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‫الَر ِح ْي‬ َّ‫ِب ْس ِم الل ّ ِه ّـ‬

َّ‫الَر ْح َم ِن ّـ‬

Pengampu: (Posisikan Pasien )
Fini Widya
Fransiska, Disusun Oleh :
M.Pd.B.I Kelompok 5
NOVITA SARI (2019206203028)
SINTIA FEBY LIANA (2019206203034)

A. Definisi
Posturing or adjusting and changing positions is setting the patient in a good
position and changing regularly and systematically. This is an important aspect
of nursing. Any body position is good or not will interfere if done for a long time
(Potter and Pery, 2009).
B. Purpose
1. Prevent muscle pain
2. Reduce pressure
3. Prevent damage to nerves and superficial blood vessels
4. Prevent contractures
5. Maintain muscles and reflexes
6. Facilitate an action both medical and nursing
7. Speed up the healing process
8. Providing comfort for patient (Hanna,2012)
C. Various Positions
1. Fowler
Fowler's position is a semi-sitting/sitting position, where the head of the bed is higher or
raised. This position is done to maintain comfort and facilitate the client's respiratory
a. Aim
1. Reduce complications due to immobilization
2. Increase comfort
3. Increases thrust on the diaphragm resulting in increased chest expansion and lung
4. Reduce the possibility of pressure on the body due to a sedentary position
a. Indication
5. In patients who have respiratory problems
6. In patients experiencing immobilization
c. Ways of working
7. Explain the procedure to be performed
8. Sit the patient at an angle of 900
9. Provide a backrest or cushion on the patient's bed or adjust the patient's bed
10. Instruct the patient to remain in a semi-sitting position
Semi Fowler

2. Semi Fowler
Semi fowler is a stance in a semi-sitting position with 15-600
a. Aim
1. Mobilization gives a feeling of relief to the client who is short of breath
2. Facilitate maintenance, for example giving food
b. Ways of working
3. Raise the head of the bed to a proper surface (45-950)
4. Use a pillow to support the client's arms and head if the client's upper body is
5. Place a pillow over the client's head according to the client's wishes, raise the
knee from a low bed to avoid pressure below the poplital distance (below the

a. Aim
1. Reduces pressure on the serum bone and the greater trochanter of the lumbar muscle
2. Improve Faktor
drainageagenfrom the patient's mouth and prevent aspiration
3. Inserting suppositories
4. PreventsAgen dalam Penyakit Paru Obtrusksi Kronis ini
adalah zat-zat dan polutan yang terdapat dalam
b. Indication
5. For patients who will be punished
6. For patients rokokwill bedan
givenpolusi udara.
drugs through the anus
c. Ways of working
7. Explain the procedure to be performed
8. The patient is lying down, then tilt to the left with the body face down and the left leg
straight at the knee. Bend right thigh directed to chest
9. Left hand above the head or behind the back and right hand on the bed
10. If the patient is tilted to the right with the body in a semi-prone position and the right leg is
straight, the knee and left thigh are bent, directed towards the chest.
11. Right hand above the head or behind the back and left hand on the bed
4. Trendelbeg
The patient's position is the patient lying in bed with the head lower than the legs
a. Indication
1. Patients with surgery on the abdominal area
2. Patients in shock
3. Hypertensive patients
b. Ways of working
4. Explain the procedure to be performed
5. The patient is lying down, then tilted to the left with the body in a half-faced
position and the left leg straight with the knee. The right thigh is bent towards
the chest.
6. The left hand is above the head or behind the back and the right hand is on the
7. If the patient is tilted to the right with the body in a semi-prone position and the
right leg is straight, the knee and left thigh are bent and directed to the chest.
8. Right hand above the head or behind the back and left hand on the bed
Dorsal Recumbent & Lithotomy

5. Dorsal Recumbent 6. Lithotomy

In this position the patient lies supine with both Lie on your back by lifting your legs up and pulling
knees flexed (pulled or stretched) on the bed them up to your stomach. This position is done to
a. Aim check the genitalia in labor patients and install
Improves patient comfort, especially with back contraception
strain a. Indication
b. Indication 1. For pregnant women
1. The patient will perform treatment and 2. For childbirth
genital examination 3. For Women who want to install contraception
2. For childbirth b. Ways of working
c. Ways of working 4. The patient is lying on his back, then lift both
3. Explain the procedure to be performed thighs and pull towards the stomach
4. The patient is lying on his back, place a 5. The lower leg forms an angle of 900 to the thigh
pillow between the head and the end of the 6. Put the knee/leg
patient's bed and provide a pillow under the 7. Put on the blanket
knee crease
5. Provide a nutmeg support beam at the foot
of the bed or arrange a special bed by
elevating the patient's feet
Supination & Pronation

7. Supination
The patient is supine with his back leaning so that 8. Pronation
the base of the body is the same with good The patient sleeps in the prone position. Lie
standing alignment down with your face facing the pillow.
a. Aim a. Aim
Increase patient comfort and facilitate healing, 1. Provides maximum extension at the
especially in surgical patients or under certain knee and waist joints
anesthetic processes 2. Prevent flexion and contractures at the
b. Ways of working waist and knees
1. The patient is supine horizontally in the b. Indication
middle of the bed, put a pillow under the 3. Patients undergoing oral and esophageal
patient's head and shoulders surgery
2. Place a small pillow under the back on the 4. Patients with examination in the
lumbar curve if there is a gap there buttocks and back area
3. Place a pillow under your feet from knee to
4. Support the client's feet using foot pads

9. Lateral
Tilted position in which the patient is leaning on the side Most of the body
weight is on the hips and shoulders
a. Aim
1. Defend
2. Body all gem
3. Reduce complications due to immobilization
4. Increase comfort
5. Reduces the possibility of persistent pressure on the body due to a
sedentary position
b. Indication
6. Patients who want to rest
7. Patients who want to sleep
8. Patients whose Fowler's or dorsal position is blocked in the old position
9. Patients who experience weakness and post-surgery
‫ٱل َْح ْم ُد لِ َٰلّـَِّه َر ِّّـ‬
‫ِبٱل َْعال َِم َ‬


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