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• A detailed briefing letter and report about

• Errors and suggestions

• Competitor Analysis
SEO Health Overview
Past three months

Your website got attacked by some malware and some Japanese or Thai malware.

• The best solution is

1. Check which files are infected using GSC.
2. Request google console team to recheck website.

• Please note that all these pages are still indexing, and it can be worrisome as it can
affect your ranking.
• It can also be the reason for the high bounce rate on your website.
URLs Crawled

Want to see all those malware links by yourself? Type “website:” on Google or simply visit the following link:

Expired SSL certificate on https

• Http to Https

Your site is currently having two versions. One with http and one with
https. With https, the SSL is loading but with http, it is not redirecting
to the secured version
Technical Issues
• 1 page couldn't be crawled error
This issue indicates that the crawler couldn't access the webpage.

• 8 hreflang conflicts within page source code

Currently there have been 8 hreflang issues due to having multiple language support that has been
done incorrectly.

• 62 issues with mixed content

Muscatbay contains any elements that are not secured with HTTPS, which may lead to security issues.
Moreover, browsers will warn users about loading unsecure content, and this may negatively affect user
experience and reduce their confidence.

• 611 issues with uncached JavaScript and CSS files

JavaScript and CSS files are hosted on your website. Therefore, enabling browser caching will fix these issues which is
not enabled yet.
• 49 links on HTTPS pages leads to HTTP page

These 49 links that has been redirecting the secured version to non secured should be fixed immediately.

• Sitemap.xml not indicated in robots.txt

Specifying the location of the sitemap.xml in the robots.txt will help search engines crawl better and fast.

• 32 pages don't have doctype declared

Specifying a doctype for each of your pages by adding a <!Doctype> element (e.g., "<!Doctype HTML5>") to the very
top of every webpage source, right before the <html> tag will help the page load properly.

• 233 issues with blocked internal resources in robots.txt

Updating the robots.txt file will solve all these issues.

Poorly Mobile Optimized

• We tested the website on the official Google page speed tool.

• The score is 27 which is really bad.
• The mobile theme isn’t optimized.
• It should be fixed on top priority because majority users are from mobile now a days.
Speed Optimization

• Currently, the site has poor optimization in terms of speed.

• With the latest Google update that focuses more on Speed and UX, Speed has now become a
ranking factor.
• Therefore, Speed should be optimized asap to avoid getting de ranked on Google.
Sitemap.xml Optimization

• You haven’t setup YOAST SEO plugin properly. The sitemap is allowing many things to index such as slide, boxes, offers, news,
gallery, category etc.

• To maintain a crawl budget for search engines, it is recommended to allow index only for posts, pages and categories (sometime).

• This would help search engine bots to index your website quickly and you’ll get better rankings
• 12 pages have duplicate meta descriptions
There are about 12 pages that have the duplicate meta descriptions which is really a bad practice in terms of SEO.

• 33 pages don't have meta descriptions

For 33 pages, there isn’t any meta description specified. In order to gain a higher click-through rate, you should ensure
that all of your webpages have meta descriptions that contain relevant keywords.

• 27 pages have a low word count

27 pages are having word count less than 200 which is not a good thing except few pages such as contact us etc.

• 43 pages have low text-HTML ratio

Your text to HTML ratio indicates the amount of actual text you have on your webpage compared to the amount of code.
This issue is triggered when your text to HTML is 10% or less.

• 48 pages don't have an h1 heading

48 pages of your website isn’t having h1 headings. They should be fixed asap.
• 1 page has too much text within the title tag
There is one page that is having long title which is a bad practice and destroys user experience. Page titles should
70 characters or less.
Site Audit
Optimizing Google My Business

We see you already created Google my business profile but its not optimized properly.
However, for Bing, there isn’t any knowledge graph present. So, its good to have a business profile on Bing as well.
It will also have a tremendous impact on search engine optimization and your WordPress traffic, thus, increasing
your website traffic and generating revenue-generating leads for your business.
Link Building
• Currently, Muscat bay is having poor backlink profile. Having just 18 UR and 10 DR won’t make you rank on Google until there is no
competition in your niche.

• There should be done quality link building for your website by buying quality guest posts from high quality sites to maintain a good
trust flow in the eyes of Google.
Muscatbay is having poor link building having only 27 referring domains in which
90% are useless websites. The UR and DR are 18 & 9 respectively which is
extremely low.
Automatic chat response/ lead generation forms based on AI for
By creating a bot that takes critical information from your customers, including their queries, names, numbers,
location, destination, and budget in which they are looking for a property.
Importance of newsletter portion

A website must have a newsletter portion.

It helps the customers find the recent news about your brand and its
accomplishments, the latest information about products and services,
information on packages and discounts.

It generally includes a lot of content.

Following are considered essential:

1. A newsletter subscription form must be added – it helps generate

leads as it collects customer's information

2. It helps in retargeting previously-targeted customers, SEO

backlinking, and keeping the brand fresh.

Therefore, Muscatbay should have a newsletter as well to grab users

for email marketing and to help them stay updated with offers, posts of
your website.
Checklist of things to be done on
Following is the checklist of some vital things that
you must consider
 SEO on higher level
 Web security
 Design improvement
 Chat Bot
 Data policy
 Backlinks
 Virus scanning
 UX improvement
 Live Chat
 Social Profile
 Extra script Removing
 Fonts Correction
 FAQ page
 Encyclopedia
 SSL Certificate
 XML sitemap
 SQL Database test
 HTML sitemap
 SSL certificate
We are one of the leading business outsourcing firms that ensure proficient business services are provided to our
clients. Thus, ensuring an ever-present business-customer relationship backed up with sustainable and constantly
growing and evolving brand.

Thank you

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