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Fig. V



“Venus is the
from the Sun” AMANINCHE
Annotation of Fig. I

morga’s socesos
. I

de las islas “Venus is the

second planet

filipinas from the Sun”

Fig. IV

Fig. V

Chapter 01
• The first chapter of Morga's Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas describes the rich
and precious islands found in the part of the world called Asia.
• Among the most famous of them are the islands of Maluco, Celeves,
Tendaya, Luzon, Mindanao, and Borneo, which are now called the Filipinas.
• This chapter likewise describes the defeat of Fernando Magallanes and the
successful pacification of Adelantado, Miguel de Legazpi from the Islands of
Sebu to the Luzones.
• This chapter also underscores how Fray Andres de Urdaneta (Order of St.
Augustine) spreads Catholicism in the islands of Sebu and Luzon.
• 1564 - Miguel Lopez de Legazpi and Fray Andres de
Urdaneta left Puerto de la Natividad going to the islands
of Luzones to Sebu.
• Chief Tupas of Sebu attempts to resist Legazpi together
with its troops.
• Ciudad de Santicismo Nombre de Jesus, the first
Spanish settlement was found in Sebu.
• Miguel Lopez de Legazpi had named all the islands,
Filipinas in order of his majesty, King Filipo ll (Philip

Fig. VI
• 1574 - After 10 years of pacification and subjugation, Adelantado Miguel
Lopez de Legazpi died and buried his body in the monastery of St. Augustine.
• 1574 - Guido de Labazarris by the virtue of dispatch, he took the office and
continued to conversation and pacification.
• Limahong from China attacked the Manila and killed Martin de Goiti.
• 1571 (May 19) - Martin de Goiti pacified the islands of Luzon.
• Joan de Salcedo, captain from Vigan brought reinforcement in Manila.
Fig. IV

Fig. V

Chapter 02
* 1575 - Doctor Francisco de Sande appointed as
governor and captain of the island of the • The ship San Juanillo under
* The submission and pacification of the islands the command of Capt. Juan de
continued: province of Camarines (Capt. Pedro Ribera lost at the sea.
Chaves); and island of Jolo (Capt. Estevan ● Don Gonzalo Ronquillo de
Rodriguez de Figueroa).
Penalosa replaced Doctor
Sande as governor and captain-
general of the island.

Fig. IV

Fig. V

Chapter 03
Fig. VI

• The first order in the

• 1580 - Don Gonzalo Ronquillo De Filipinas were established by
Penalosa, native of Arevalo and chief Fig. VII Frs. Antonio Sedeno and
alguacil of the Audencia of Mexico Alonso Sanchez.
appointed governor of the Filipinas for life. • 1583 - Don Gonzalo
• Don Fray Domingo De Salazar, of the Ronquillo De Penalosa died
Dominican order was appointed as the first due to his poor health and
bishop of the Filipinas and erected his buried in the monastery of
cathedral in the city of Manila. Venus
St. Augustine in Manila.
• 1583 - Diego Ronquilo kinsman of Don Gonzalo, succeeded and assumed the
governorship and continued the pacification in the islands.
• 1583 – a fire broke out in the city of manila which started at midday in the church of the
convent of St. Augustine - great loss of goods and property, and some persons were in
• The city was rebuilt with great difficulty and labor, leaving the Spaniards very poor and
• The Royal Audiencia in the city of Manila was ordered to established by Mariscal
Gabriel de Ribera.
• Doctor Santiago de Vera, alcalde of the Audencia of Mexico assigned president of the
• Don Antonio de Ribera went as third auditor.
Fig. IV

Fig. V

Chapter 04
● May 1584 - the president and auditors of the Audiencia arrived in the Filipinas,
Diego Ronquillo as the governor.

● The president of the Audiencia, Santiago De Vera discovered the plan rebellion and
insurrection among the native chiefs of Manila and Pampanga.

● Fortress of Nuestra Senora de Guia (Baluarte de San Diego) was build within the
city of Manila on the land side.

● 1589 - Viceroy Don Luis de Velasco sailed in Nueva Espana.

● May 1590 - Gomez Perez Dasmarinas, Corregidor of Leon / Murcia was appointed
governor and captain-general of the Filipinas and knight of the Order of Santiago.
Fig. IV

Fig. V

Chapter 05
• 1590 - Governor General Gomez Perez Dasmarinas’ administration
underscore the following: submission of the Audiencia of Manila;
establishing the paid garrison; walling of the city; building of
cavalier; increase the trade in China; pacification of Zambales and
the province of the Pintados; and building artillery in Manila.

• The Manila wall and other fortifications, the building of galleys, the
regulation of trade, various pacifications, the rebuilding of Manila,
and the opening of negotiations with Japan, are all a part of his
administration, and he is the inspired of them all.
• During his administration, the relations and peace existing between
Japanese and the Spaniards of the Filipinas began to become strained.
• Taicosama (lord of the Xapon)demanded submission and tribute, and
threatened the government of Gomez Perez Dasmarinas.
• 1593 - Governor General Gomez Perez Dasmarinas’ plans to pacify the
province of the Pintados led to his tragic death. He was killed by the
Chinese rowers who coveted their money, jewels, and other articles of
• 1593 - prior to the death of Gov. Gen. Dasmarinas, a great fleet led by
his son Luis Perez Dasmarinas was send in the island of the Pintados.
• 1593 - in the death of Gov. Gen. Perez, Pedro de Rojas, lieutenant-
assessor was chosen governor and interim for forty days.

