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Major Job Attitudes

Attitude:- An evaluative statements

or judgments concerning
objects, people, or events.
Components of Attitude
• There are three components of the attitude
1. Cognitive component– The opinion or belief
segment of an attitude.
2. Affective component– The emotional or
feeling segment of an attitude.
3. Behavioral component– an intention to
behave in a certain way toward someone or
Relationship of three components
• Cognitive = Evaluation
• My supervisor gave a promotion to a coworker who deserved
Attitude it less than me. My supervisor is unfair.

• Affective = Feeling
• I dislike my supervisor
That is

• Behavioral = Action
Negative • I am looking for other work; I have complained about my
supervisor to anyone who would listen
Does behavior always follow from
It assumed that attitudes and behavior are causally
related that people do what they like : examples--
a). People watch TV program which they like.
b). Employees avoid assignments they find
• Cognitive Dissonance- Any incompatibility
between two or more attitudes or between
behavior and attitudes. Job of Bank/ tobacco
company- whether make corrections or leave it
Moderating Variables
• – what importance an individual gives to a
specific attitude.
• --its correspondence of behavior.
• --its accessibility
• --social pressure
• --direct experience with attitude.
Major Job Attitudes
• Job satisfaction
• Job involvement
• Organizational commitment
• Perceived organizational Support
• Employee Engagement
Major Job Attitudes
• Organizational commitment-the degree to which an
employee identifies with a particular organization and
its goals and wishes to maintain membership in the
1. Affective commitment: An emotional attachment to
an organization and a belief in its values.
2. Continuance commitment: the perceived economic
value of remaining with an organization compared
with leaving it.
3. Normative commitment: An obligation to remain with
an organization for moral or ethical reasons.
Major Job Attitudes
• Job Involvement:
The degree to which a person identifies
with a job, actively participates in it, and
considers performance important to self-worth.
Major Job Attitudes
• Perceived Organizational Support:
the degree to which employees believe an
organization values their contribution and cares
about their well-being.
Major Job Attitudes
• Employee Engagement–
An individual’s involvement
with, satisfaction with, and enthusiasm for the
work he or she does.
Major Job Attitudes
• Job Satisfaction:
A positive feeling about one’s job resulting
from an evaluation of its characteristics or an
individual’s emotional response to
work or workplace.
Measurement of job Satisfaction:
Two measures:
• Global Rating– an individual’s response to the
question, that is, how satisfied he is with job
• Summation score of job facets.
Causes of job satisfaction
• Work Itself
• Pay
• Promotion
• Supervision
• Coworker
• Overall
Responses to Satisfaction and
There are four responses which are explanatory that
satisfied worker have not while dissatisfied workers
exhibit them. They are:
1. Exit- dissatisfaction expressed through behavior
directed toward leaving the organization.
2. Voice- dissatisfaction expressed through active and
constructive attempts to improve conditions.
3. Loyalty- dissatisfaction expressed by passively waiting
for conditions to improve.
4. Neglect- dissatisfaction expressed through allowing
conditions to worsen.
Outcomes of job satisfaction
1. J. S. and Performance +ve
2. J. S. and OCB +ve
3. J. S and customer satisfaction +ve
4. J. S. and Absenteeism -ve
5. J. S. and Turnover -ve
6. J. S. and Workplace Deviance –ve

OCB: Orgn Commitment Behaviour


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