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Dielectric Properties

of Food
Microwave or radiofrequency heating ability of a
'' ""
rr rr
 Maxwell’s equations govern the propagation of electromagnetic
waves in materials, and are written in time harmonic form by

∇ × E = − jωµH
 µ in the above equations is called the permeability of the material

 measured in Henrys per meter or H/m

 it characterizes the ability of the food to interact with the magnetic

field of the microwaves.

 permeability of the food materials is generally assumed to be

that of free space, given by µ = µ0 = 4π × 10–7 H/m
(Dielectric Constant)
 Maxwell’s equations govern the propagation of electromagnetic
waves in materials, and are written in time harmonic form by
∇ × H = jωεE
 The ε in the above equations is called the permittivity of the
 measured in farads per meter or F/m; it characterizes the
interaction between the electric field of the microwaves and the
 ε* = ε/ε0, is used where ε0 = 8.8542 × 10–12 F/m is the permittivity
of the free space. 
   r   r  j r
' "

Dielectric constant, ε’
Ability of a material to store microwave energy
Dielectric loss factor, ε’’
Ability of a material to dissipate microwave energy .
Parameter that measures microwave absorptivity
Dielectric constant and loss factor – important role in
determining interaction of microwaves with food

      r   r'  j r"
Permittivity And
(Dielectric Constant)

 
    r   r'  j r"    r'  j r"
0 0
interaction of a material in the presence of an interaction of a material in the presence
external electric field. of an external magnetic field.
Electromagnetic Field Interaction

Electric Magnetic
Fields Fields

Permittivity MUT Permeability

' " ' "

r  r  j r r  r  j r
Absorption of microwave energy in food
involves primarily 2 mechanisms:
1. ionic interaction
2. dipolar rotation
Dipolar Rotation
 Water in the food is often the primary component responsible for
the dielectric heating.

 Because of their dipolar nature, water molecules try to follow the

electric fields as they alternate at very high frequencies.

 Such rotations of the water molecules produce heat.

 Further collisions leads to thermal agitation.

Ionic Interaction
 Ions, such as those present in a salty food, migrate under the
influence of the electric field, generating heat. This is the
second major mechanism of heating in microwaves and RF

Thermal Agitation
of Molecules
Dielectric Constant

Dielectric properties of water

and high-moisture-containing
foods such as fruits,
vegetables, and meat are high
because of dipolar rotation

Dielectric Loss Factor

Loss Tangent
 ''

tan  ' '

tan rr

rr  '

11 Energy
Energy Lost
Lost per
per Cycle
tan   D 
tan   D   
Q Energy
Stored per

D Dissipation Factor QQ Quality Factor
Penetration depth
Factors effecting
dielectric properties
 Composition

 Density

 Temperature

 Frequency

 Storage time
Measurement Techniques

Parallel Plate Coaxial


Line including Resonant
Free Space Cavity
Coaxial Probe
Free-space Transmission
Resonators And
Transmission Line
Microwave Heating
Microwave heating is common in many food processes
Determination of dielectric properties becomes significant
to understand the heating profiles of foods in a microwave
oven and to develop equipment and microwaveable foods.
Typical frequency in home microwave oven is 2450 MHz
or 915 MHz for industrial use.
Interference with radar or other communication devices
Microwaves Possess 3
Basic Characteristics:
Just as sunlight shines through a window, microwaves
pass right through some materials. Materials such as glass,
paper, and plastic are transparent to and generally unaffected
by microwaves.
Microwaves are reflected by metal surfaces, much as a
ball would bounce off a wall. The metal walls of the cooking
space in microwave ovens actually form a cavity resonator.
Turkey below. The waves of microwave energy are cycling above and
below a horizontal baseline.
The half cycle below the baseline possesses negative properties, and
the half cycle above the line is correspondingly positive.
Basically, the effect of this wave, as it alternates between positive and
negative, would be like a magnet flipping back and forth.
MW : Non-ionizing
 In microwave ovens, similar to microwaves used in radar
equipment, and telephone, television and radio communication, are in
the non-ionizing range of electromagnetic radiation.
 Non-ionizing radiation is very different from Ionizing radiation
. Because of the lower frequencies and reduced energy, it does not
have the same damaging and cumulative properties as ionizing
Microwave radiation (at 2450 MHz) is non-ionizing, and in
sufficient intensity will simply cause the molecules in matter to
vibrate, thereby causing friction, which produces the heat that cooks
the food.
Dielectric properties can also be used for evaluation of frying oil
Dielectric properties can be used for monitoring physiological
processes. One area of application is assessment of fish and meat
Various studies showed that it was possible to model the relationship of
dielectric constant with moisture content, frequency, and bulk density so
that moisture of agricultural products could be determined indirectly by
measuring dielectric properties (Nelson, 1987).
Dielectric properties have been related to water activity and thus
proposed as a measure for the same (Henry et al., 2003a; Clerjon et al.,
2003). Prediction of dielectric properties for bound water and free water
has been provided (Henry et al., 2003b).

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