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Tropical Design
-Located in Southeast Asia
-Bordered by Laos, Vietnam and Thailand
-Climate is similar to other Southeast Asian Countries
-Wet and Dry season
-Rainy season runs from May to October
-Dry season runs from November to April
Cambodian Sustainable Housing Competition

-For low income families

-Designs for 2000$ houses that can withstand
flooding and be safe and secure for residents
-Made use of sustainable and more environment
friendly materials native to area
-Are built to be traditional in character
Wet + Dry House
Wet + Dry House
Wet + Dry House
Courtyard House
Courtyard House
Open Embrace
Open Embrace
Sleuk Rith Institute in Phnom Penh
-Designed by Zaha Hadid
-Draws inspiration from ancient Angkorian
-Houses multiple facilities including a research center,
graduate school, museums and libraries
-As the towers rise, the structures will link and unite
various departments of the institution as a whole
-Each building houses a different facility
-Constructed from sustainably-sourced timber
Sleuk Rith Institute in Phnom Penh
Sleuk Rith Institute in Phnom Penh
Sleuk Rith Institute in Phnom Penh
Sra Pou Vocational School
-Designed by Architects Rudanko + Kankunnen from
Finland, and is located in Sra Pou Village
-Area lacks basic infrastructure and built environments
-Made with local materials with local workforce
-Red soil was used in the sundried blocks
-Aims to teach people to make the most of what is
readily available
-Walls are laid out with small holes so sunlight and
wind will enter
Sra Pou Vocational School
Sra Pou Vocational School
Sra Pou Vocational School
-Designed by Archium + Kim-in cheurl
-A Won Buddhism temple, rooted in Khmer culture
-Divides the indoors and outdoors loosely, and
utilizes local materials for the familiarity of locals
-Designed to be a place of gathering, and as such is
meant to provide shade in a tropic region
-Exterior appearance is meant to be treated as part of
the landscape

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