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Social Media Posts

Pink = Phi Mu
Purple = WCU
Why your social media is so important?
- You are always representing Phi Mu to the public at all times
- It is your duty to protect Phi Mu’s name, image, and reputation
- National Council and the National Headquarters reserves the right to monitor
and review chapter and association websites to ensure image consistency
and adheres to Phi Mu standards
Phi Mu’s Expectations
- You are encouraged to communicate on social media at your discretion
- You are NEVER to have anything from ritual on ANY social media platform
- You may NOT harass others via social media; use prejudiced/discriminatory
speech; or language that labels another individual or group
Phi Mu Fraternity Internet, Website and Social Media Guidelines

Each member and chapter is required to abide by Panhellenic rules, university

policies and any and all applicable federal , state, and local laws, especially those
governing computer and telecommunication use, privacy and publicity rights and
- Not monitoring our personal accounts
- Everything said has been said about social media posts is to prevent us from
getting reported to Student Community Ethics (SCE)
- Anyone can report/store picture and posts from our personal accounts and
send to Student Community Ethics (SCE)
- You can post whatever you want BUT you are choosing the consequences of
that should someone decide to report you
What NOT to post
- Do NOT post a picture or story with anyone you do not live with without
wearing a mask. There are no exceptions for romantic partners, family you do
not reside with, people you see every day, etc
- Do NOT post pictures that prove that more people are present in the space
than the capacity of that space allows
- Do NOT post pictures or stories that make people insinuate or that prove that
you are not following North Carolina and WCU guidelines
- Do NOT photoshop masks on someones face
Just Greek Life?
- 0% to do with you being in a sorority and 100% to do with you being a student
in the state of North Carolina
- Whether in greek life or not, the guidelines are the same for ALL WCU
- GSED and chapter exec are reiterating it so much because the entire
organization can be held accountable for the actions of individual members
- There are NO North Carolina state guidelines that state that vaccinations are
an exception
- CDC released information about vaccinations, BUT they are NOT a governing
body … they can ONLY make recommendations
- Until the state of North Carolina says that vaccinations are acceptable, they
are NOT an excuse
Violating our Freedom?
- No because when you registered to be a student at WCU, you promised to
follow the Code of Student Conduct at all times while you are a student
- In that Code it states: you must follow all Local, State, and Federal guidelines,
laws, and mandates
- By posting pictures not following the Code of Student Conduct, you are
“incriminating” yourself by showing that you are not following the NC state
guidelines and mandates regarding COVID
- Sooooo … Student Community Ethics has the authority to hold you
accountable as a student of WCU who isn’t following the guidelines through the
Code of Student Conduct
- They are able to hold the ENTIRE organization responsible for the actions of
individuals because that is also states in the Code of Student Conduct
Out of State
- You CAN post pictures with family or friends if you are in a state where there
is no mask regulations
- If you do post pictures with friends and family in another state, have proof that
you are in another state so you can defend yourself
- You may still get reported, but if you can prove you were following state
guidelines in whatever state you were in then you will be fine
In-State with Family
- Students don’t technically live with their family for the majority of the year if
they live at WCU
- If you are a WCU student, no matter where you live, you are still expected to
follow the Code of Student Conduct and can be held responsible
- You can still be held responsible for actions/posts during winter/summer
breaks, just like you are during the academic year
- Example Shelby provided: This is like when you get in trouble in a different
country, WCU can still hold you accountable because you are still a WCU
Our Expectations

- It is OKAY to post with your significant other without a mask

- It is OKAY to post with your family without a mask
- It is OKAY to post with one other person without a mask

Note: these can still be sent in by others to the code of conduct so be prepared to
defend yourself
What will be asked to be taken down
- Pictures with groups
- Pictures where it looks like you are under the influence
- Pictures with more than one person where it looks like you are going out
- Any post that gives phi mu a negative image
Being Sent to Honors
- Any post that reflects a negative image of phi mu
- Not taking a post down within 1 hour after DHRP or president asks you to
take it down
- Any post that we are notified of that has been sent to the code of conduct


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