Functions of The Urinary System - Anatomy of The Kidney - Urine Formation

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Chapter 8

The Urinary System

• Functions of the urinary system
• Anatomy of the kidney
• Urine formation
– glomerular filtration
– tubular reabsorption
– tubular secretion
• Urine and renal function tests
• Urine storage and elimination
Urinary System

• Two _______

• Two ureters

• ______
Kidney Location
Kidney Functions
• _________ blood plasma, eliminates waste, returns
useful substances to blood
• Regulates blood volume and ___________
• Regulates ________________ of body fluids
• Secretes renin (activates _____________ II 
aldosterone pathway)
– controls BP, electrolyte ______________
• Secretes ________________
• Regulates acid _______ balance
• __________________ free radicals and drugs
• Gluconeogenesis
Nitrogenous Wastes
• Urea
– proteinsamino acids NH2 removed  forms
___________, liver converts to urea
• Uric acid
– nucleic acid _____________
• ____________
– creatine phosphate catabolism
• Renal failure
– __________:  BUN, nitrogenous wastes in blood
– uremia: toxic effects as wastes accumulate
• Separation of wastes from body fluids and
eliminating them
– _______________ system: CO2
– _________________ system: water, salts, lactic
acid, urea
– _______________ system: water, salts, CO2, lipids,
bile pigments, cholesterol
– ______________ system: many metabolic wastes,
toxins, drugs, hormones, salts, H+ and water
Anatomy of Kidney
• Position, weight and size
– _________________, level of T12 to L3
– about _____ g each
– about size of a bar of soap (12x6x3 cm)
• Shape
– lateral surface - ___________; medial - _________
• CT coverings
– ________________: binds to abdominal wall
– adipose capsule: cushions __________
– renal capsule: encloses kidney like _____________
Anatomy of Kidney

• Renal ________: outer 1 cm

• _________ medulla: renal columns, pyramids - papilla
• Lobe of kidney: ________ and it’s overlying cortex
Lobe of Kidney
Renal (Uriniferous) Tubule
• Proximal _____________ tubule
– longest, most coiled, simple
cuboidal with brush border
• Nephron loop - U shaped; descending
+ ascending limbs
– ________ segment (simple
cuboidal) initial part of
descending limb and part or all of
ascending limb, active transport of
– thin segment (simple
___________) very water
• Distal convoluted tubule (DCT)
– cuboidal, minimal ___________
Renal ( ____________ ) Tubule 2
• Collecting ______
– several DCT’s join

• Flow of glomerular filtrate:

– glomerular capsule  PCT 
nephron loop  DCT  collecting
duct  papillary duct  minor calyx
 major calyx  renal _______ 
ureter  urinary bladder  ________
• True proportions of nephron loops
to convoluted tubules shown
• Cortical nephrons (____%)
– short nephron loops
– efferent arterioles branch off
peritubular ____________
• ______________ nephrons (15%)
– very long nephron loops, maintain
salt ________, helps conserve water
Nephron Diagram

• Peritubular
shown only on
Path of Blood Through Kidney
• Renal artery
 interlobar arteries (up renal columns, between lobes)
 arcuate __________ (over pyramids)
 interlobular arteries (up into cortex)
 afferent arterioles
 ______________ (cluster of capillaries)
 efferent arterioles (near medulla  vasa recta)
 peritubular capillaries
 interlobular veins  arcuate veins  interlobar veins
• Renal vein
Blood Supply Diagram
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
• Filtrate formed per minute

• GFR = NFP x Kf ____ ml/min or 180 L/day, male

• GFR = NFP x Kf ____ ml/min or 150 L/day, female
– filtration coefficient (Kf) depends on permeability
and surface area of filtration barrier

• 99% of filtrate ____________, 1 to ___ L urine

Effects of GFR Abnormalities
 GFR, urine output _______  dehydration,
electrolyte depletion
  GFR  wastes reabsorbed (azotemia possible)
• GFR controlled by adjusting glomerular blood
– autoregulation
– ______________ control
– hormonal mechanism: _______ and _____________
Renal Autoregulation of GFR
 BP  constrict
__________ arteriole,
dilate efferent
•  BP  dilate afferent
arteriole, constrict efferent
• Stable for BP range of ___
to 170 mmHg (_______)
• _________ compensate for
extreme BP
Renal Autoregulation of GFR
• Myogenic _____________
  BP  stretches afferent arteriole  afferent
arteriole constricts  restores _____
• ______________________ feedback
– Macula densa on DCT monitors tubular fluid and
signals ____________________ cells (smooth
muscle, surrounds afferent arteriole) to constrict
afferent arteriole to  GFR
Negative Feedback Control of GFR
Hormonal Control of GFR

