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Prepared By
Post and core

Post Core

Metalic Based on
Non-Metalic Based on function
method of

Custom Prefabricated Ceramic post


Carbon fiber Glass fiber

Indication for post and core
Metal Post

Custom cast Post Prefabricated Metal Post

Custom cast Post {Indirect}
Custom fabricated cast posts have
been used for decades
as a foundation to support the final
restoration in endodontically
.treated teeth
The cast post and core system
utilizes a customized post
to fit the canal, and the post and
core are cast together as a single
Custom cast Post
Classification of Custom cast Post:
I. According to type of alloy.
1. Gold alloy
2. Chrome-Cobalt alloy
3. Nickel-Chromium alloy
II. According to number of Post.
1. Single Post
2. Multiple Post
Advantages OF Custom cast Post

.Fit to root configuration avoid shape -

.Excessive flare shape -
Irregular shape canal -
Best junction between post and core resistance to tarnish -
and corrosion
Disadvantages OF Custom cast Post
Require tow appointments-
.Additional clinical and laboratory times -
Questionable cost effectiveness for the dentist as -
well as the patient.
- Higher incidence of root fractures during insertion
. and function
Possibility of casting defects and failure -
.- fitting the prosthesis within the root canal is difficult
Prefabricated Metal Post {Direct}
The use of prefabricated posts and
plastic filling materials t0fabricate
post and core system Prefabricated
metal posts can be made of
platinum , gold , palladium, stainless
steel, brass, pure titanium, titanium
based alloys , chromium-based alloys.
Pure titanium has {High
biocompatibility, corrosion resistance Remove any weak, thin,
and low thermal and unsupported tooth
Advantages OF Prefabricated Post
increased retention with minimal stress production -1
decreased cost and weight and superior mechanical properties -2
include less time consumption-3
wide range of material availability -5
6- avoidance of casting imperfections
lower incidence of rootFractures -7
Less expensive. -8
9. Radiopaque
.Available in stainless steel and titanium-10
.Variety of size and shape-11
criteria selection of prefabricated posts
strength -1
retention -4
stress distribution -5
safety -7
8- conservation of tooth structure
titanium posts is that they are not readily detected on -1
. radiographic examination
.removal of additional tooth structure -2
limited use in clinical situations having adequate -3
. remaining coronal tooth structure
corrosion -4
post design -5
Non-metal Posts


Carbon fiber Glass fiber Zirconia post

post post
Carbon fiber post
Carbon fiber is very strong and almost
unbreakable. Its elasticity is similar to
dentin, enabling the carbon posts to move
and work with the natural dentin. Carbon
posts dissipate the occlusal stress
Carbon fiber posts are black and opaque
with a stiffness similar to dentin. They have
a higher strength than other fiber posts
and are easier to remove
Usually used for the posterior teeth not
.the anterior due less esthetic
Glass fiber post
Glass fiber posts are white, either translucent
or opaque, and have a stiffness similar to
dentin. The translucent posts allow light transmission
They have a lower elastic modulus than carbon fiber These
-:posts can be made of different types of glasses
electrical glass -1
High strength glass -2
Advantages of Glass fiber post
high temperature resistance -1
non flammable -2
heat-insulation -4
.high tensile strength -5
.good esthetic -6
less rigid-7
.reducing the risk of root fracture -8
Disadvantages of Glass fiber post
-weak abrasive-resistance 2
Zirconia posts
Nearly impossible to remove
Removal of zirconia post by ultrasonic causes
temperature rise of the post and on the root surface
zirconia posts showed the highest radio density level,
followed by metallic posts, carbon fiber posts, glass fiber
.posts, and carbon fiber post covered with quartz fiber
The bond strengths of luting agents to zirconia posts
were measured without bonding to any tooth structure,
and it was shown that a dual-cured resin
cement,Panavia (Kuraray, Osaka), produced better
results than other cement types
Advantages of Zirconia posts
good esthetic-1
excellent radiopacity -2
biocompatible -3
Disadvantages of Zirconia posts
must trim with diamond disk -1
rigid -2
.difficult to remove if break flush with gingival crest -3
.high cost -4
Post Surface
Summary of post martials
Luting Agents
Types of Luting Agents
The core

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