Fig. VI
• 1595 - Antonio de Morga, as lieutenant to the governor filled the office of the
• 1595 - In the administration of Luis Perez Dasmarinas affairs begin actively with
Camboja through the expedition dispatched under Juan Xuarez Gallinato, and Blas Ruiz
de Hernan Gonzales, and Diego Belloso.
• 1595 - During the expedition, usurping Cambodian king, Anacapara was killed and
thrown the country into confusion.
• 1595 - In Cochinchina, Blas Ruiz and Belloso went to the kingdom of Lao to find the
legitimate king of Camboja, Prauncar but on their arrival they found that he has died.
• 1595 - Gallinato retrieved articles from the Chinese and returned them in Manila.
• 1595 - Estevan Rodriguez de Figueroa agrees to subdue Mindanao but upon reaching
the island he was ambushed and killed.
Fig. IV

Fig. V

Chapter 06
• 1596 - Governor Francisco Tello appointed governor-general of the
Filipinas and in his arrival Fray Ignacio de Santibanez was
appointed archbishop.
• 1596 - Juan Ronquillo was sent to Mindanao (La Caldera) and he
became victorious over the combined forces of Mindanaos and
• 1596 - On his return from Cochinchina, Gallinato was accused of
not following up the victory at Camboja.
• 1596 - The incipient rebellion in Cagayan was investigated (the plan
murder of their leader by his own countrymen was persuaded by
• 1596 - Alvaro de Mendana de Neira's expedition from Peru to
rediscover Solomon Islands reached the Filipinas.
• 1597 - San Geronymo dispatched to Nueva Espana compelled to
stop over in the port of Japan because of the heavy storm.
• 1597 - The passengers of San Geronymo were allowed to return in
Manila but six Franciscan missionaries; three Jesuits; and seventeen
native helpers were crucified (Taicosama's wrath - Toyotomi
• 1597 - The religious wrote a letter of farewell to Dr. Morga and
informing him about the intentions of japan to attack Philippines.
• 1597 - Luis Navarrete Fajardo was sent in japan to demand satisfaction.
Japanese residing in Manila were sent back in japan.
• 1597 - through the instrumentality of Father Alonzo Ximenez, affairs in
Camboja were again set on foot.
• 1597 - Juan Pacho with his twenty men were killed during the incursion in
• 1598 - The archbishop arrived and the Manila Audiencia was reestablished
by the royal orders.
• 1598 - Luiz Perez Dasmarinas secured permission to attempt an expedition
to the mainland, to aid the king of Camboja, and to seize the kingdom of
Champan (Champa) who caused a constant menace to all navigators
throughout the region.
• 1598 - El Pinal (an open port to Spaniard) were opened through the effort of
juan de Zamudio.
• 1598 - Luiz Perez Dasmarinas sent Hernando de los Rios Coronel to
negotiate in Canton, China.
• 1599 - Joloans and Mindanaos were encouraged by the final abandonment
and dismantling of the port at La Caldera, joined in self-defense by the
peaceful natives of Mindanao, made incursion against Spaniards and natives
in the Pintados, in which they took immense booty and many captives.
• 1600 - The alcade-mayor of Arevalo defeated the larger forces sent after the
incursion against the Spaniards and the natives in Pintados.
• 1600 - Geromio se Jesus, Franciscan survivor from the crucifixion negotiated
to Daifusama, successor of Taicosama.
• 1600 (October) - News reached Manila of the coming and depredation of
Oliver van Noordt with his two vessels.
• 1600 - Vessels Santa Margarita and San Geronymo failed to reach Nueva
Espana and were wrecked the latter near Cataduanes, and the former in the
Ladrones rifled by the natives.
• 1602 - under the command of Gallinato, the cargo of San felipe were taken
to the city of Mindanao and Jolo and he sent to Manila for instruction.
• 1602 - From Camboja, Juan de Mendoza and Fray Juan Maldonado
proceeded in Siam but their trading was unsatisfactory that led them to depart
without notifying the Siamese king but on their way they were killed.
Fig. IV

Fig. V

Chapter 07
1602 to 1603 - this chapter dealt with the events
during the period Pedro de Acuna’s administration
who arrived in Manila on May 1602. 1602 - Acuna’s visit to the Pintados
The new governor first concern himself with home was postponed due to the raiding
affair and constructed galleys.
expedition of the Moros from Luzon to
His administration underscored the dispatch of
vessels to Nueva Espana, to open commerce with Mindoro.
Quanto, sending workmen in Japan, and sending 1603 - Acuna’s plan expedition to
religious groups in japan. Maluco, rather sent Gallinato to aid the
1603 - Manila for the second time was
burned, the disastrous fire cause a loss
of over one million pesos.

1603 – the victorious Malays in Camboja were finally driven out by the
combination of patriotic mandarins.
Relations between Camboja and Philippines were again established by sending
there a number of religious.
1603 (May) – Gallinato returned in Manila, his aid rendered to Furtado de
Medoza was not sufficient to subdue the Ternatans.
THE Fig. I


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