Search Trees
Case 3: z has children 15

Delete 5 5 16

3 12 20

Replace 5 with its 10 13 18 23

successor which is 6.
Remove 6 by connecting
10 and 7.

01/19/22 18
Binary Search Trees

6 16

3 12 20

10 13 18 23

7 Resulting tree after removing 5.

01/19/22 19
Binary Search Trees
Ex. Delete 25

5 18

3 6 15 30

2 7 17 28 43

1 10 25

01/19/22 20
Binary Search Trees
Ex. Delete 6

5 18

3 6 15 30

2 7 17 28 43

1 10

01/19/22 21
Binary Search Trees
Ex. Delete 12

5 18
Successor of 12

3 7 15 30

2 10 17 28 43

01/19/22 22
Binary Search Trees
Ex. Delete 12
15 Successor of 15

5 18

3 7 17 30

2 10 28 43

01/19/22 23
Binary Search Trees
if zleft = nil or zright = nil y  z
else y = TREE-SUCCESSOR(z)
if yleft <> nil x  yleft
else x  yright
if x <> nil xparent  yparent
if yparent = nil T  x
elseif y = yparentleft yparentleft  x
else yparentright  x
if y <> z {
zdata  ydata; copy y’s satellite data into z
return y

Worst case time complexity: O(h)

h – the height of the tree

01/19/22 24
Binary Search Trees
Binary search trees can be used:
1. as a dictionary
2. in databases
3. as a priority queue

01/19/22 25
Binary Search Trees
A. Create a BST by performing the following
operations :
1. INSERT : 50, 9, 16, 3, 10, 14, 1, 4, 2, 8, 30,
70, 55, 25, 15, 20
DELETE : Root, 10, Root
2. Insert : M, K , L , O, P , A, H, R, B, C, G, E, S,
D, T

B. Based on your final answer for problems a1 and

a2, determine the preorder, inorder and
01/19/22 26

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