-efferent arterioles
Tubular Reabsorption and Secretion
Proximal Convoluted Tubules (PCT)
• Reabsorbs 65% of GF to peritubular capillaries
• Great length, prominent ____________ and abundant
mitochondria for active ___________
• Reabsorbs greater variety of chemicals than other parts
of nephron
– ____________ route - through epithelial cells of PCT
– ___________ route - between epithelial cells of PCT
• Transport maximum: when transport ___________ of
cell membrane are saturated; blood glucose > 220
mg/dL some remains in __________ (glycosuria);
glucose Tm = 320 mg/min
Tubular Secretion of PCT
and Nephron Loop
• ________ removal
– urea, uric acid, bile salts, ammonia, catecholamines,
many drugs
• Acid-base ___________
– secretion of hydrogen and bicarbonate ions regulates
____ of body fluids
• Primary function of nephron loop
– ________ conservation
– generates salinity gradient, allows CD to conc. urine
– also involved in electrolyte _______________
DCT and Collecting Duct
• Principal cells – receptors for ____________
• ___________ cells – involved in acid/base balance
• Function
  ___  renin release  angiotensin II formation
– angiotensin ___ stimulates adrenal cortex
– adrenal cortex secretes ________________
• promotes _____ reabsorption  promotes
water reabsorption   ________________
maintains BP
DCT and Collecting Duct 2
• Effect of ADH
– ______________ stimulates hypothalamus
– hypothalamus stimulates ___________ pituitary
– posterior pituitary releases ____
– ____  water reabsorption
  urine _____________
DCT and Collecting Duct 2
• Opposing effect of atrial natriuretic peptide
  BP stimulates right atrium to secrete ANP
• promotes Na+ and water excretion, 
urine volume,  blood volume
• inhibits renin/angiotensin/aldosterone
– BP ______
DCT and Collecting Duct 2
• Effect of PTH
– ___ blood Ca2+
– ___ calcium _____________
  phosphate reabsorption,  new ______
– stimulates kidney production of __________
Collecting Duct Concentrates Urine

• Osmolarity 4x as concentrated
deep in medulla
• Medullary portion of CD is more
permeable to water than to NaCl
Control of Water Loss
• Producing ____________ urine
– NaCl reabsorbed by cortical CD
– water ___________ in urine
• Producing _____________ urine
– dehydration   ADH   __________ channels,
 CD’s water permeability
– more ________ is reabsorbed
– urine is more _______________
Countercurrent Multiplier
of Nephron Loop Diagram
Maintenance of Osmolarity
in Renal Medulla
Summary of Tubular
Reabsorption and Secretion
Composition and Properties of Urine
• Appearance
– Almost ___________ to deep amber; yellow color
due to _____________, from breakdown of
_______________ (RBC’s)
• Odor - as it stands _________ degrade urea to ammonia
• Specific gravity
– density of urine ranges from __________________
• Osmolarity - (blood - 300 mOsm/L) ranges from
50 mOsm/L to 1,200 mOsm/L in ____________ person
• pH - range: _____ - 8.2, usually 6.0
• Chemical composition: 95% _______, 5% solutes
– urea, NaCl, KCl, creatinine, uric acid
Urine Volume
• Normal volume - 1 to ___ L/day
• _______uria > 2L/day
• Oliguria < ____ mL/day
• _____ria - 0 to 100 mL/day
• ___________ polyuria of metabolic origin
• With hyperglycemia and _____________
– diabetes mellitus I and II, insulin
– _______________ diabetes, 1 to 3% of pregnancies
• With glycosuria but ____ hyperglycemia
– renal diabetes, hereditary deficiency of
____________ transporters
• With no hyperglycemia or glycosuria
– diabetes ______________, ADH hyposecretion
• Effects
– ____ urine output
– ____ blood volume
• Uses
– hypertension and congestive _________failure
• Mechanisms of action
  ____
  tubular reabsorption
Renal Function Tests
• Renal clearance: volume of _________cleared of a
waste in 1 minute
• Determine renal clearance (C) by assessing blood and
urine samples: C = UV/P
– U (waste concentration in urine)
– V (rate of urine output)
– P (waste concentration in plasma)
• Determine GFR: inulin is neither reabsorbed or secreted
so its GFR = renal clearance GFR = UV/P
• Clinical GFR estimated from ___________ excretion
Urine Storage and Elimination
• Ureters
– from renal pelvis passes dorsal to bladder and enters
it from below, about ___ cm long
– 3 layers
• _____________ - CT
• muscularis - 2 layers of smooth muscle
– urine enters, it stretches and contracts in
peristaltic wave
• ____________ - transitional epithelium
– lumen very __________, easily obstructed
Urinary Bladder
• Located in pelvic cavity, ___________ to pubic
• 3 layers:
– parietal peritoneum, superiorly; fibrous adventitia
– muscularis: __________ muscle, 3 layers of smooth
– mucosa: _______________ epithelium
• _________: openings of ureters and urethra, triangular
• Rugae: _________ bladder wrinkled, highly distensible
• Capacity: moderately full - ____ ml, max. - ____ ml

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