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GROUP: 8111

CHAPTER 1: Describe a person

CHAPTER 2: Describe an object

CHAPTER 3: Describe a place or a building

CHAPTER 4:Describe a festival or an event

When asked about the person I admire in the universe, I do not
require to look at celebrities or any other big influential names in
society. When it comes to me, the person I admire most in the world
is my mother. We all have people whom we consider to be highly
inspirational and influential to look upon, and in my case, my mother
is an excellent example of these characters.
My mother is a beautiful woman.She is quite tall, has brown eyes,
wears glasses and has black curly hair.She is a fun and joyfull person
who dresses colorful and sparkly like her personality.
She is a very patient person A good mother always listens and
understands her child with patience and smile on face.My mother is
my best friend, and I can tell her anything.
She enjoyes her weekends by watching a movie, cooking and
spending quality time with her family.
All in all, I don’t know what I would do without her.
Writing technologies have been shaping the way people live since the beginning of time.
In the Stone Age, our ancestors used tablets to organize important thoughts, keep track of daily
activities, and pass on their knowledge to future generations. Arguably, their method of writing
was inefficient as much effort was being put into carving and preserving the tablet, while the
end result contained little information relative to its size.
The use of laptop or notebook computers is widespread and many people use them
regularly as part of the work process. But primarily it is used widely for work purposes. It brings
a sense of style and status. The liberty to carry any where- unlike a desktop and more
importantly to carry your work anywhere! The ability to connect to your mobile or camera and
instantaneously exchange data is a boon. Just imagine the advantage of plugging into the
internet when you are out of your home or work plac.
There are three main categories of risk associated with laptop use…
a) The equipment is designed for portable use and as a result compromises have had to be
made. This leads to smaller keyboards and screens, differing pointer devices or mouse, as well
as lack of adjustability. As a result, laptops tend to be uncomfortable in prolonged use.
b) The work environment where laptops are used tends to be less “user friendly” than the office
environment. Areas are often constricted; such as on trains, in cars, at home etc, which does not
allow the user to work comfortably for any lengthy period of time.
c) The arrangement of the keyboard and screen usually leads to the user working with their
head and shoulders bent forward, adopting an awkward arm, wrist and hand position in order
to key information in or to read the screen.
Bran Castle, situated between the Bucegi and Piatra Craiului Mountains, 30 km far from
Brasov, is the only touristic point that attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists because of a
legend: Count Dracula’s Legend, Hotels in Branalthough the historical sources state that Vlad Tepes
(Vlad the Impaler) dropped by only once, in his way to Brasov.
Initially, the Bran Castle (in Slavic „brana” means „gate”) was a stronghold known as
Dietrichstein, built by the Teutonic Knights in 1212, stronghold that was conquered by the Saxons
living in Transylvania towards the end of the 13th century.
On 1st December 1920, the Bran Castle was donated to Queen Marie of Great Romania, as a
symbol of the inhabitants of Brasov’s gratitude for her contribution to the achievement of the
Great Union of 1918. Right after that, the Castle came into a seven year restoration period under
the guidance of the Royal Court architect, Carol Liman. He imagined the architectural ensemble as
a summer residence. During the same period of time the Tea House was also built. Bram Stoker’s
story brought a lot of fame and glory to Bran Castle. Today Transylvania is not so much known for
its stunning natural beauty and medieval towns, as it is for being the home of Dracula. But along
with Dracula’s fame came the inevitable vampire themed tourism. English speaking tourists began
flocking to Romania in search of, well, vampires. Although Poenari Fortress is the real Dracula
castle, it did not raise to fame because of its isolated location. So people continue to come to Bran
Castle, which became the preferred tourist destination mainly due to its proximity to Bucharest,
just a 2.5 hours drive.
Romania is a land of many more traditions than you’d normally expect from some lesser-known Eastern
European country, and Christmas is no exception. rom cheerful groups of children singing carols from door to
door to mouthwatering dishes and various odd habits, the homeland of Dracula is kind of a truly amazing
place to spend Christmas.
In Romania, Christmas has always been a great opportunity for family members to get together in order to
spend some time in the warm, loving, and cozy atmosphere of their home. A large part of Romania’s
population lives outside the country, and those who don’t are usually trying to make a better living by working
in large cities, away from their families.
However, during Christmas, most Romanian houses are filled with neighbors, friends, relatives, and goodwill –
a pleasant, comfortable jamboree where everyone giggles, dances, cooks, and tells stories. Carol singers
constantly knocking at the door and colorful decorations throughout add a cheerful festive touch to the scene.
This time of year really is a chance for any family member to recharge their batteries and to create
memories that will keep them warm throughout the year to come. n Romania Santa Claus is known as 'Moş
Crăciun' (Old Man Christmas). During the time the country was under communist control, the gift bringer was
'Moş Gerilă' (Old Man Frost) but Moş Crăciun is the main gift bringer now.
Traditional Romanian Christmas foods include Roast Gammon and Pork Chops (made from the killed pig!),
'Ciorba de perisoare' which is a slightly sour vegetable soup made with fermented bran and pork meatballs;
'Sarmale' cabbage leaves stuffed with ground pork and served with mămăligă/polenta; 'Cozonac' a rich fruit
bread; Romanian doughnuts called 'gogosi' and cheesecakes.

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