Y8 Theory Week14

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Problem solving tools: Advanced

Objective : To identify what is an

algorithm and a pseudocode.
 Algorithm
 Pseudocode
 instruction
What is an Algorithm?

▪ an algorithm is a sequence of finite

instructions, often used for calculation
and data processing.
 Algorithms can be expressed in many kinds of
notation, including:
 Natural language
 Pseudo Code
 Flowcharts
 Programming Language
 “Pseudo” means imitation or false and “code”
refers to the instructions written in a
programming language.
 Pseudocode is another programming analysis
tool that is used for planning a program.
 Pseudocode is also called Program Design
Language (PDL).
 Pseudocode is a compact and informal
high-level description of a computer
programming algorithm that uses the
structural conventions of some
programming language, but is intended
for human reading rather than machine
Difference Between Algorithm and
Algorithm Pseudocode

An algorithm is an unambiguous Pseudocode is an informal high-

specification of how to solve a level description of the operating
problem. principle of a computer program
or other algorithm.

An algorithm helps to simplify and Pseudocode is a method of

understand the problem. developing an algorithm.

An algorithm is an arrangement of A pseudo-code uses natural

steps to solve a problem. language or compact
mathematical notation to write
an algorithm is a step by step a pseudocode is a method of
procedure to solve a given writing an algorithm.
 Pseudocode is made up of the following logic
structures that have been proved to be
sufficient for writing any computer program:
 Sequence Logic
 Selection Logic
 Iteration Logic
Activity(Answer anyone)
Task 1 Task2 Task3
Explain an How are pseudocodes Is algorithm
algorithm with effectively used in easier than a
an example. manufacturing flowchart?
companies? Suggest with
proper reasons.

Extended Question
How do researchers make use of
Click the link to attend the Quiz:

Reference links

• https://pediaa.com/difference-between-algorith
• https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-betw

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